HypnotizeMike wrote:What effects are you looking for? If you explain your desires clearly, maybe someone can write a script and have it recorded.
I've given this more than a little thought. The perfect file or file combination would have to have a threefold effect:
1) It would overcome my
shy bladder, at least while diapered.
2) It would give a sense of a loss of control in a controlled fashion; an involuntary helplessness bracketed by my choosing. Urinary incontinence, only when wearing diapers, might elegantly roll this in with #1. This implementation might also be aided by my paraphilia (paraphilic infantilism). (This might exclude Diaper distraction, which emphasizes ignoring the diaper, and opposed to enjoying and accepting it.)
3) It would need to be effective on a subject who has experienced influences from simple files, but not been "controlled" by any file. This level of tranceability/suggestibility has been stable over much of a year.
#1 might not be that hard to do. Files that claim to do #2 have shown some success at #1, but not #2. #2 has an inherent difficulty. It involves both being in control and out of control.
#3 might be due to #2. While part of me wants to be out of control, the other part of me wants to be in control. This part might be crippling or limiting hypnosis.
boy_arthur_tx wrote:my apologies. i listened to [traindiapers] - AFTER suggesting it. It has more EVERYDAY and permanence than i remembered.
Thanks for uploading the trimmed version. I'll give it a try.
Regarding "The Diaper Does It", it is the reason I started this thread. One time I dozed off briefly during the induction, so I was 'up' during the body, and so noticed some suggestions that I hadn't remembered before. (Amnesia suggestions are at the beginning and end of the body.) 22 minutes into the body it suggests "a growing desire to wear a diaper". At 15 minutes "the diaper calls to you... urging you to wear it." (When trying to listen critically to files, I start at the end and listen in five mine sections.)
Being influenced to want to be in diapers all the time wouldn't meet #2. In many ways, it would be the same as full-time incontinence. [/url]