MM_Bladder Retraining

For discussions relating to Diapers, Incontinence, Adult Babies, etc.

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MM_Bladder Retraining

Postby MindMaster » February 1st, 2008, 7:57 pm

I have just uploaded first file in the Mind Master Baby Training series, Bladder Retraining.

This file will cause you to wet like a little baby ALL THE TIME, and create an addiction to wearing and wetting your diapers like a baby.

It is NOT for part time diaper fun, because you will lose all bladder control and wet like a baby all the time.

If you're not ready to be in full time diapers then don't use this file. But... if you're ready to accept you really are a big baby, and ready to start releasing the baby you know you are, then go ahead.

The first step is getting back into diapers and using your diapers as a baby.


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Postby lsa » February 1st, 2008, 8:48 pm

Sounds kind of fun.
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Postby MindMaster » February 5th, 2008, 11:39 am

ron_z54 wrote:This is a fantastic file .It's the one I've been waiting years for . Can 't wait to see others from you. Thanks Ron :D

Thank you for the nice comments. I see a few others have downloaded this file but so far only a couple of comments.

Maybe they're too busy changing their diapers. 8)

In a couple of weeks I'll add the Baby Acceptance file but first all the babies need to be in their diapers full time and enjoying them.

I'll upload a loop file for nighttime use without the induction process so babies can do some 'sleep reinforcement' if they choose.


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Postby ABoy » February 5th, 2008, 1:33 pm

I would also like to have the loop file, I listen to the file every night as I sleep in addition to my daytime listening, and it would be nice not to have the induction and the waking part in there for night time listening. I almost made my own loop, but you obviously are a better craftsmen with the audio tools than I, mine would have had ugly skipping sounds whereas yours will probably be seemless.

A fellow site member has contacted me about discussing our experiences with this file through PMs, we are both looking forward to seeing total loss of bladder control and diaper dependancy very soon. I am going diapered full time and already I notice I'm wetting more often without feeling the pressure in my bladder building. Thanks Mind Master for your great work.

Its none of my business really, but I'm curious why you and your sub absissy parted ways. I found myself fantasizing about your D/s relationships after absissy stepped forward, its too bad things didn't last.
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Postby MindMaster » February 5th, 2008, 3:41 pm

ABoy wrote:I would also like to have the loop file, I listen to the file every night as I sleep in addition to my daytime listening, and it would be nice not to have the induction and the waking part in there for night time listening.

Thank you for the encouraging comments. Keep using the file for up to two weeks and you'll be wetting like a little baby AND loving it.

Although I'm mainly a hypnotherapist, I'm a bit of an audiophile and computer geek, so use these skills combined with my psych knowledge to make files that work to the best of their advantage.

The 'loop' should NOT be used until you've found the hypnosis file to be at least initially effective. If you're wetting more and with less control, you're ready for the loop. It simply reinforces what you've learned in the hypnosis session.

That's why I didn't upload it initially. I know too many babies will try to cheat and find an 'easy' way to enjoy their diapers. It doesn't work that way.

I'll PM you directly about the last part of your message.


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Postby LilJennie » February 6th, 2008, 1:14 pm

I just wanted to add a report about my progress, since I'm another one who's trying this file.

So far, I've listened to the file 7 times, at least once per day, since last Friday (the 1st of February, and today's the 6th) and am seeingsome results. Usually when I wear diapers recreationally for a few days I get "tired" of it and stop for a while again. That hasn't happened. I've been using my diaper for all wetting since then and trying not to contradict the suggestions -- that is, letting go whenever my bladder wants to start to empty. I've been noticing that I *don't* notice when it feels like it has to empty -- most of the time. If it gets really full I can still feel it. But that's only overnight, because I'm not wetting in my sleep yet.

When I wet, the wetting feels very nice, much nicer even than it did before, and the wet diaper feels really good too. So nice :)

Also, I'm noticing myself wetting more frequently and in smaller amounts. I understand that this is probably just my bladder losing its elasticity, in other words getting used to not having to stretch and be so full.
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Postby rcain2 » February 8th, 2008, 8:01 am

This is the best file on the site. Your voice is so smooth and clear.
The background is is at the perfect level and texture.
I just had the Prostrate microwave treatment so the doctor told my wife that the incontinences might be a little worse for a few months but with the help of this file I will be in plastic pants and diapers the rest of my life.
Thank you for a very professional presentation. I eagerly await your presentation of the rest of your scrips.
5+++ rating
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I Have to agree!!!!

Postby brieri » February 13th, 2008, 9:11 pm

I have been listening to the file for a while now when I get home from college. Nothing heavy but just a few hours of relaxation.

