Things to do when you're 2

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Things to do when you're 2

Postby demigraff » February 18th, 2010, 5:34 pm

Hi folks,

I've recently got the opportunity to try age regression with a real life "mummy" to look after me. I've been listening to Pacifier Induction 1 and 3 for months now, and she's happy to make me little again using the trance trigger. But we don't want every session to be the same, so we'd really appreciate any suggestions for what we could do while I'm a little boy. We tried making me 18 months old, but now she prefers me as a 2 year old (though I have no idea about child development, so I won't notice too much if I'm the wrong age for some ideas)

(Also, any suggestions on how to best word the post hypnotic suggestions would be appreciated. We understand the theory behind what should work, but have some trouble coming up with decent wording for any particular suggestion)

So far, we've tried or thought about:
  • Playing with soft toys
  • Learning to read / looking at picture books
  • Comfort blanket
  • Spanked for misbehaving
  • Watching kids TV (have sent for videos of something called "lazy town", but would appreciate other suggestions)
  • Drinking from a bottle or mummy's breasts (doesn't quite feel real, but getting there)
  • Wearing "big boy pants", makes me proud of being so grown up
  • Wetting diapers (We tried with a trigger, but didn't quite work)
  • Feeling small, unable to reach things on the table
  • Getting hurt and crying until comforted

So ... if you can add to the list, or provide a short "script" for better ways to word some of the suggestions, many many thanks in advance.
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Postby markcha » February 19th, 2010, 2:52 am

I am in no way an expert, but considering that I have a 15month old sleeping upstairs (and a 2 month old sleeping on the keyboard) I may be able to come up with some ideas/notes.

- Soft toys are generally for a little younger age. Most of the toys we have are plastic. One thing to consider is blocks to stack, move and push over.

- For kids TV, you might want to consider looking at Disney's Baby Einstein collection or Baby Moves from Fisher Price. They may be expensive, and are labeled for real young ages, but I know that my youngster will stare at the TV while they are playing. Also, they are done well enough that they can be watched by adults without causing brain mush, at least the first few thousand times.

- Repetition. Kids love to do the same things over and over. This is a key way that they learn. The most amazing thing for me was watching him try to walk: he would do things hundreds of times before it would work and he would keep trying no mater how hard it was.

- Walking in a hesitant manor, falling down a lot. Mixing walking with crawling.

- Intense fascination with everything. We spent some time outdoors today and he just sat in the grass staring at everything. Remember, for a baby, everything is new. The feel of grass is new. The texture of a leaf is new. The dew on the grass is new. Getting clothes damp is new. The worm is new.

- Kids don't like to be dressed or undressed: both of our babies will be very fussy as you change them. I don't think any kids like shoes. They will always be removing them (which makes taking a stroller ride an interesting example in watching what falls to the ground).

- It is my guess that babys don't feel "small". It is just the way things are. Yes a lot of things are bigger than they are. A lot of interesting shiny things are out of reach.

- Reaching is still interesting. You can pick up things, and you can use a pincher grasp to get small things, but hands/feet are still a little new and don't always do what you want them to. You end up not being able to grab everything you can touch.

- Babies are always in the here and now. No thinking about the future, very little thinking about the past.

- Food. At this point a baby will be eating generally what his parents eat, though it frequently has to be cooked a little more to be a bit softer and has to be cut up smaller. My 15 month old ate leftover P.F. Chang ginger chicken today and really liked it. Only about 1/3 of the food will get eaten. The rest is dropped, smeared on the table, dropped in the bib, squished, smashed, played with, thrown, rubbed in the hair, etc. If he gets too big of a bite of food, or too much at once, it will be chewed on and then just dribble back out of the mouth.

- Restrictions. Babys have a lot of physical restrictions placed on them for safety. We have gates across some doorways to keep them in/out. Some cabinents have child resistant hooks on them. I am sure that the baby does no understand why they can not access the neat stuff on the other side.

- Stairways. You crawl up a stairway. You crawl down as well.

- Teething. If you need a reason to cry or be cranky, babies are getting their first set of teeth in. It is irritating when the tooth breaks through the gum and this causes a lot of drooling as well as general fussyness. Note that babies can not say why they are unhappy, it is up to the parents to guess properly and fix it.

Hmm, reading back through this, it is not the list you asked for; hope it is somewhat helpful.
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Postby Ladon » February 21st, 2010, 5:51 pm

These are some very interesting ideas, I love the thought of actually feeling little, not just feeling like a man wanting to be little.

I am an extremely word-oriented person, I can't even really form a thought without words, at least that's how it feels to me. I can pick out words from only a tiny glimpse of them, or from incomplete or blurry words, upside down and backwards, and even infer meanings in latin-related languages, based on context.

Anyway, the point is: I've often wondered how amazing it would feel to temporarily 'forget' how words work, how to read, how to talk, and even that speech means something. I only wish I could find an in-person hypnotist willing to experiment with all my fantasies.
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Postby zzzzz » February 24th, 2010, 3:33 pm

Feeling little, would that be possible without regression?

