I think CurseCompleteBaby start effecting on me somehow

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I think CurseCompleteBaby start effecting on me somehow

Postby ZACYBABY » August 30th, 2008, 1:30 am

yesterday after listening to the file couple of times with no effect i had really weird dream (with interesting impact) :
i do horse riding and when i go to the farm there's some usual routine:
Changing clothes (wearing boots and riding pants and of course wearing the helmet and taking the whip) taking the horse from his stable to the manege beginning the lesson finish it bring back the horse to his stable grooming him little bit change back the clothes and go home
in the dream i came to the farm totally naked (like little baby) with pacifier in my mouth someone (i don't know who) helps me to wear the boots and puts the helmet on my head and give me the whip (just like he is dressing little baby) and send me to take the horse (wile actually I'm wearing nothing but the boots the helmet and the pacifier in my mouth) i take the horse to the manege and during the way i urinate little bit with no control (like it's usual thing to pee whenever you want just like baby) i came to the manege and someone just pick me up on the horse's back (like picking up a baby to high place) the lesson pass as any other usual lesson else of the fact that i was naked (with the boots and the helmet only) and did pee and poo during the lesson (and wetting and messing myself...) as the lesson over someone pick me down from the horse and before he lets me go he did wipe my butt and make sure I'm clean after i bring the horse back i did drink milk from baby bottle (usually i drink water after the lesson)
when i ask to groom the horses they told me i too young to do this things and after i cried a little they let me to do some works with adult supervising
then someone helps me to take of the boots and the helmet and send me home......
all over the dream the people around acts normally like it's normal that I'm a baby that's was so fun....
when i wake up i decided to take some photos of mine wearing nothing but the boots the helmet and with the whip just like in the dream(i don't have a pacifier at my home so i suck my thumb instead) the results was incredible during the shots i did pee like little baby with no control the pictures look fabulous (i look like a real baby, posing the camera and peeing) i just wish i could do it like in the dream...
if you want i will post the pictures
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Joined: April 14th, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby oem_1000 » August 30th, 2008, 3:13 pm

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Postby bluehaxor » October 9th, 2008, 7:46 pm

Pics would be really cool.
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Postby jeremiah » October 13th, 2008, 6:20 pm

post them
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Postby venomofall » February 9th, 2010, 8:23 pm

plzzzzzzz post pics im trying that file did you listen to it when you were asleep or awake?
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Postby ZACYBABY » March 21st, 2010, 3:40 am

Hi all sorry for disappearing for so long time....I had to stay away from this board because my parents start to suspect something is not "alright"

anyway I stopped listening to file so there was no progress in the effect....

about the photos I still have them I just looking for some discrete way to post them (and avoiding my family and friends to recognize me)
anyway there is something cool I want to do with the photos but I need a help from photoshope expert if someone here is a real expert I will be happy for some assistance
Posts: 4
Joined: April 14th, 2006, 12:00 am

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