I have put the Henk-thork over to the next file infront of this file so that I just drift off an then move on to your file. I also took my I pod and put nick diapers loop file on it. So what I do is I lay down with the ear buds with the loop file on very quietly in the background and start the over to the next file. By the time I wake up from my nap the only thing that is playing is the loop very quietly in the background.

Having a real loop file to play rather than the nick diapers loop will be amazing.

Oh, and by the way, I only change after 2 wettings now and... when I am sitting in class my bladder just sneaks up on me and releases. It is so amazing! Soon when I have a long day at college I will have to pack a diaper bag! Bwian
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Postby jeremy12321 » February 14th, 2008, 8:49 am

Wow. This file is intense. And, on that note, I'm going to have to stop listening.

I've responded to this file unlike any other, and that's just after the first session. Last night, I had never been happier to be in a wet diaper. I wanted to scream from the rooftops how good it made me feel. I'm not sure whether or not I was consciously initiating it, but I was constantly peeing, and every time I said to myself, "I'd better clamp down", I just couldn't.

But, in retrospect, this is all probably too much for me. MM, you have great skill with your files. If you do something with less permanence, I'll definitely take it on.
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Postby Danpixare » February 18th, 2008, 11:08 am

Dear Mr. MindMaster,

I have been waiting a good while for something like this to appear in the hypnosis world. I am ecstatic that you have contributed such an extensive file set to our community. There is one thing that I am curious about though. In most cases, B's like myself are usually single, or are in a relationship where it would be near catastrophic if our secrets were revealed to our mate. SO my question is: what advice do you give to those who are urging to follow this file set all the way through, but are not at the time able to find someone to care for them, as we all know that little babies can not care for themselves? Thank you for your files, and for reading my small letter.

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Postby MindMaster » February 19th, 2008, 8:05 am

LilJennie wrote:I just wanted to add a report about my progress, since I'm another one who's trying this file.

So far, I've listened to the file 7 times, at least once per day, since last Friday (the 1st of February, and today's the 6th) and am seeingsome results. Usually when I wear diapers recreationally for a few days I get "tired" of it and stop for a while again. That hasn't happened. I've been using my diaper for all wetting since then and trying not to contradict the suggestions -- that is, letting go whenever my bladder wants to start to empty. I've been noticing that I *don't* notice when it feels like it has to empty -- most of the time. If it gets really full I can still feel it. But that's only overnight, because I'm not wetting in my sleep yet.

When I wet, the wetting feels very nice, much nicer even than it did before, and the wet diaper feels really good too. So nice :)

Also, I'm noticing myself wetting more frequently and in smaller amounts. I understand that this is probably just my bladder losing its elasticity, in other words getting used to not having to stretch and be so full.

I'm a bit new to this sort of forum, and didn't realize I had to go directly to the forum instead of email to answer.

I'm glad you're having the desired results and enjoying wetting your diapers and being in a wet diapers. That's just what babies do, and you want to be a happy baby don't you?

Keep using the main file, Bladder Retraining until you no longer notice you have to wet until your diapers are getting nice and warm. Also use the Reinforcer file for a couple of nights and you'll find you're wetting like an infant VERY quickly.

You will find you wet more often because your bladder function regresses to infantile patterns and will lose its elasticity, resulting in more frequent wetting. But that just gives you VERY nice feelings more often. :twisted:


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Postby MindMaster » February 19th, 2008, 8:10 am

rcain2 wrote:This is the best file on the site. Your voice is so smooth and clear.
The background is is at the perfect level and texture.

Thank you for a very professional presentation. I eagerly await your presentation of the rest of your scrips.
5+++ rating

Thank you for your nice comments. I'm glad you're getting the desired results.

If you download the Reinforcer file available here, you'll speed up the process and be wetting like an infant ALL THE TIME. You only need to use it for a couple of nights and it will permanently imprint your subconscious with the pleasure of wetting in diapers and wetting uncontrollably.

The Baby Acceptance file will be uploaded around the end of the month. I want to make sure all the babies who want to continue baby training are in diapers all the time and wetting like happy little babies before they move on to the next level.

Stay wet and happy.

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Postby MindMaster » February 19th, 2008, 8:17 am

jeremy12321 wrote:Wow. This file is intense. And, on that note, I'm going to have to stop listening.

I've responded to this file unlike any other, and that's just after the first session. Last night, I had never been happier to be in a wet diaper. I wanted to scream from the rooftops how good it made me feel. I'm not sure whether or not I was consciously initiating it, but I was constantly peeing, and every time I said to myself, "I'd better clamp down", I just couldn't.

But, in retrospect, this is all probably too much for me. MM, you have great skill with your files. If you do something with less permanence, I'll definitely take it on.