Maybe growing older and become little and feel real little again possible too! ;-)
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Postby LilJennie » March 13th, 2010, 1:32 am

Ladon wrote:Anyway, the point is: I've often wondered how amazing it would feel to temporarily 'forget' how words work, how to read, how to talk, and even that speech means something. I only wish I could find an in-person hypnotist willing to experiment with all my fantasies.

I've fantasized about that very same thing a lot. :)
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Postby demigraff » March 14th, 2010, 3:59 am

Thanks Ladon and markcha :) Quite a lot of ideas to play with there. Also thanks to zzzzz, sounds like an interesting thought, but I'm not really sure what you mean.

And also, some delicious copypasta from adby, maybe even tangentially relevant. Did you get the author's permission to repost this? I notice that when quoting, you didn't include a link to the site you got it from, and also removed the attribution and copyright notice.[/img]
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Postby zzzzz » March 14th, 2010, 5:01 am



I try to explain what i meant

Regression means, go back (i think)

So for example, when you want to be a baby, you might go back to your own past, then maybe you relive your own life

I thought about an other concept (fiction?)

How about not going back, but going on and get little (instead of old)... then you do not relive your life, but experience new things in the future

I hope it is clearer now, what i tried to say :-)
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Postby werepuppy » March 20th, 2010, 6:00 pm

heres one

When I put a nappy on you now youll be a little baby as long as its on, and becos a baby dont know when she needs to pee you wont know if you need to pee. you wont notice and you wont feel it consciously. If i ask if you need the loo you will think you dont and you will say no, but because your subconscience knows, you will nod or shake your head without even notice you are doing it, but that will just make you feel even more a baby, and even more not know if you need to pee. When you really need to go urgently you might notice but you'll need it so bad that you wet your nappy in less than a minute. Until then you wont notice at all as long as your wearing the nappies.
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Postby demigraff » March 20th, 2010, 9:56 pm

That sounds pretty useful. Thanks Werepuppy.

So when "mummy" asks if I need the toilet, if I don't need to go I'd just say no. If my bladder is full enough, I'd say "no" but nod, so she knows she can trigger me to wet. But at that point, I still wouldn't realise. And if I should be desperate, then I can say yes. And mummy knows that I need it so badly I won't be able to hold it long, so the other trigger isn't needed.

I might just suggest that my "mummy" checks out this thread and uses that script. Of course, it has to be a surprise, so I'll have to ask her to not consider that I might have read it already.
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Postby werepuppy » March 21st, 2010, 1:43 am

oh hehe now i can teach master's mummy some of the tricks he tought me.

This one is a fun way to feel more like a baby and make it stronger. I think you said you use the nappy as the magic item what makes you a baby, so why not...

I'm going to put u in a nappy, and your going to start feeling like an 18 months old baby. Your subconscience mind has a link between your nappy and being a baby, so as you feel me put it on you you will feel more and more babyish just like you do every time I put you in a nappy. Let your body move without thinking and doing that makes you know just how easy you feel what I said. Lift your butt up and feel like a 18 months old baby starts to feel. Just so small and weak. Now lay down again and start feeling you cant talk so easy, you dont know grown up words, and the softness makes you feel safe. Youll feel this much like a baby as long as you got the nappy on, then go back to normal.

As I fasten the tape, imagine urself feeling your cordination going away so you cant walk easily, you might stumble when you walk and find it hard to grab stuff as long as your a 18 months old with a nappy on.
*fastens first tape*
As I fasten the next tape, focus on the softness of the nappy wrap around you and make you more of a baby whenever you wear it. Feel your self not knowing how big words work as long as your a baby in a nappy.
*fastens next tape*
Let the next tape make you into a real baby who cant think about things long. So after anything upsets you or makes you happy, youll only remember for a few minutes, *fastens tape* and youll only remember everything after I take your nappy off again. And with the last tape youll be like an 18 month old baby, and you know babys cant hold their pee and poo. So youll just go in your nappy as soon as you notice you need it, you wont know how to do anything else as long as your a 18 month old baby in a nappy. Feel yourself become that baby *fastens last tape* now!
*if you got other magic words say them here*
Now your a baby, feel more like a baby than you ever did before, and you'll act and feel like a baby in every way now as long as your in that nappy, and any time I put one on you.
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Postby werepuppy » March 21st, 2010, 4:12 am

Hehe, I heard on chat that Master Angels mummy might read this and use the scripts. So here's more of what I think might be different or fun.

I probably shouldnt be writing this at work but Im not busy. They didnt need me this weekend after all.

