Email Slave :)

For discussions relating to Diapers, Incontinence, Adult Babies, etc.

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Email Slave :)

Postby -SleepyBoy » May 19th, 2011, 1:53 am

Hiyas ^.^

I thought i'd post this here in hope for some more diaper/incontinence slave emails. Um i like losing control of situations, feeling helpless and embarrassed. I'm interested in pretty much every kink going, if ya not sure, try it anyways, I'll give anything a try a least once ^.^ I'm especially interested in diapers and losing temporary control not quite sure about the permenant option yet. I like getting surprised the best, its not as much fun when people want you to practically write the email itself for them, and i'm also interested in finding out and experiencing the use of post-hypnotic triggers, like things that happen in my day to day life. Yes, i do have have safeties in place and they're pretty much the usual: no unwilling enslavement, no kids, illegal, permanent damage, and most likely no pics or videos until i feel like i trust them.

If you're still interested, do some hand warm-ups and fire away xD

19/m/gay (least i fricken hope so, kinda would suck if wasnt seeing as im out xD)

-SleepyBoy <3
Posts: 8
Joined: May 15th, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby boblove » May 26th, 2011, 5:27 pm

I am also interested in this too. email me at and i will do it.
Posts: 11
Joined: March 17th, 2008, 12:00 am

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