Thank you for the vote of confidence. :roll:

I know this is quite intense, and has a dramatic effect. You are obviously a good hypnotic subject to have such dramatic results so quickly.

This is 'stage 1' of a full baby training program for big babies who want to truly enjoy being a baby and accept they are indeed babies. Uncontrolled wetting as a baby is the foundation upon which the rest of the training program is built, so we have to be sure baby is in full time diapers and wetting like a little baby and of course enjoying it SO MUCH they will always be a happy baby.

In a way what I'm saying is this if for lifestyle big babies, those who truly want to become the baby they know they really are inside. It won't do anything to make you lose your job, or become a societal pariah, but it will help you find and enjoy the baby you are.


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Re: MM please do a file for part time babies too....

Postby MindMaster » February 19th, 2008, 8:22 am

wetbabypeepants wrote:MM - I'd be so happy if someone with your talents would also do some files to help along those of us who want to be able to selectively lose bladder control - for specific periods, say the rest of the day after the file is heard until next morning. Many people, like me, love to wet, love the loss of control, just adore peeing without control, but want this limited so we can have normal lives the rest of the time...

Any chance of something along these lines?

I LOVE your nickname. So cute.

Little PeePants, I'm afraid I do NOT believe this type of training is practical. I could do a trigger file that would make you wet 'on command', but a 'temporary incontinence' program is not practical, in my professional opinion.

You either wet like a baby (no control anytime) or you're playing at wetting your diapers. If you selectively wet only when in diapers, then you still have control, so you're not really wetting like a baby.

Again, this is part of a 'baby training program' to help big babies become the babies they really know they are inside and accept themselves as real babies.

There are other files on WMM that will supposedly help you wet only when in diapers, so give them a try and see what happens.


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Postby MindMaster » February 19th, 2008, 8:31 am

Danpixare wrote:Dear Mr. MindMaster,

I have been waiting a good while for something like this to appear in the hypnosis world. I am ecstatic that you have contributed such an extensive file set to our community. There is one thing that I am curious about though. In most cases, B's like myself are usually single, or are in a relationship where it would be near catastrophic if our secrets were revealed to our mate. SO my question is: what advice do you give to those who are urging to follow this file set all the way through, but are not at the time able to find someone to care for them, as we all know that little babies can not care for themselves? Thank you for your files, and for reading my small letter.


Thank you for your kind remarks, and your thoughtful question.

To answer the first part, if you're in a relationship, then BE HONEST. Tell him/her that you like wearing diapers and want to be babied. Relationships, whether D/s or vanilla are about TRUST.

I've known too many 'secret' D/s people, especially babies and TG people, who hid their interests from their partner and ruined their relationship because the fetish became their Mistress/lover. That hurts the partner far more than revealing your 'kinky' side.

Enough preaching.

To answer the second part of your question, none of these files will actually regress you to become a little baby or behave as a helpess, dependent baby. They only help you accept that you are a baby and to adopt certain infantile (harmless) behaviours as normal for you because you are a baby.

I do NOT do regressions (triggered or otherwise) with people unless I know for certain they are in a long term relationship with a trusted partner who will care for the 'baby' as required.

Read the script files available here for Baby Acceptance and Baby Behaviours and you'll see there's nothing that would cause you to 'need' a parent figure to look after you.

I hope this helps, and forgive me for the lecture, but I've seen too much of this 'hiding' from so many people who should be happy about who and what they are and able to share this with their partner.


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Postby LilJennie » February 19th, 2008, 9:26 am

MindMaster wrote:I'm glad you're having the desired results and enjoying wetting your diapers and being in a wet diapers. That's just what babies do, and you want to be a happy baby don't you?

Definitely! I want to be a wet, happy little baby girl. :)

Keep using the main file, Bladder Retraining until you no longer notice you have to wet until your diapers are getting nice and warm. Also use the Reinforcer file for a couple of nights and you'll find you're wetting like an infant VERY quickly.

OK here I have a question that perhaps other people might benefit from the answer to, so it's good to ask it on a forum like this one. If I'm using the Reinforcer file every night, would I still benefit from using the Bladder Retraining file daily as well? Is it necessary?

The first few nights that I had the Reinforcer file, I listened to Bladder Retraining at bedtime, then listened to the Reinforcer all night. But for the past three nights I've just been listening to the Reinforcer at night. On the positive side, I'm noticing these main effects:

My daytime wetting is becoming easier and more frequent.

I don't seem to notice when my bladder has anything in it. That is, I still seem to feel a sensation of mild discomfort but it doesn't feel like my bladder is full. It's more like a feeling of discomfort that I don't know the meaning of. Then there'll be an "about to wet" feeling, and then I let go. My bladder still seems to think it needs to get my attention first.