Do you always make the baby do a wee or poo in his nappy? (or diaper if your American)? Might be a little change is good, a surprise to do it at the beginning. Once you got baby in a diaper in a hypnosis, say something like

Your going to be a baby, 2 years old, as long as you wear the nappy. So think about how babys feel and what they do, and the more you imagine it the more like a baby you feel. Let yourself sit up without even thinking about it as you hear my words going into your mind, and maybe imagine mummy picking you up and sitting you up. You are starting to feel like a real 2 years old baby, and a baby cant control his wee-wee. So Im going to tell you to do a pee in your nappy, and when you do it will make you know just how much a baby you are as long as you wear the nappy. I want you to feel just how much you need a wee now, and let it get more and more from every word I say. The more you need to pee, the more you know your going to wet your nappy, and the more you can look forward to it and the more you know just how much your going to be a 2yo baby as long as you wear the nappy, or when I give you a nappy in future. Start feeling how full you are, how much you need to pee, and the more that feeling grows the more powerful my words will get to make you such a complete baby when you wear your nappy. I'm going to keep telling you to wet your nappy now and the more you think about how much you need to go, the easier it gets to not think about my words and just feel what I say. You want to wee in your nappy, so when you feel yourself let go you know that as you feel it flow out of you, all your adult thoughts will flow away too and you will be a complete 18 months old baby as long as your wearing a nappy. The more you wet, the more completely you will be a baby.

*and repeat these bits in different order until baby starts to wet*

The more you listen to my voice, the easier it gets to go deeper and deeper still. As you go deeper, your bladder gets fuller. Every word makes you need to pee more and more. Every second until you pee means that peeing will make you more of a baby. The more you feel what I say, and need to go wee, the more like a baby you will be. As you start feeling like a baby, you know you'll find it harder to control your wee-wee. And you know that wetting will make you feel completely an 18-months old baby. Any time you feel your wet nappy, it just reminds you what a baby you are and makes you go deeper and deeper still feeling more like a baby. As long as you are wearing a nappy you are a baby, and peeing in your nappy or being wet just makes it so much more powerful. Feeling wet takes away all your grown up feelings until I take the nappy off.

*then once hes wet you just wake him up and feel like he's woken up from a nap. Maybe he knows he wet while he was asleep, or doesnt even notice*
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Postby werepuppy » March 22nd, 2010, 4:11 am

heres another one thats fun. Put a nappy on your baby and then do the hypnosis, then say you want to watch TV or something first, or you need to do it after dinner. You cant take the nappy off cos that would be a waste but you can make him be baby later. When your ready, you can just say the magic words and make him wet ^_^ this one might make the suggestions all stronger tooo:

Go deeper and deeper and feel everything I say now. You know how it feels to get little and be a baby, and I want you to think how much you like being a baby. In future, whenever I put a nappy on you, you know that it normaly makes you a baby. But today you won't be a baby just yet, I just want you to feel how much you want me to make you a little baby, and think how much fun it is. But I'm going to tell you why you cant be a baby just yet, and whatever I say will seem like it makes sense. You know what I say is a good idea, so you will wait until you can be a baby later. You will keep wearing your nappy while you wait and as long as you wear that nappy you will know that you have to wait until i'm ready. And every time you think about how much you want to be a baby it will be easier and easier to imagine how it will feel, and that will make you feel even more like a baby when I make you little. You wont know that your feeling these things becos I told you to, you will think I just put a nappy on you then decided we have to wait before you can be a baby.

While your waiting to be a baby, you will keep thinking about how good it will feel, and the more you want it the more real it will feel when it happens. And when you start to need the toilet, you will realise that if you dont get to be a baby soon you will have to take your nappy off any way, so you will start getting impatient. As you need to pee more and more, you will start getting childish and impatient, just a little, and even as it makes these words stronger and stronger the more you need to go you wont notice that anything is changing. Then when I say "(*say the magic words*)" you will suddenly know you need to pee so bad you cant hold it any more, and you will wet your nappy just like every time I say "*magic words*" when you got a nappy on. As you feel the wee flow out of you, it will make you feel more and more like a 18 months baby. Because of all the waiting, you'll be more a baby than ever before by the time you empty yourself completely you wont have any grown up thoughts left, and you will be completely a baby as long as you have the nappy on.
If your sucking your pacifier or drinking a bottle, that will make you stay a baby while I change your nappy, and as I put a new nappy on you it will make you feel more and more like a baby every time. You will be a complete baby until I take your nappy off without giving you a bottle or paci.
So now get ready to wake up, not remembering that I put you in hypnosis until I take that nappy off. As I count down let your conscience memory of these commands fade away so you can only obey them without knowing.
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Postby demigraff » March 23rd, 2010, 6:21 am

Thanks for all the suggestions, especially the scripts. If anyone else has some - even short descriptions we can include in a longer trance - that would be much appreciated.

werepuppy wrote:I'm going to put u in a nappy, and your going to start feeling like an 18 months old baby. Your subconscience mind has a link between your nappy and being a baby, so as you feel me put it on you you will feel more and more babyish just like you do every time I put you in a nappy. Let your body move without thinking and doing that makes you know just how easy you feel what I said. Lift your butt up and feel like a 18 months old baby starts to feel. Just so small and weak. Now lay down again and start feeling you cant talk so easy, you dont know grown up words, and the softness makes you feel safe. Youll feel this much like a baby as long as you got the nappy on, then go back to normal.

