Would this work?

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Would this work?

Postby soontobedwet » June 21st, 2009, 2:31 am

At night I have a bunch of files (Wet yourself with no control, diaper dependence 1 - 4, Boyhood, Train Diaper, Dream Diaper, Curse Bedwetting, Bedwetting Fear to Reality, Anti-Potty training) and have them play at night when I sleep.

Then during the day when I am at a computer I have playing from my iPod some sublimial ones (Anti-Potty traning, bedwetting, can't feel your bladder, bedwetter fear to reality, train baby bladder, diaper dreams) Have them there and repeated for about 8 hours of sleep

do you think this would work to get me to wet my diaper with out knowing day and night? and if so how long do you think before it would work. 2 and a half hours here but on repeating loop for all of them.
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too many messages

Postby wohermiston » June 21st, 2009, 8:41 am

I think that is too much. the best thing is to try and decide what it is you want and try and stick to a single message. Also, I beleive, as adults, you have to keep things in the adult perspective. There are aspects of our bodies that will never be like a babies body.
most importantly that of feeling. You will always know that you are peeing becuase, as an adult those nerves are all developed. rather you need to embrace the feeling and use it to push you over the edge. as adults, our brain uses that feeling to block release, you want to change that response so that the brain uses that feeling to release and let go.

I also think that anything with negative conotations is doomed to fail for most people. No control, curses, things like that, the brain is going to rebel against. Maybe some subjects will be willing to accept those kind of messages, but I think most will not. I have been spending lots of time on this, I think there is one simple message that will cause the brain to do everything else that we want. finding that message, is like finding a mantra for meditation, it may take a long time to find.

the one I am testing on myself now is "happy babies have empty bladders"

The intention is that the brain will desire to be happy, and will find every way it can to keep my bladder empty.

my job is to wear diapers.

but to listen to a mass of messages is likely to just cause the brain to shut it all out.

try to pick a single message that covers the things you want and focus on that one thing.

Good Luck
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Re: too many messages

Postby LilJennie » June 22nd, 2009, 4:45 pm

wohermiston wrote:I think that is too much. the best thing is to try and decide what it is you want and try and stick to a single message.

I agree with this. Too many different suggestions will just confuse your subconscious and be ineffective. Worse, some of those suggestions might contradict each other, working at cross-purposes and getting you nowhere.

I also think that anything with negative conotations is doomed to fail for most people. No control, curses, things like that, the brain is going to rebel against. Maybe some subjects will be willing to accept those kind of messages, but I think most will not.

I am not sure that this is true of most people, but I could accept that it was true of some people. Just as some particular induction technique will work better on some people than others, one given approach to a suggestion concept may work better on some people than others. It's just a matter of finding the approach that works best for you.

but to listen to a mass of messages is likely to just cause the brain to shut it all out.

try to pick a single message that covers the things you want and focus on that one thing.

Yes, you will probably have better results if you focus on just one file or one concept at a time.
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Postby Iamred » July 30th, 2009, 10:44 am

I have used relaxation techniques and self-hypnosis for years and in my experience positive reenforcement yields better results than a negative or aversion approach. Since I have enjoyed a wet/messy sexual fetish for years I recently decided to try hypnotic suggestion toward incontinence after finding a reference to this site. I am having remarkable success in a very short time. I've listened to quite a few files here, avoiding the ones with AB references (NOT my thing) and found the "Classical Incontinence" "My Incontinence File" and the Sarnoga series most helpful to start with. I ultimately decided to create a few simple loops of my own to use during the day and while sleeping. As much as possible during the day I have on in the background a loop encouraging myself to keep my bladder and bowel muscles calm and relaxed. In my night time loop I emphasize the enjoyment of wetting and soiling myself plus the muscle relaxation. After two weeks of this I am peeing easily throughout the day and night with virtually no warning and little or no ability to stop the flow once it begins. It's as if the "urge" part is gone and the only sensation that still gets my attention is the piss flowing. My bowel movements also happen more or less instantly, (my shit is softer and usually passes easily which helps) and even farts pass with little noise...just a bubble of air breathing out freely.
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