TV incontinence and regression Trig.

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TV incontinence and regression Trig.

Postby NullBaby » March 26th, 2011, 8:38 pm

Since I do not know how to make hypnosis files I am suggesting an idea if anyone wants to use it. The idea is that when watching a
Baby's or kindergartener's TV show you start to act the age that you think it is intended for and will go along with it and do everything it tells you
To do. You will also lose all control of your bowels and bladder until the program is over. And you cannot change your diaper until the program is over. You must also mess your diaper or you cannot stop watching no matter how many shows you go through and the effects will continue until you mess(you can't change until you mess). Shows like : "Dora the Explorer", "Tele-Tubbies", "Yo-Gabba-Gabba" etc. Tell me what
You think, and to those hypnotists feel free to make a file based off this or all of this, make any edits if you feel needed.
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Joined: March 13th, 2011, 1:00 am

Postby LilJennie » April 5th, 2011, 9:48 am

I like the fact that it's dependent on what age the subject thinks the show is intended for, because everyone will judge that a bit differently. Linking this with regression could make sense. Imagine watching Blue's Clues, Word World or Sid the Science Kid and trying to think about what it would be like if you enjoyed the show as it was meant to be viewed. What would you be like if you enjoyed the show as it was intended? What would your mind be like? How would you think? What would you think about? How would you act? Of course you'd want to keep watching the show, because now it would seem like the greatest thing you ever saw. Maybe you should have some age-appropriate toys around so you have something to do during the commercials -- because you won't want to go very far from the TV until the show is over. You want to see the whole show, of course!

However, I'm not sure how much sense it makes to link this with diapers or incontinence. TV shows intended for actual preverbal children are pretty rare (I can't think of any other than the Teletubbies, of which there haven't been any new episodes for a while, and I don't even know if it's still on TV anywhere). There are plenty of shows for verbal preschoolers, many of whom might still be in diapers, but many others are potty trained. Not very many kindergarteners wear diapers, though -- from what I understand, most kindergartens won't accept children who aren't potty trained.

So, this makes more sense as a regression file than as a diaper/incontinence file per se. There might be incontinence if the subject happens to link the show with an age at which they weren't yet fully potty trained. After listening to this hypothetical file, it might be a good idea to put on some diapers before watching a kids' show. It's hard to say what age your subconscious will decide you are and whether it will decide you're potty trained or not.
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Postby NullBaby » April 10th, 2011, 9:32 pm

LilJennie wrote:I like the fact that it's dependent on what age the subject thinks the show is intended for, because everyone will judge that a bit differently. Linking this with regression could make sense. Imagine watching Blue's Clues, Word World or Sid the Science Kid and trying to think about what it would be like if you enjoyed the show as it was meant to be viewed. What would you be like if you enjoyed the show as it was intended? What would your mind be like? How would you think? What would you think about? How would you act? Of course you'd want to keep watching the show, because now it would seem like the greatest thing you ever saw. Maybe you should have some age-appropriate toys around so you have something to do during the commercials -- because you won't want to go very far from the TV until the show is over. You want to see the whole show, of course!

However, I'm not sure how much sense it makes to link this with diapers or incontinence. TV shows intended for actual preverbal children are pretty rare (I can't think of any other than the Teletubbies, of which there haven't been any new episodes for a while, and I don't even know if it's still on TV anywhere). There are plenty of shows for verbal preschoolers, many of whom might still be in diapers, but many others are potty trained. Not very many kindergarteners wear diapers, though -- from what I understand, most kindergartens won't accept children who aren't potty trained.

So, this makes more sense as a regression file than as a diaper/incontinence file per se. There might be incontinence if the subject happens to link the show with an age at which they weren't yet fully potty trained. After listening to this hypothetical file, it might be a good idea to put on some diapers before watching a kids' show. It's hard to say what age your subconscious will decide you are and whether it will decide you're potty trained or not.

I guess it doesn't have to include incontinence but it could if the hypnotist wanted to it could. That's just my opinion not what I expect.
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Postby Ladon » April 30th, 2011, 6:47 pm

Well, perhaps one could imagine he or she is homeschooled because (s)he didn't potty train before kindergarten. :)
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