As I fasten the tape, imagine urself feeling your cordination going away so you cant walk easily, you might stumble when you walk and find it hard to grab stuff as long as your a 18 months old with a nappy on.
*fastens first tape*
As I fasten the next tape, focus on the softness of the nappy wrap around you and make you more of a baby whenever you wear it. Feel your self not knowing how big words work as long as your a baby in a nappy.
*fastens next tape*
Let the next tape make you into a real baby who cant think about things long. So after anything upsets you or makes you happy, youll only remember for a few minutes, *fastens tape* and youll only remember everything after I take your nappy off again. And with the last tape youll be like an 18 month old baby, and you know babys cant hold their pee and poo. So youll just go in your nappy as soon as you notice you need it, you wont know how to do anything else as long as your a 18 month old baby in a nappy. Feel yourself become that baby *fastens last tape* now!
*if you got other magic words say them here*
Now your a baby, feel more like a baby than you ever did before, and you'll act and feel like a baby in every way now as long as your in that nappy, and any time I put one on you.

A great short script, that would probably be very effective. I'd love to see this used on me, possibly tweaked a little to allow for different ages of baby with slightly different abilities.

I must admit, its kind of odd seeing someone else who seems to follow my style so well. I'm not sure if that's an advantage or disadvantage, but I have high hopes.

werepuppy wrote:heres another one thats fun. Put a nappy on your baby and then do the hypnosis, then say you want to watch TV or something first, or you need to do it after dinner. You cant take the nappy off cos that would be a waste but you can make him be baby later. When your ready, you can just say the magic words and make him wet ^_^ this one might make the suggestions all stronger tooo:

Go deeper and deeper and feel everything I say now. You know how it feels to get little and be a baby, and I want you to think how much you like being a baby. In future, whenever I put a nappy on you, you know that it normaly makes you a baby. But today you won't be a baby just yet, I just want you to feel how much you want me to make you a little baby, and think how much fun it is. But I'm going to tell you why you cant be a baby just yet, and whatever I say will seem like it makes sense. You know what I say is a good idea, so you will wait until you can be a baby later. You will keep wearing your nappy while you wait and as long as you wear that nappy you will know that you have to wait until i'm ready. And every time you think about how much you want to be a baby it will be easier and easier to imagine how it will feel, and that will make you feel even more like a baby when I make you little. You wont know that your feeling these things becos I told you to, you will think I just put a nappy on you then decided we have to wait before you can be a baby.

While your waiting to be a baby, you will keep thinking about how good it will feel, and the more you want it the more real it will feel when it happens. And when you start to need the toilet, you will realise that if you dont get to be a baby soon you will have to take your nappy off any way, so you will start getting impatient. As you need to pee more and more, you will start getting childish and impatient, just a little, and even as it makes these words stronger and stronger the more you need to go you wont notice that anything is changing. Then when I say "(*say the magic words*)" you will suddenly know you need to pee so bad you cant hold it any more, and you will wet your nappy just like every time I say "*magic words*" when you got a nappy on. As you feel the wee flow out of you, it will make you feel more and more like a 18 months baby. Because of all the waiting, you'll be more a baby than ever before by the time you empty yourself completely you wont have any grown up thoughts left, and you will be completely a baby as long as you have the nappy on.
If your sucking your pacifier or drinking a bottle, that will make you stay a baby while I change your nappy, and as I put a new nappy on you it will make you feel more and more like a baby every time. You will be a complete baby until I take your nappy off without giving you a bottle or paci.
So now get ready to wake up, not remembering that I put you in hypnosis until I take that nappy off. As I count down let your conscience memory of these commands fade away so you can only obey them without knowing.

That's a neat idea. It would work best as a surprise I think, but I suspect even if baby knows about it, that script might be powerful enough to push the thought out of mind.

Here's a script ... figure I might as well post it here, with a load of similar ideas.

dream wrote:[Start of trance]
Go deeper and deeper still, let yourself slip into trance, and start to feel and do all the things I'm saying to you. I'm going to put a nappy on you, and as I do, you're going to start feeling more and more like a <baby/toddler>. You will sink deeper into trance, and all the things I describe will seem more real, and more natural, until you are just a <X year/month> old <baby/toddler>, and you will remain <X years/months> old until I take your nappy off. You can already start to feel yourself growing smaller as you sink deeper, and you will find yourself moving when I touch you, so it feels like I can lift you easily as you become a little baby.
Just let yourself become a little baby as I put the nappy on you, and remain like a baby until I take it off. You feel small, and your body moves without you even thinking about it as I touch you, it seems as if I can easily lift you, as you become just a little baby. Just grow younger, and accept all my suggestions more easily as I put this nappy on you. <repeat as neccessary while changing>

