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Have people tried to make money on your lifestyle?

PostPosted: November 2nd, 2005, 10:41 pm
by Ceot
Have people tried to make money on your lifestyle?

I,m A Satanist, And yet i,m not offically !
Not until I register and pay monthly dues.

Also people have really been trying
to crunch down on hypnosis as a buisness.

100 dollars or more just to become
an offically legit hypno therapist.

Thank you for people like E,M,G.

PostPosted: November 2nd, 2005, 11:15 pm
by Mallic
Do you honestly think that you need to pay money to think of yourself as a satanist? Whether your an offcial one matters not! I think of myself as a professional gamer, yet I do not belong to any organization that gives me a stamp on the back of my hand saying I know what a keyboard.


PostPosted: November 2nd, 2005, 11:59 pm
by Ceot
Agreed, But to them its not just a religion.

Sure i,m still a Satinist no matter what.
I,n fact I love the fact they wont recognize me if I dont Obey.

Something about that makes me feel all warm and toasty inside.

PostPosted: November 3rd, 2005, 9:30 pm
by gurlbidesign
I am reminded of that old joke about the woman bringing home $20.05. When her husband asked who paid the 5 cents, she said they all did. I think I would have to pay people to watch me practice my lifestyle.

PostPosted: November 4th, 2005, 8:51 am
by goldragon_70
I think of it like the native Holey man Tradition of gift Giving. You give a gift, if you’re able too, to the holey man for services. I don't go to church though, so I don't care. :p

Re: Agreed

PostPosted: November 5th, 2005, 1:37 am
by loadedkaos
Ceot wrote:Agreed, But to them its not just a religion.

Sure i,m still a Satinist no matter what.
I,n fact I love the fact they wont recognize me if I dont Obey.

Something about that makes me feel all warm and toasty inside.

No where in any Satanic literature does any of them say you need to fork over cash in order to become a Satanist. You just need to fork over cash to become a member of the Church of Satan. Now if you are talking about Setianism I'm not sure. I think you just need money to become a member of the temple and to get your hands on the official text. Of course there are other groups of Satanist but these seem to be the top two popular ones. They probably don't recognize you as a member of the Church, and to some members being part of the church may mean to them that one is commited to such a lifestyle. Thus they may just be questioning your commitment. However if were talking about someone who is also employed by the church then they may just be trying to make cash off of you.

PostPosted: November 17th, 2005, 4:34 pm
by drowsydawg
Well, I think that WMM is a perfect example of this phenomenon. I go away for four months, come back, and even the basic induction files are pay-only now.

I can't attribute it to greed, though, as much as supply and demand. Most of the hypnosis sites out there are just would-be pro dominatrixes looking to tell gullible straight guys that they're getting sleepy and their wallets are getting lighter and lighter.

It's expensive nurturing almost any "lifestyle". I go out 4 or 5 times a month to be a part of the local BDSM scene, and each time I spend 20-40 bucks on dinner, drinks, etc. When I visited my hypnotist on a regular basis I would always try to bring him something of value, and that added up too. I shudder to think of how much I'd be spending if I were a straight guy trying to cultivate a relationship with a dominant female hypnotist.

"And as you relax further, you'll notice how your hand is drifting, drifting to your back pocket.... and how it takes no effort at all for your wallet to slip right out.... notice how the credit card with the highest limit seems to have attached itself to your fingers... and feel now how easy it is, so very easy, to sign your name here..... yes, that's right, and here.... and over here...."

PostPosted: December 4th, 2005, 10:41 pm
by drowsydawg
I'm sorry, the "Premium" button next to every induction file except those provided by third parties confused me. Why is that there on the free files, anyway? It points to the same URL for every file.

I think I'll solve myself the premium problem

PostPosted: February 5th, 2006, 1:02 pm
by karnautrahl

After finding out how quickly I can type someone into a trance, I think over the next month or so, I'll "buy" myself some new files with some of my own.

Anyone have any particular things they'd like to see added topic wise, that isn't already catered for?

I'm new at it, but studying hard as I need the NLP and hypnotic skills in my real life as some folks from the IRC channel can testify to.