Last night I must have wet my diaper in my sleep without waking, as I woke up wet this morning and feeling very nice about it. The previous two nights I remember waking up just a little bit with my bladder telling me it was about to let go, wetting my diaper, and going back to sleep. Last night I don't remember waking up at all.

You will find you wet more often because your bladder function regresses to infantile patterns and will lose its elasticity, resulting in more frequent wetting. But that just gives you VERY nice feelings more often. :twisted:

Yay for very nice feelings more often!! :)
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Postby MindMaster » February 19th, 2008, 10:41 am

LilJennie wrote:
Definitely! I want to be a wet, happy little baby girl. :)

Well keep training and you will be a very wet little baby girl. Remember practise makes perfect, or in this case makes a wet baby girl.

Jennie wrote: "OK here I have a question that perhaps other people might benefit from the answer to, so it's good to ask it on a forum like this one. If I'm using the Reinforcer file every night, would I still benefit from using the Bladder Retraining file daily as well? Is it necessary?"

You should use the Bladder Retraining file daily until you are wetting uncontrollably as a little baby and REALLY enjoying your diapers. Using the Reinforcer file for a couple of nights speeds up the process and acceptance of the suggestions in the Retraining file so you're a happy wet baby girl faster.

The first few nights that I had the Reinforcer file, I listened to Bladder Retraining at bedtime, then listened to the Reinforcer all night. But for the past three nights I've just been listening to the Reinforcer at night. On the positive side, I'm noticing these main effects:

Jennie wrote: "My daytime wetting is becoming easier and more frequent.

I don't seem to notice when my bladder has anything in it. That is, I still seem to feel a sensation of mild discomfort but it doesn't feel like my bladder is full. It's more like a feeling of discomfort that I don't know the meaning of. Then there'll be an "about to wet" feeling, and then I let go. My bladder still seems to think it needs to get my attention first.

Last night I must have wet my diaper in my sleep without waking, as I woke up wet this morning and feeling very nice about it. The previous two nights I remember waking up just a little bit with my bladder telling me it was about to let go, wetting my diaper, and going back to sleep. Last night I don't remember waking up at all."

That's just the way it's supposed to happen. Effectively you're going backward, so I'd say you've reached the early toddler stage, where you just realize you have to peepee, but it's too late, you're already wetting yourself. Very soon, you won't even notice you have to pee, you'll just feel your diaper getting all nice and wet and warm and it feels SOOOO good.

Jennie wrote:"Yay for very nice feelings more often!! :)"

Keep training and you'll be having very nice feelings 12 to 15 times a day. Most babies wet heavily and frequently in the mornings, then slow a bit around noon, then again increase in the late afternoon and evening. Initially you may only wet once or twice at night, but as your bladder function regresses, you'll probably wet 3 or 4 times during the night and be a very wet happy baby girl in the morning.

Be a good girl and stay well diapered.

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Postby LilJennie » February 19th, 2008, 2:27 pm

MindMaster wrote:Well keep training and you will be a very wet little baby girl. Remember practise makes perfect, or in this case makes a wet baby girl.

Perfect! :D

You should use the Bladder Retraining file daily until you are wetting uncontrollably as a little baby and REALLY enjoying your diapers. Using the Reinforcer file for a couple of nights speeds up the process and acceptance of the suggestions in the Retraining file so you're a happy wet baby girl faster.

There's the answer: keep using the Retraining file. OK!

That's just the way it's supposed to happen. Effectively you're going backward, so I'd say you've reached the early toddler stage, where you just realize you have to peepee, but it's too late, you're already wetting yourself. Very soon, you won't even notice you have to pee, you'll just feel your diaper getting all nice and wet and warm and it feels SOOOO good.

Mmmm nice ... I don't think I'm exactly to that point yet, but getting closer all the time!

Keep training and you'll be having very nice feelings 12 to 15 times a day. Most babies wet heavily and frequently in the mornings, then slow a bit around noon, then again increase in the late afternoon and evening. Initially you may only wet once or twice at night, but as your bladder function regresses, you'll probably wet 3 or 4 times during the night and be a very wet happy baby girl in the morning.

I already wet a lot in the mornings, but I can see my pattern is already getting closer to what you describe. Yay!

Be a good girl and stay well diapered.

It's important to have good diapers and lots of them if you're going to do this!

Sunshine & rainbows,
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Postby RedBeard » March 8th, 2008, 10:02 am

I guess I'll be the first to say that I've had no luck with this file at all.
Maybe I'm resistant to hypnosis, or maybe I just really don't want it at much as I like to think I do.