Start to feel ... <insert appropriate suggestions for target age>
You will feel all the things I've just described becoming more real with every moment, as you sink deeper and deeper still, accepting my words more completely. You will be a <X year/month> old baby, and feel all the things I've suggested you should feel, until I take your nappy off.
<triggers for this session>
Let all these suggestions sink deeper and deeper still, until you will feel all the things I've said you should feel, and do all the things I've said you should do. You will feel all these things until I take your nappy off. You will also find that if I give you back your dummy, it will strengthen all my suggestions, and make you feel even more like a baby, and let you feel anything I say you should feel. It will let you feel and do what I suggest, even if you are too young to understand what I'm saying, because your subconscious mind can always understand and remember.
Are you happy to accept and obey the suggestions I have given you, and to feel the things I'm telling you to feel?
<wait for nod, repeating question if necessary>
Then let yourself feel those things, and feel yourself becoming a baby as long as you have the nappy on. Now I'm going to count to 5 and then take away your dummy. As I count, you will feel more and more like a baby as you wake from trance, feeling just like you've woken up from a nice nap.
5. Feeling just like a real baby.
4. Waking from trance, feeling so refreshed.
3. Ready to feel all the things I've said until I take your nappy off
2. Almost completely awake now, feeling happy and young
<repeat more "wake up" suggestions if necessary>

markcha wrote:- For kids TV, you might want to consider looking at Disney's Baby Einstein collection or Baby Moves from Fisher Price. They may be expensive, and are labeled for real young ages, but I know that my youngster will stare at the TV while they are playing. Also, they are done well enough that they can be watched by adults without causing brain mush, at least the first few thousand times.

Thanks for the recommendation. I've seen some of that over the weekend, and I'm sure as a baby it would hold my attention

markcha wrote:- Repetition. Kids love to do the same things over and over. This is a key way that they learn. The most amazing thing for me was watching him try to walk: he would do things hundreds of times before it would work and he would keep trying no mater how hard it was.

- Walking in a hesitant manor, falling down a lot. Mixing walking with crawling.

- Intense fascination with everything. We spent some time outdoors today and he just sat in the grass staring at everything. Remember, for a baby, everything is new. The feel of grass is new. The texture of a leaf is new. The dew on the grass is new. Getting clothes damp is new. The worm is new.

This is exactly what I'm looking for, but I suspect will be quite hard to describe in a way my brain can use. I'll have to see what we can do :) Your other suggestions could also be fun to try out; I'm sure she'll be able to pick out some to play with.

werepuppy wrote:When I put a nappy on you now youll be a little baby as long as its on, and becos a baby dont know when she needs to pee you wont know if you need to pee. you wont notice and you wont feel it consciously. If i ask if you need the loo you will think you dont and you will say no, but because your subconscience knows, you will nod or shake your head without even notice you are doing it, but that will just make you feel even more a baby, and even more not know if you need to pee. When you really need to go urgently you might notice but you'll need it so bad that you wet your nappy in less than a minute. Until then you wont notice at all as long as your wearing the nappies.

An interesting script, and probably one we could use straight off - probably inserted into the "other suggestions here" bit of the longer scripts above. Thanks :)

werepuppy wrote:Your going to be a baby, 2 years old, as long as you wear the nappy. So think about how babys feel and what they do, and the more you imagine it the more like a baby you feel. Let yourself sit up without even thinking about it as you hear my words going into your mind, and maybe imagine mummy picking you up and sitting you up. You are starting to feel like a real 2 years old baby, and a baby cant control his wee-wee. So Im going to tell you to do a pee in your nappy, and when you do it will make you know just how much a baby you are as long as you wear the nappy. I want you to feel just how much you need a wee now, and let it get more and more from every word I say. The more you need to pee, the more you know your going to wet your nappy, and the more you can look forward to it and the more you know just how much your going to be a 2yo baby as long as you wear the nappy, or when I give you a nappy in future. Start feeling how full you are, how much you need to pee, and the more that feeling grows the more powerful my words will get to make you such a complete baby when you wear your nappy. I'm going to keep telling you to wet your nappy now and the more you think about how much you need to go, the easier it gets to not think about my words and just feel what I say. You want to wee in your nappy, so when you feel yourself let go you know that as you feel it flow out of you, all your adult thoughts will flow away too and you will be a complete 18 months old baby as long as your wearing a nappy. The more you wet, the more completely you will be a baby.

