Train Baby Bladder

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Train Baby Bladder

Postby diapoerboy_73 » December 5th, 2005, 5:07 am

Has anyone tried this? What were your results?
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Postby mp » April 18th, 2006, 1:18 pm

DiaperedCherub wrote:I've tried it,,, well AM trying it lol. I sorta of taylored it so that it fits what I want a little bit better. I've been listening to it off and on for about 2 weeks and tonight when I got home from I put a diaper on and with in about 5 minutes I fetl like I had to wet. I didn't end up wetting, but the feeling came upon me just as the file suggested it would. I'll keep listening to it and see how well it will work. :D

Thats how it starts, i also used these file, and whenever i in diapers, i have no control, and wet myself untill i remove the diaper. Just listening more and more for any results will archieve
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Postby third » April 20th, 2006, 6:17 am

I to listen to this file, and at the moment I am very wet and very happy in my Abena Super. Just bought a case of them so I see this going on for a while :)
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Postby third » April 22nd, 2006, 6:52 am

I have listened to it several times a day for the last few months. I also listen to train bladder incontinant. It sounds like the file is working for you as that is the effect the file is supposed to have. I've tried to resist and go without a diaper a few times, but ending up with wet pants at work wasnt any fun, so I am now in diapers 24/7 even while at work. I do wear a very absorbant disposable though so I only usually have to change once a day at work. Hope this helps you.
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Postby mp » April 22nd, 2006, 6:55 am

DiaperedCherub wrote:How long has it taken you (or anyone willing to give a response) to acheive this result? how many times a day did you have to listen to it? Another thing I am wondering is: I used to just stop wearing diapers whenever I would get tired of them. Recently I have found myself compelled to put on a diaper and wear it as long as I can (without risking myself to others finding out) When I decided I was done with diapers for a while I was surprised with the feeling to keep on wearing them (frequently) even tho lately I've been wanting to want to stop, but the desire comes back to put another one. Would this be chalked up as a side effect or direct effect of the files? :?: If this IS how the files effect you, then much to my amazement and skeptisizm I might have beome hypnotized? :?: 8O :)

I think this is the result of lisening to these files. I know i have the same results as you. a wear them almost the whole time, but not when i am at work, at that time i generally think to one thing and that is diapers.

I become also wet without knowing it

I use several files, and try as much as possible to listen.
Posts: 22
Joined: May 5th, 2005, 12:00 am

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