Either way, I find that the induction really has no effect on me. Some of the other files that I've used have had very effective inductions (at least that's how it seams), in that once it was over, my head felt like it was spinning and I really couldn't move until the file was over.

Not to say it doesn't work, I've just not been met with the same success as others :(
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Postby dreamme » March 9th, 2008, 9:18 am

I found the induction hard on this one. Seemed i couldn't remember much about my early childhood and my mind just spaced out. But once i started looking at some old photographs of my life and remembering bits and pieces the induction was the most effective i've ever had.

I also like taking parts of scripts i like a convert them to Virtual Hypnotist scrips, to renforce the suggestions.

But if like you said, you don't want it to work, most likely it won't. This file is a big change in your life, you should think about it carefully. If you don't want it listening to the file will most likely do nothing at all.
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Some success?

Postby incojohn » March 10th, 2008, 6:03 pm

I've been listening for three days or so and I feel like I've had some success with this file. Its both exciting and scary. I've wanted this for quite some time but have been nervous about how my family and friends would react. I've got to face it, they will find out, it's inevitable. Thats going to be another chapter in itself!

The introduction works well for me. I really liked it the first time in the Sarnoga series. I never saw success with the Sarnoga series. I think it was the way it was presented. I'm not big on pain, so the building up all day thing just wasn't for me. Secondly, I felt like I wanted to rush this, for some reason, and I felt like I would be listening to the Sarnoga series for months. Thirdly, I'm not interested in messing.

To wrap it up, I'm really expecting quick results from this! I didn't expect results so fast. I really am willing and maybe that has something to do with it.

I'd also like to say again that the quality of this file really shows. I can't imagine the time and effort it took to do something like it. Three Cheers!
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Postby Rico605 » March 13th, 2008, 7:40 am

For myself, i try numerous files from here, having succes with the curse force gay but not much with the diaper files. The one that worked best was train diaper 2 and the diaper only file. I have started to listen to the bladder retraining file since monday and i can already see that it is working better than the other one's. Wetting more easily when someone is near, more often starting to wet without starting it ( but still i am sure i could stop it). Feeling less guilty about this desire etc... But on the other hand, i am also listenning daily to boyhood file, diaper only, unpotty train. So let's see what will be happening from all those files...
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Postby MindMaster » March 13th, 2008, 10:38 pm

RedBeard wrote:Either way, I find that the induction really has no effect on me. Some of the other files that I've used have had very effective inductions (at least that's how it seams), in that once it was over, my head felt like it was spinning and I really couldn't move until the file was over.

Not to say it doesn't work, I've just not been met with the same success as others :(

Sorry to hear this hasn't worked for you. I understand about the inductions, but I chose this induction for the adult babies and because it can be used throughout this series of files targeted for a particular audience.

I do hope you find what you're looking for and that you get what you need for a happy life.


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Re: Some success?

Postby MindMaster » March 13th, 2008, 10:41 pm

incojohn wrote:
To wrap it up, I'm really expecting quick results from this! I didn't expect results so fast. I really am willing and maybe that has something to do with it.

I'd also like to say again that the quality of this file really shows. I can't imagine the time and effort it took to do something like it. Three Cheers!

I'm glad you're finding the file successful and that it works for you. And thank you for the nice compliments.

Soon, if not already, you'll be a happy wet baby and enjoying your wet diapers more and more.


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Postby MindMaster » March 13th, 2008, 10:45 pm

Rico605 wrote:For myself, i try numerous files from here, having succes with the curse force gay but not much with the diaper files. The one that worked best was train diaper 2 and the diaper only file. I have started to listen to the bladder retraining file since monday and i can already see that it is working better than the other one's. Wetting more easily when someone is near, more often starting to wet without starting it ( but still i am sure i could stop it). Feeling less guilty about this desire etc... But on the other hand, i am also listenning daily to boyhood file, diaper only, unpotty train. So let's see what will be happening from all those files...

My goodness it sounds like you're not too sure what you want to be when you grow down. :lol:

Seriously, using multiple files like this can lead to confusion and reduce effectiveness. Find a file or couple of files that work for you and stick with them. Use them regularly as you see results and you'll reach your desired goal.