*and repeat these bits in different order until baby starts to wet*

The more you listen to my voice, the easier it gets to go deeper and deeper still. As you go deeper, your bladder gets fuller. Every word makes you need to pee more and more. Every second until you pee means that peeing will make you more of a baby. The more you feel what I say, and need to go wee, the more like a baby you will be. As you start feeling like a baby, you know you'll find it harder to control your wee-wee. And you know that wetting will make you feel completely an 18-months old baby. Any time you feel your wet nappy, it just reminds you what a baby you are and makes you go deeper and deeper still feeling more like a baby. As long as you are wearing a nappy you are a baby, and peeing in your nappy or being wet just makes it so much more powerful. Feeling wet takes away all your grown up feelings until I take the nappy off.

*then once hes wet you just wake him up and feel like he's woken up from a nap. Maybe he knows he wet while he was asleep, or doesnt even notice*

That's a really interesting idea, and another that would be great to make the common suggestions feel more powerful, more real by building on anchors. Though the session itself might be quite short unless you include the "going deeper / more babyish while being changed" idea too.

Again, many many thanks
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Postby demigraff » March 23rd, 2010, 6:23 am

Thanks for all the suggestions, especially the scripts. If anyone else has some - even short descriptions we can include in a longer trance - that would be much appreciated.

werepuppy wrote:I'm going to put u in a nappy, and your going to start feeling like an 18 months old baby. Your subconscience mind has a link between your nappy and being a baby, so as you feel me put it on you you will feel more and more babyish just like you do every time I put you in a nappy. Let your body move without thinking and doing that makes you know just how easy you feel what I said. Lift your butt up and feel like a 18 months old baby starts to feel. Just so small and weak. Now lay down again and start feeling you cant talk so easy, you dont know grown up words, and the softness makes you feel safe. Youll feel this much like a baby as long as you got the nappy on, then go back to normal.

As I fasten the tape, imagine urself feeling your cordination going away so you cant walk easily, you might stumble when you walk and find it hard to grab stuff as long as your a 18 months old with a nappy on.
*fastens first tape*
As I fasten the next tape, focus on the softness of the nappy wrap around you and make you more of a baby whenever you wear it. Feel your self not knowing how big words work as long as your a baby in a nappy.
*fastens next tape*
Let the next tape make you into a real baby who cant think about things long. So after anything upsets you or makes you happy, youll only remember for a few minutes, *fastens tape* and youll only remember everything after I take your nappy off again. And with the last tape youll be like an 18 month old baby, and you know babys cant hold their pee and poo. So youll just go in your nappy as soon as you notice you need it, you wont know how to do anything else as long as your a 18 month old baby in a nappy. Feel yourself become that baby *fastens last tape* now!
*if you got other magic words say them here*
Now your a baby, feel more like a baby than you ever did before, and you'll act and feel like a baby in every way now as long as your in that nappy, and any time I put one on you.

A great short script, that would probably be very effective. I'd love to see this used on me, possibly tweaked a little to allow for different ages of baby with slightly different abilities.

I must admit, its kind of odd seeing someone else who seems to follow my style so well. I'm not sure if that's an advantage or disadvantage, but I have high hopes.

werepuppy wrote:heres another one thats fun. Put a nappy on your baby and then do the hypnosis, then say you want to watch TV or something first, or you need to do it after dinner. You cant take the nappy off cos that would be a waste but you can make him be baby later. When your ready, you can just say the magic words and make him wet ^_^ this one might make the suggestions all stronger tooo:

Go deeper and deeper and feel everything I say now. You know how it feels to get little and be a baby, and I want you to think how much you like being a baby. In future, whenever I put a nappy on you, you know that it normaly makes you a baby. But today you won't be a baby just yet, I just want you to feel how much you want me to make you a little baby, and think how much fun it is. But I'm going to tell you why you cant be a baby just yet, and whatever I say will seem like it makes sense. You know what I say is a good idea, so you will wait until you can be a baby later. You will keep wearing your nappy while you wait and as long as you wear that nappy you will know that you have to wait until i'm ready. And every time you think about how much you want to be a baby it will be easier and easier to imagine how it will feel, and that will make you feel even more like a baby when I make you little. You wont know that your feeling these things becos I told you to, you will think I just put a nappy on you then decided we have to wait before you can be a baby.

While your waiting to be a baby, you will keep thinking about how good it will feel, and the more you want it the more real it will feel when it happens. And when you start to need the toilet, you will realise that if you dont get to be a baby soon you will have to take your nappy off any way, so you will start getting impatient. As you need to pee more and more, you will start getting childish and impatient, just a little, and even as it makes these words stronger and stronger the more you need to go you wont notice that anything is changing. Then when I say "(*say the magic words*)" you will suddenly know you need to pee so bad you cant hold it any more, and you will wet your nappy just like every time I say "*magic words*" when you got a nappy on. As you feel the wee flow out of you, it will make you feel more and more like a 18 months baby. Because of all the waiting, you'll be more a baby than ever before by the time you empty yourself completely you wont have any grown up thoughts left, and you will be completely a baby as long as you have the nappy on.
If your sucking your pacifier or drinking a bottle, that will make you stay a baby while I change your nappy, and as I put a new nappy on you it will make you feel more and more like a baby every time. You will be a complete baby until I take your nappy off without giving you a bottle or paci.
So now get ready to wake up, not remembering that I put you in hypnosis until I take that nappy off. As I count down let your conscience memory of these commands fade away so you can only obey them without knowing.

