Saranoga Diaper Dependence 4

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Saranoga Diaper Dependence 4

Postby siim » August 27th, 2007, 2:27 pm

Last edited by siim on January 2nd, 2011, 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: April 6th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby ABoy » August 28th, 2007, 1:02 am

If you read the topic on cursediaperhumiliation, you will see that I have experiemented with that file in the past. Last week when I got back from vacation I listened to it once on a whim. I haven't been able to stop listening since. I usually don't mess my diapers, but I have been compelled to mess almost twice a day every day for a week. When I'm not home thickly diapered and listening to the file, I'm thinking about the next time I'll get my chance, and I fantasize about using my diapers and talking about my diapers in public. This file is fucking strong and dangerous - it's basically a file that will make you insane. So . . . have fun.
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Postby siim » August 29th, 2007, 6:48 pm

Last edited by siim on January 2nd, 2011, 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: April 6th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby ABoy » August 30th, 2007, 2:36 am

That's a pretty daring expedition you made there.

I recommend buying some glycerin supositories (available at supermarkets) and using them about 10 minutes before you leave for the store, so you will be forced to mess yourself in public. If you do get some of those, remember when using them not to give in to the urge to go right away because it has not taken its effect - instead wait at least 30 minutes after inserting to get the maximum laxative action (I think its fun to see how long you can hold it!). To help you really fill those diapers, using bulk fiber supplements, i.e. metamucil.

Yes, filling your diapers does involve getting pretty smelly, but that just adds to the humiliation. Try using scented candles at home to deal with the smell, since sometimes you need to spend a while in a messy diaper with this file. Better stock up on diaper rash cream too, like desatin.

buena suerte
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » August 30th, 2007, 9:27 am

I've used glycerin supositories many times before too. Like ABoy said, it is one sure fire way to ensure you're gonna have an 'accident'. I've worn diapers to my work many, many times under my regular clothes, and right before I leave to go home, sometimes I'll slip into the restroom, and pop 2 or 3 in there. I have about a 45 minute drive to and from work. And sitting down doesn't really cause you to feel like you need to go,, but almost as soon as I get home and get out of the car it hits me, and I like to try to hold it as long as I can , but every time its a GARENTEED loosing battle and I end up erupting and filling my diapers before I can get from the parking lot into my apartment. (and no I don't run, I take my time and walk, lol)

As far as having the humilation file work on me,, I've always found it a thrill to go out in a nice thick diaper under my clothes. I've enjoyed doing this long before I found WMM. My usual diapering of choice is an Abena X-plux with 2 Abri-let maxi boosters inside. And beleive me,, that'll make for a very thick diaper that no amount of clothing will be able to obscur, and you will waddle a little too.

I just wish I wasn't so darn sceptical, or immune to the files on here working on me. But instead of striking out on my own and making all kinds of 'my opinion' statements, I now just go with the flow and enjoy listening to the files now purely for entertainmet.
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Re: CurseDiaperHumiliation

Postby poopyone » September 1st, 2007, 11:17 pm

siim wrote:I was happy to take a poop but want to make a bigger load. It was k00l, Id like to do it again but this time take bigger poops.

Here's what I like to do, Mix 2 teaspoons of SEA SALT (not table salt, it will kill you) in 1 quart of warm water and chug it down as fast as I can on an empty stomach.

In about 30 minutes to 2 hours... MASSIVE uncontrollable diarrhea!

It's kinda like giving yourself a 1 qt saline enema, only there are no cramps, and you have no clue it's coming until it's too late! :oops:

The emptier your stomach is, the better it works. And remember It MUST be REAL SEA SALT!
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Postby sarnoga » September 2nd, 2007, 8:58 am

Seems to me that drinking two teaspoons of salt dissolved in a quart of water is not going to be a very healthy thing to do regardless of what kind of salt it is. You sure thats a good idea?

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Postby poopyone » September 2nd, 2007, 11:31 am

sarnoga wrote:Seems to me that drinking two teaspoons of salt dissolved in a quart of water is not going to be a very healthy thing to do regardless of what kind of salt it is. You sure thats a good idea?


Master Cleanse Salt Water Flush: A Bath for Your Insides

Just as you take a bath each day to wash away dirt from the outside of your body, proponents of the master cleanse diet suggest you also give your insides a good regular cleaning. One way to do this is by using a salt water flush. This flush works much like having the radiator in your car flushed. It cleans out all the trash, wastes, toxins and deposits that keep your body from working at its best.

First, you may think a laxative or enema you can buy at your local drug store can do an adequate job of clearing out whatever may be clogging up your intestines. However, these preparations will only clean out the colon - which is only a small part of the intestines - and sometimes only part of the colon. The salt water flush is superior to these methods because it can clean out the entire digestive system. The flush also costs less than some store bought colon cleansing products.

Second, you may wonder if you can do a salt water flush yourself or if you need a doctor or nurse to help you with the procedure. The answer is no! A salt water flush can be done at home with ingredients you may already have in your kitchen cabinets. In fact the only things you need to properly complete a salt water flush are water and sea salt. In his essay "The Master Cleanser with Special Needs and Problems" Stanley Burroughs cautions users to be sure they use sea salt in their preparation and not regular salt because regular table salt will not work properly.

You will now need to know how to perform a salt water flush. The procedure is very simple. First thing in the morning, mix one quart of lukewarm water with two teaspoonsful of sea salt. Drink the entire concoction before you have eaten any food. Within one hour you should have several bowel movements. If not, you may need to try adding a little more salt to the mix, or you may just need to drink more water to help aid the flushing process. Since this flush is not harmful to the body and your body cannot become dependant on the salt water, like it can become dependant on chemical laxatives, this flush is safe to use as often as needed.

Burroughs also suggests drinking an herbal laxative tea in the evening before you plan to do a salt water flush. He says the tea will help to loosen the deposits and gunk in the digestive tract making it easier for the salt water to flush the wastes out the next morning.

So, next time you feel fatigued or unusually tired, you might try helping your body along by washing out your digestive tract with a salt water flush. This flush can help clean the toxins and built up waste products out of your digestive tract. The end results are better, more effective digestion through a cleaner less toxic digestive tract.
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » September 4th, 2007, 1:21 am

I was thinking of trying this 'salt water flush' but just had a nagging feeling that it might not be safe to do. I did a google search and came across this website ( At the very bottom of this page it has a warning concerning the salt water flush that caused me to decide not to even try it. it sounded like something I just don't want to runt he risk of. Here is the warning I found on that site.

After A Salt Water Flush (Important)
A salt water flush, like an enema and colonic will flush away good bacteria from your GI tract. To replace these good bacteria, you need to supplement with a probiotic such as Latero-Flora or Primal Defense!

Did I get the wrong info,,, I am open to the possibility that I may have. but based on that warning, I think I'll stick with the glycerin supositories for my 'accidents'
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