Unless you really want to be a gay, unpotty trained, diaper wetting boy. 8O

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Postby Rico605 » March 14th, 2008, 6:37 am

Thanks Mindmaster for this advice, i'll will stick to your bladder retraining and also to the diaper pnly files cause it's helping me not being shy when only wearing diaper in front others or not feeling bad if someone realise that i am wearing a diaper. I thought that listening to lots of diaper files would help, cause i really want to loose control and feel like a baby. Good news is that with each listenning, i feel i am going deeper in trance, this induction is good, work's on me, and i am starting already to wet more and more without noticing. Again, thanks a lot ofr this file!!
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Postby jeremy12321 » March 26th, 2008, 9:35 pm

So, anybody have any updates on their use of this file? I've still chickened out, but I'd be happy to live vicariously through others' successes.
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Postby Rico605 » March 28th, 2008, 5:47 am

Well here's a follow up of my training. It's been now 3 weeks since i started to listen to the bladder retraining script. The induction used is really good, and is one of the first induction wich is really putting me into trance. Most of the time after 3 weeks, i stop listenning and guilt is getting stronger wich make me stop. This time, it is different. I wore my diaper 24-7 since then and use it 24-7 for both ends! :D At the beginning of this week, i had a harder time to relax during the induction, but i know why, cause i skip listenning to it twice during the Easter week-end. I didn't listen to the file saturday and monday, so i have the feeling that the built up stopped, and i went a bit backward. But the good news is that it is back to normal now. I still dont wet a night, but during the day, often i start to pee without knowing it. I going to download the reinforcer also, it should help. So Jeremy, dont be chicken out, if it is what you want, go for it! It's a wonderful feeling!
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Postby LilJennie » March 28th, 2008, 9:20 am

I listened to BladderRetrain every day for about a month, and then when the Reinforcer file came out I listened to it one or two nights a week. Also I've been listening to BabyAcceptance now that it's out. One day a week I don't listen to any of these files, and I don't listen to more than one of them on any given day/night. I listen to BladderRetraining one or two times a week, BabyAcceptance 3 or 4 times a week, and Reinforcer the rest, I would estimate.

Am I wetting uncontrollably? I wouldn't say that I am yet. But it feels like I'm getting closer and closer.

For one thing, most of the time I really can't tell whether my bladder is full or not. Sometimes I feel a pressure, but it doesn't say "full bladder" to me; it's just a vaguely uncomfortable sensation. Sometimes I feel it as a full bladder, though.

Also, diapers and wetting them felt good to me before, but they're feeling better and better now, physically and emotionally. Sometimes a LOT better, sometimes a little, but the trend is upward.

When I'm awake, I usually feel the "I have to pee" feeling, then let go. I guess I could try to stop it, but I want this to work, so I don't try. I still notice this process, though -- I'm probably trying too hard to make it work and just need to relax and let it happen. Sometimes my muscles will contract involuntarily and stop the flow, which is painful. I don't know why it happens.

When I'm asleep, sometimes I will wake up during the night feeling the "I have to pee" feeling, then let go into my diaper, then go back to sleep. There was a time when this was happening every night. But then I had to go on a trip for work, and came back with a cold, and this disrupted the pattern. Now I think I'm back to doing that again, but there have been a lot of dry nights where I didn't wet until I woke up in the morning. Sometimes, though, I've stayed asleep and don't remember when I let go; when I wake up wet without any idea when it happened, that is a wonderful feeling!

Well, soon (this is the plan anyway) I will be wetting not once but twice or three times at night without waking up, and soon I will just automatically relax and let go without thinking when I feel like I have to pee, and soon after that I won't even consciously notice the feeling of having to pee. Perhaps soon I won't know what muscles to contract to stop myself. And soon it will feel intense and wonderful every time I wet my diaper. It's just a slow process for me.
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Postby Rico605 » April 1st, 2008, 7:36 am

I was wondering if anyone here who is listenning to this file for longer than a month, became incontinent or had some kind od permanent effect from a file. I always manage to get a few effects from hypnosis, but i never have been able to get more than part-time efffect. I hope to get more results from this one, so far so good, but will it last...
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Postby piggyinnappies » April 12th, 2008, 6:23 am

Been using the bladder retraining file for a couple of weeks now. I now wet my nappies without control but not my pants yet.
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Postby Elac » April 12th, 2008, 1:27 pm

Can we get an update from everyone? I'm personally considering grabbing the files and going for this, but I'd really like to hear somebodies experience who has gone through most of it first. I dun wanna plunge headfirst into the dark(even though I used to XD)

Sooo, wassup all you diaper-wetting lil guys?
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bladder retraining

Postby Duckypin » April 19th, 2008, 1:29 pm

Hi all,
I have been working with the bladder retraining files and the re-enforcing file.
I love them and am wetting more and more freely every day and have begun wetting in my sleep. These are things I have always wanted. The other day, I got up in the morning, took off my wet baby diaper, showered (peed uncontrollably in the shower) and pulled on a pair of gym shorts and went out onto the deck to read the paper. before I knew it, I was sitting in a puddle. It was all so natural and normal. Just right for this baby wannabe.
Thanks so much
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Postby piggyinnappies » May 21st, 2008, 9:46 am

Have to wear nappies fulltime now so no going back.
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overcomming shy bladder

Postby wohermiston » June 7th, 2008, 8:21 am

for most of my adult life I have suffered from shy bladder from one degree to another. I am hoping that this program will finally put an end to that. But because of the shy bladder, the command that "you cannot empty your bladder" is very powerful in my mind.