That's a neat idea. It would work best as a surprise I think, but I suspect even if baby knows about it, that script might be powerful enough to push the thought out of mind.

Here's a script ... figure I might as well post it here, with a load of similar ideas.

dream wrote:[Start of trance]
Go deeper and deeper still, let yourself slip into trance, and start to feel and do all the things I'm saying to you. I'm going to put a nappy on you, and as I do, you're going to start feeling more and more like a <baby/toddler>. You will sink deeper into trance, and all the things I describe will seem more real, and more natural, until you are just a <X year/month> old <baby/toddler>, and you will remain <X years/months> old until I take your nappy off. You can already start to feel yourself growing smaller as you sink deeper, and you will find yourself moving when I touch you, so it feels like I can lift you easily as you become a little baby.
Just let yourself become a little baby as I put the nappy on you, and remain like a baby until I take it off. You feel small, and your body moves without you even thinking about it as I touch you, it seems as if I can easily lift you, as you become just a little baby. Just grow younger, and accept all my suggestions more easily as I put this nappy on you. <repeat as neccessary while changing>

Start to feel ... <insert appropriate suggestions for target age>
You will feel all the things I've just described becoming more real with every moment, as you sink deeper and deeper still, accepting my words more completely. You will be a <X year/month> old baby, and feel all the things I've suggested you should feel, until I take your nappy off.
<triggers for this session>
Let all these suggestions sink deeper and deeper still, until you will feel all the things I've said you should feel, and do all the things I've said you should do. You will feel all these things until I take your nappy off. You will also find that if I give you back your dummy, it will strengthen all my suggestions, and make you feel even more like a baby, and let you feel anything I say you should feel. It will let you feel and do what I suggest, even if you are too young to understand what I'm saying, because your subconscious mind can always understand and remember.
Are you happy to accept and obey the suggestions I have given you, and to feel the things I'm telling you to feel?
<wait for nod, repeating question if necessary>
Then let yourself feel those things, and feel yourself becoming a baby as long as you have the nappy on. Now I'm going to count to 5 and then take away your dummy. As I count, you will feel more and more like a baby as you wake from trance, feeling just like you've woken up from a nice nap.
5. Feeling just like a real baby.
4. Waking from trance, feeling so refreshed.
3. Ready to feel all the things I've said until I take your nappy off
2. Almost completely awake now, feeling happy and young
<repeat more "wake up" suggestions if necessary>

markcha wrote:- For kids TV, you might want to consider looking at Disney's Baby Einstein collection or Baby Moves from Fisher Price. They may be expensive, and are labeled for real young ages, but I know that my youngster will stare at the TV while they are playing. Also, they are done well enough that they can be watched by adults without causing brain mush, at least the first few thousand times.

Thanks for the recommendation. I've seen some of that over the weekend, and I'm sure as a baby it would hold my attention

markcha wrote:- Repetition. Kids love to do the same things over and over. This is a key way that they learn. The most amazing thing for me was watching him try to walk: he would do things hundreds of times before it would work and he would keep trying no mater how hard it was.

- Walking in a hesitant manor, falling down a lot. Mixing walking with crawling.

- Intense fascination with everything. We spent some time outdoors today and he just sat in the grass staring at everything. Remember, for a baby, everything is new. The feel of grass is new. The texture of a leaf is new. The dew on the grass is new. Getting clothes damp is new. The worm is new.

This is exactly what I'm looking for, but I suspect will be quite hard to describe in a way my brain can use. I'll have to see what we can do :) Your other suggestions could also be fun to try out; I'm sure she'll be able to pick out some to play with.

werepuppy wrote:When I put a nappy on you now youll be a little baby as long as its on, and becos a baby dont know when she needs to pee you wont know if you need to pee. you wont notice and you wont feel it consciously. If i ask if you need the loo you will think you dont and you will say no, but because your subconscience knows, you will nod or shake your head without even notice you are doing it, but that will just make you feel even more a baby, and even more not know if you need to pee. When you really need to go urgently you might notice but you'll need it so bad that you wet your nappy in less than a minute. Until then you wont notice at all as long as your wearing the nappies.

