2 days on WMM and completely incontinent...wow...

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2 days on WMM and completely incontinent...wow...

Postby TopGrunt » June 9th, 2009, 11:01 pm

Been here about a week I think and I've already reached complete incontinence... bowel and bladder...

Never done anything involving hypnotism or trance before in my life, and low and behold I seem to be a Natural at it-- or at least after I found my "focus".

I wasn't expected to see any results really my first couple tries, and I didn't, but only those first couple tries. Got a bit frustrated in the beginning, but after I did a little personal meditation, I found explosive results, literally.

I collected a couple free files such as the "happytowet", "train diaper", "Unknownwetting", and "anti-potty training". Together, over the period of 3 days, listened to only 4 times each at night, I've ended up where I am now,Completely astonished at what my body is doing.

The anti-potty training file seemed to be the most profound one to listen to in trance. All I remember is my eyes rolled up clear into my skull twitching all over the place uncontrollably. I didn't really "Visualize", like the file asked, but I'm pretty damn sure my subconscious was. XD

I'm definitely a believer in this stuff now, and I only can think the sky is the limit. THERE, IS, NO, SPOON. 8)
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Re: instant results

Postby TopGrunt » June 14th, 2009, 2:30 pm

wetbabypeepants wrote:Interesting - when you have a deep desire (conscious and/or subconscious) for a thing, sometime the right hypno file can just hit the spot and away you go... But the effects very likely will be very temporary. If you want change to last you will likely need a long course of regular listening. Train Diapers and Happy to be Wet are both very effective diaper and wetting files in my experience. I got some very quick results with Happy to Be Wet too... :oops: :D

hehe, funny you say that. I've actually been using those files right along with anti-potty training, plus one other. On top of that, I'm also taking time to train myself into hypnosis without even needing a file, (what I say I'm getting quite good at quickly) and giving my subconscious my own suggestions. Pretty much I'm taking the idea of positive reinforcement from the happy to wet, and train diaper file, and elaborating to myself in trance how going without thinking about it and no control is exactly what I want, and what is accepted, why controlling myself and noticing when I need to go, is bad. Simply it's like how a parent might praise their child over and over again threw potty training when the remember to go use the potty, and getting mad at them when they don't, just in reverse. All and all, it's working wonderfully!

So as you said, It probably is a temporary effect to be like that, and I will agree with you. Especially on the first time. I did notice the day after I was occasionally having to remind myself to let go, but it was still pretty strong otherwise. Since then I've continued listening to the files, plus my own routine. and at this point... I can tell you, I feel the difference between "temporary" and "permanent". Rather than how it was the first time, where I felt kind of awkward, and aware of how I couldn't control myself. I've gotten to this point where It's starting to feel like, it'salways been natural, almost eerily natural. Like I find myself changing or something, and I can't help but feel this is absolutely right, and ok. When I catch myself feeling like that, I think for a moment about the toilet, and I actually feel repulsed by the idea. Some very interesting developments. ones I'm happy to welcome. Just a bit socked at how comfortable I am with it all, and so quickly. before now I've always kinda felt guilty about having a Diaper fetish, Like the day after I regretted getting into one the night before. That feeling of regret doesn't even faze me anymore, at all, its the complete opposite.

Any how... I'm happy, and I am prepared for my new life like this. it's been about 5 days now, and I've experimented with what it's like going out to work, and being in public... and I feel completely secure and natural when I do. I'd done it before when I hadn't had the hypnosis training, and I was completely paranoid about it, now it just feels so natural and normal! I've even been shockingly open to some about it. I do say to most it's accident related, but I feel in situations such as keeping my job, I must. saying that my work seemed very understanding about it, and I'm not questioned about using the family restroom at all.
Also I have quite a decent amount of diapers on hand, and enough I think I'm good for a month or so. I have realized though, I go threw allot more now than I did before. Doing the math, yes, it does take quite a bit of my money to support supplies. But putting it in prospective on how much my brother uses on his Alcoholic habit, I'm saving quite a bit more money than he is... plus I'm not killing my liver. All great stuff!