I find myself becomming alittle anxious at times asking myself: so when will this bladder of mine empty!? Of course it finally does, and I tell myself that I did not do it, it did it on it's own.

So for me, if there was a line in the file that stated "you never have to fret or worry about your bladder, it will perform flawlessly and never let you down" would have been helpful.

I am really looking forward to seeing the final outcome of this file over time.
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It Worked for Me!

Postby BabyRox » June 18th, 2008, 2:13 pm

I've moved on to the last of the three files in the series, and I'm VERY pleased with the results. Once I began to wear diapers 24/7 there was no going back, and I was very happy when I began to pee as freely and unconsciously during the day as I do when sleeping. My bladder no longer gets nearly as full because pee is dribbling out of me every 15 to 20 minutes.

Pooping freely didn't happen as quickly, but it happened in pretty much the same way. I was walking to the kitchen after awakening one morning, and poop just began to fill the back of my diaper pushing its way out before I was even aware I needed to poop. Now, I never know when I'll get that "full" sensation that says poop is coming out, and I can't stop it when it does.

The next two files have only made my wetting and pooping feel even more right and natural for me. I wear diapers because I am a baby now, and I am a baby because only babies wet and mess in their diapers. The last of the three files really brings your baby feelings together with your diaper desires so that being in diapers just becomes as natural as it is for any other baby.
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Postby nasirah » July 1st, 2008, 7:56 pm

I got all four of MM files today and the first one has had some effect already.

I should mention that I am somewhat hard to get into trance. MM, you got me to wet the first time through the file. I had to somewhat stand up and fairly consiously let go, buyt it was still there. I am sitting in my didee that is wet right now
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Letting go.

Postby brieri » July 2nd, 2008, 12:12 am

Nas, great to see you trying the files. They work and they work well. I have always been hard to hypno due to sleep apnea. After a few solid weeks of working with the first two files, I have been peeing and peeing. The urge hits and I better act fast. It is so strong. That is during the day. At night for the past two nights I have woken up wet. I get thirsty for some reason before bed. We have moved to a condo so I do not have a whole of of things on my hunny do list. I just concentrate of college and my internet business so I have been listening more and more. You will too! I have finally found a file that is helping me get to where I have always wanted to be. B
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Postby wetbymorning » July 14th, 2008, 1:02 am

I've tried other files and have had limited success getting myself to wet the bed while asleep which is a huge goal for me.

I've decided to go for the 24/7 uncontrolled wetting thing and see what that does to improve (increase) the frequency of my bedwetting while asleep. Hence, I've started using the first file in this series.

I now wear diapers 24/7 and never do anything to encourage or inhibit my wetting myself. I'm going to try this for a month while using these files consistently and see what happens. I'm just going to ignore urges and let "nature take its course" as would be the case if I were 2.

I really like the first file in this series! (Haven't listened to the others yet since I'm new to this series.) I really connected with some of the statements made in the file.

This ought to be fun....
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Baby Behaviors Update

Postby BabyRox » August 13th, 2008, 9:01 am

I'm REALLY glad that MM didn't suggest that the subject would want to be "baby smooth all over" rather than just my diaper area! If he had, I'm afraid I would be getting up an hour ealier every morning to do a daily full body shave.

I used to do the full body shave once a week, and maybe another diaper area shave halfway through the week. Not anymore. Now, I can't seem to stand ANY stubble in my diaper area and the morning shower takes an extra 10 ten minutes to be sure I'm always baby smooth under my diapers.

I complained a bit that most of the Baby Behaviors MM included in the third file were things that I was already doing - sleeping with a teddy bear, and a pacifier, for example. The difference is that now I really feel like I HAVE to have my pacifier, my Teddy, and my Blankie before I can fall asleep. I learned this the hard way this week.

Mommy had put Teddy in the wash this last weekend (He's a custom made fleece cover stuffed with a head pillow and a body pillow), and forgot to run that load through the drier. I had to wait another hour for the dryer to run before I could go to sleep that night. I felt as anxious and upset as any two-year-old who's lost his Teddy!

Despite that episode, I have to say that I'm very happy with the changes I've experienced since beginning MM's series. Whenever I'm alone at home, or on most weekends, I spend most of my time in "baby mode", and I find myself feeling more natural and normal being a baby.

Baby Rox
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Dress for the Job you want...