An interesting script, and probably one we could use straight off - probably inserted into the "other suggestions here" bit of the longer scripts above. Thanks :)

werepuppy wrote:Your going to be a baby, 2 years old, as long as you wear the nappy. So think about how babys feel and what they do, and the more you imagine it the more like a baby you feel. Let yourself sit up without even thinking about it as you hear my words going into your mind, and maybe imagine mummy picking you up and sitting you up. You are starting to feel like a real 2 years old baby, and a baby cant control his wee-wee. So Im going to tell you to do a pee in your nappy, and when you do it will make you know just how much a baby you are as long as you wear the nappy. I want you to feel just how much you need a wee now, and let it get more and more from every word I say. The more you need to pee, the more you know your going to wet your nappy, and the more you can look forward to it and the more you know just how much your going to be a 2yo baby as long as you wear the nappy, or when I give you a nappy in future. Start feeling how full you are, how much you need to pee, and the more that feeling grows the more powerful my words will get to make you such a complete baby when you wear your nappy. I'm going to keep telling you to wet your nappy now and the more you think about how much you need to go, the easier it gets to not think about my words and just feel what I say. You want to wee in your nappy, so when you feel yourself let go you know that as you feel it flow out of you, all your adult thoughts will flow away too and you will be a complete 18 months old baby as long as your wearing a nappy. The more you wet, the more completely you will be a baby.

*and repeat these bits in different order until baby starts to wet*

The more you listen to my voice, the easier it gets to go deeper and deeper still. As you go deeper, your bladder gets fuller. Every word makes you need to pee more and more. Every second until you pee means that peeing will make you more of a baby. The more you feel what I say, and need to go wee, the more like a baby you will be. As you start feeling like a baby, you know you'll find it harder to control your wee-wee. And you know that wetting will make you feel completely an 18-months old baby. Any time you feel your wet nappy, it just reminds you what a baby you are and makes you go deeper and deeper still feeling more like a baby. As long as you are wearing a nappy you are a baby, and peeing in your nappy or being wet just makes it so much more powerful. Feeling wet takes away all your grown up feelings until I take the nappy off.

*then once hes wet you just wake him up and feel like he's woken up from a nap. Maybe he knows he wet while he was asleep, or doesnt even notice*

That's a really interesting idea, and another that would be great to make the common suggestions feel more powerful, more real by building on anchors. Though the session itself might be quite short unless you include the "going deeper / more babyish while being changed" idea too.

Again, many many thanks
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Postby werepuppy » March 24th, 2010, 1:31 pm

heres an idea for you. Has to in with other suggestions though it probably works better for older children like 5 or something, depends what you watch.

When your wearing the nappy, you will be a (years or months) old baby. as well as the other things I said, you will find that as a baby or toddler you enjoy TV shows for little kids. When they say you need to clap your hands to make a rocket take off or when the people on TV ask you questions or to dance it will seem natural to believe that you can really help the people on TV. This will happen as long as you are a baby wearing a nappy.

If you want you could add this "trigger" too:

And when you are wearing a nappy and you watch kids TV you will get completely focused on it. You might even find that you forget other things like if you need a wee, when you dance with the TV show you will be so focused that you forget to hold your wee until you feel it flowing out. So when you are wearing a nappy and watching kids TV, sometimes dancing with the TV will make you wet your nappy. Just like all the commands to make you wet, this will only happen when I put you in a nappy.
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Another 1 for you

Postby werepuppy » April 16th, 2010, 9:03 am

Heres an idea you could try Ive not written a script yet but you can try it.

Your a big girl today, not a baby any more, and your really proud cos you dont have to wear a nappy/diaper any more, you been dry at day for weeks and you know youve been a good grown-up girl. But you still wet almost every night, and that makes you feel like your still a baby kinda. So at bed time your Mommy puts you in pullups and your all ashamed of you need it. And its the sort of logic babys have, you dont want to wet yourself like a baby, so you dont want to go to bed. You make a fuss and wont behave because you dont want to go to bed. You dont want to go to bed because if you go to bed you know you'll wet and feel ashame like a little baby. So when you have the nappy on, it makes you feel like a toddler and know all this, and know you've just been put in a pullups for bed, but you dont want to go to bed.

You keep saying you dont want to go to bed. But when mommy agrees to let you stay up another half hour she says a magicwords that makes you pee and then your really embarassed. Maybe she could even make it so you think if you go to bed now, you can pretend you wet during the night so you won't be made to wear nappys in the day again.
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Postby demigraff » April 19th, 2010, 12:26 am

Some nice ideas there. I'm not sure how well my brain will take them, as I haven't really experimented with more complex scenarios. However, I'd certainly like to take a look at them, as I think its the little variations that can make every scene new.
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Another one

Postby werepuppy » April 19th, 2010, 7:35 am

Just a little idea for you today to help feel more babyish. Remember not to get horney as a baby, and feel all your sexual thoughts just vanish from your mind. Any time you have a thought that would turn you on as a grow up it just fades away. Maybe another thought comes into your head. Like when something would turn you on, it makes you wee instead, so that washes the grown up thought away and makes you feel more like a baby even tho you dont notice it.

Have you tried not noticing when your wet or not yet?

Sorry these are all about using different things as a wetting trigger, i'll try to think about some different things but thats what makes me feel most helpless
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Postby soundexcess » May 16th, 2010, 10:47 pm

how about enjoying some babyish treats
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