in close, I'll continue as long as need be to do this trance routine, tell I feel completely comfortable without it, and I will enjoy experiencing life in this alternate configuration. :D I'm glad I took the time to go threw what this site had to offer, and I'm not disappointed at all!
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Permanent Incontinence

Postby rubberpants3 » June 26th, 2009, 8:54 pm

So you became permanently incontinent without using any AB files? That is what I'm looking for but can't seem to find. Have you thought about whether you could ever reverse it?
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nappy dependency

Postby WaterJAG » July 2nd, 2009, 7:46 am

Any bb's in the UK dependant and willing to take on board some one such as my body 0_o.

I am rude, arrogant and lack communicative or social skills.
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Postby JDB1987 » July 5th, 2009, 10:21 pm

I've actually gotten quite bummed out after using these files. I'd use them often....every night. I'd go into trance........but after it's over....nothing. No effects from any of the files. Maybe hypnosis isn't my thing? hmmmmm
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Re: Permanent Incontinence

Postby TopGrunt » July 10th, 2009, 1:11 pm

rubberpants3 wrote:So you became permanently incontinent without using any AB files? That is what I'm looking for but can't seem to find. Have you thought about whether you could ever reverse it?

It has been a while since I've started this "routine", and honestly I don't know. I never was too strong into the AB stuff, just not fancy. I never really thought about AB files, I just picked the ones I felt served best what I wanted. I guess you could say that, Anti-potty-training, is sort of an AB file... It presses the suggestion of forgetting your training, and returning to a state of body that was from practical time you were a baby/toddler, what not. so... I guess that is an AB file.

As far as reversing it? Well, I'm certain if I could undo it, I could redo it if I really wanted too. Not saying I've tried it. But I'd image it being the same task and workout that was required of becoming incontinent.

as considering if I want to? No, I've had some acquired experiences dealing with "people" already in public. and honestly.... I'm a type of person who says to insecure religious prick types, "Who the fuck made you God all mighty of Earth and the heavens above? Your just as lost and confused on the hole right and wrong question, You just have an invisible man who to call on when you need help supporting your hokey superficial beliefs. Of course your always going to be right! According to you, the invisible man said your are! But of course he only talks to you, and won't provide any ounce of evidence that he said it... OR THAT HE EVEN EXISTS!". Yes, that was a mouthful. But, I can't just understand how flipping neurotic and insecure the people of these fine united states are!

Religion, now there is something that many average people go and TRUTHFULLY put faith in it, and return claiming they had some type of spiritual experince. Nope... Just ANOTHER form of HYPNOSIS. You focus enough belief into it. your subconscious is going to make you feel like it is real. It really can't tell the difference. what, in turn, the hole deal with the suggestion thing and the files on this sight. You just gotta believe in it enough, your subconscious will believe it too. OPEN YOUR MIND!
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Postby TopGrunt » July 10th, 2009, 1:18 pm

JDB1987 wrote:I've actually gotten quite bummed out after using these files. I'd use them often....every night. I'd go into trance........but after it's over....nothing. No effects from any of the files. Maybe hypnosis isn't my thing? hmmmmm

Maybe, maybe not. didn't work at all at first for me. But I went and did some research and study, came back, changed what I was doing. and sure as hell, I saw it work amazingly. Just gotta format yourself to have the information receive properly. Just like trying to use a floppy disk on a cd drive, it ain't going to work. But if you go out and find a compatable format, you might work things out. :)
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2 days on WMM and completely incontient-wow

Postby diaperbrian » October 27th, 2014, 1:03 am

When I became part of WMM, I started off with Anti-potty training, Saranoga's Diaper Dependence series, and Potty training Amnesia (along with binaural version.) I have a bunch of files on CD including Accelerator file.) Since I have stated the MindMaster series,I have the bladder control of a baby.)I am currently Baby Life training file.
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