Question about traindiapers (1) file

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Question about traindiapers (1) file

Postby raz2006 » January 9th, 2007, 5:57 pm

After wearing diapers casually for a while I wanted to take it a bit (just a bit) further. Since I don't want to do anything drastic traindiapers seemed the best.

Could anyone who has used it give me some feedback?
It is supposed to only make you wet yourself when in a diaper and in a safe place.

Is this true? As I only rarely wear them I would rather not have an accident in the 9/10 times I am not wearing anything

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Joined: January 9th, 2007, 1:00 am

Re: Question about traindiapers (1) file

Postby FDP » January 9th, 2007, 10:36 pm

raz2006 wrote:Hi,
After wearing diapers casually for a while I wanted to take it a bit (just a bit) further. Since I don't want to do anything drastic traindiapers seemed the best.

Could anyone who has used it give me some feedback?
It is supposed to only make you wet yourself when in a diaper and in a safe place.

Is this true? As I only rarely wear them I would rather not have an accident in the 9/10 times I am not wearing anything


It doesn't work that well on me, but sometimes when I'm just sitting around diapered at my computer or something, I'll feel my bladder get semi-full for a moment, then just it flows into my diaper. It's a great feeling when it does happen though.

I've also tried listening to Instant Wetting, but I can't do that one too often because I try to be wearing a diaper while I'm listening to it, so that if it ever does work one day, I can catch the flow.

I was going to listen to Train Diapers 2, but when I read the script beforehand and it was going to make you wet yourself when you washed your hands... I said nope. Just Train Diapers 1 and the occasional Instant Wetting for me, really.
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