Postby BabyRox » August 29th, 2008, 11:38 pm

I got some new baby clothes today (Auntie V's Special Creations - GREAT stuff / authentic baby patterns at very good prices), and could barely wait to get home to wear them. Though I'm now wearing diapers constantly, I don't think I'm ready for a pinafore set in the office...

I added a set of pictures to my album in the Users Gallery if anyone wants to see them. Since I'm spending more and more time at home deep in baby mode, Baby Rox needs a bigger wardrobe of baby outfits. Babies go through lots of changes, and it can't all be onesies and rompers...

I feel much more normal and natural dressed as a baby these days, and much more disjointed and out of place in the adult world. Once I'm home, it rarely take more than ten minutes before I'm on my changing table for a dry diaper, and quickly dressed in clothes that make me feel like I'm wearing the right things. What else should a baby wear but baby clothes? My pacifier is in my mouth most of the time, and I like the way talking with it in my mouth makes me sound so much like a baby...
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Postby dreamme » September 6th, 2008, 12:34 pm

Well an update on my progress,

I have been unable to control my bladder for a few months now. I only listened to parts 1 and 2 and the enforcer. I love the post hypnotic suggestions in number 2, each time i wet my diapers i say the words
and I know that i can never go back. It really is a wonderful feeling.
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Postby LittleMe » December 28th, 2008, 2:32 pm

That file is very powerful, I wet uncontrolable when in diaper, not yet lost control while not, but its like when not in diaper I have bladder control like a 5 or 4 year old. But guess I must have diaper at bed now, I seem to always wet diaper when sleeping.

But can feel it get less control every day. And I startet just about a week ago. :)
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wet diapers

Postby larrn » December 29th, 2008, 1:36 am

Having listened to this file i wet my diapers during the day uncontrollably, but have not yet wet at night.
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Postby wetbymorning » March 9th, 2009, 5:15 pm

I started using it late February. Gonna go for it! All the posts here are really exciting.
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Postby ptiswiss » July 5th, 2009, 12:29 am

i've started this file since 4 days, unfortunately i'm french and i don't understand very well all the inductions hypnotic files uses, but this one WOW !!
in only 4 days i accept the diapers all the time even at work and i peed while i sleep last 2 nights, i doesn't expected so fast results, keep going listen to this file for at least 4 weeks and i'll hope i'll be a happy diaper wetter =)
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Awesome file!

Postby chandler » July 15th, 2009, 3:51 pm

MindMaster, I don't know how I can thank you. I've been really enjoying this file. I find this recording much more effective than others because it keeps it simple. I bought this recording about a year ago but got freaked out a little bit when I saw results much quicker than I thought! It's been a year now and I don't feel scared of filling my diapers anymore; I had never worn diapers before this recording but now it seems I can't live without them! I didn't even have a diaper fetish--I had a balloon fetish--but now I'm also wetting like a little boy!

Again thank you for your recordings :)

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Postby liljonny » July 12th, 2010, 5:26 pm

I started this file two days ago. This morning when I leaving for work, I took off the diaper I was wearing and started powdering myself like usual. I felt like I had to put another diaper on to keep from wetting my pants. I have never wet my pants before.

This file says you will not be able to wet when you want to. I have several triggers to make me wet when diapered like water on my hands or seeing or hearing running water. I was wondering if this file will prevent these triggers from working. I may even have a trigger to make me wet before I take off my diaper. I think it should be so that I can't even use the trigger to make myself wet.

The file says you can't use a toilet or urinal because you can't pee when you want to. this might prevent you from pooping in a toilet.
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Postby pamperedguy » August 12th, 2010, 10:10 pm

So I took the plunge and downloaded the file last night. I've listened to it 4 times so far and it's wonderful! I felt a difference after the first listen and the trance is the most effective of any hypnosis (diaper or otherwise) that I've encountered. Thanks MM!

Can't wait to see what happens next... :D
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Postby tristy » August 12th, 2010, 11:09 pm

I've been listening to this file at least three times a week for the last year or so, and I've still got way too much control for my liking. It seems I'm unable to 'let go' in the way I know I should be -- I involuntarily pull back nearly every time I wet. I'm still dry at night, in addition to being unable to wet while sitting or lying down. I drink at least two 32oz Nalgene bottles a day, and that's in addition to other fluids as well.
I'd like to add that I'm not a part-time diaper wearer -- I've been 24/7 for almost four years now, and if I decided to go back to bigboy underwear tomorrow, I would be just fine.

I'd really like this file to work for me -- heck, I'd like any file to work -- I don't think I've ever been in trance, despite my pretty regular listening of diaper/incon hypno files. Am I not doing it right?

MM, I know this thread has been raised from the dead, but, if you have any thoughts or suggestions about this, I'd love to hear them.
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