grown up wetting file

For discussions relating to Diapers, Incontinence, Adult Babies, etc.

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grown up wetting file

Postby sicksecretary » August 23rd, 2011, 3:08 am

I sometimes wonder why almost all the files that aim to cause wetting accidents are connected with regression, or being made to wear diapers. While I have nothing against people enjoying those things of course, I'd personally love to see more wetting files that are targeted to grown ups in a grown-up state of mind.

For example, something that would make me unwittingly drink a lot of liquid before I have to attend situations where I can not easily go to the bathroom, and which also weakens my bladder control a little, or maybe causes it to be easily "startled" or something like that. With or without additional word triggers, I am not likely to tell them to anyone in real life anyway... although I guess it would be wicked to have a "punishment trigger" for Mistress or Master control...

But something that puts me in a generally accident prone state, without telling me that I am a little girl again, would be very exciting. It could ideally leave me with enough conscious control so that it would not mess up my life in situations where it's absolutely unacceptable, if that is possible. Just let the subconscious mind decide, I guess it knows best.
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Postby subsumed » September 4th, 2011, 12:57 pm

I suspect that there are a number of reasons.

Perhaps those that are into incontinance actually see it as being 'wrong' for an adult (which might be why they are attracted to it). However because it is clearly OK for babies to wet etc, if they become one then they cannot be's not then their fault. Wetting as an adult might not fulfil the 'being cared for' needs that regression can fulfil.

Also it is possible to wear a diaper and probably use it for fluids while in public without anyone else knowing, allowing public wetting for those for whom being seen to be wet is not possible.

Just a couple of ideas, perhaps a practitioner of this might be better able to explain?
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Postby Ladon » September 12th, 2011, 4:42 pm

Not to mention that most people associate wetting oneself with being infantile, or at the very least, wetting oneself would make one recall childhood humiliation.

I'll see if I can't come up with something! :)
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Postby Ladon » September 12th, 2011, 7:27 pm

Ok, try this on for size. There are a couple mentions of childhood, but nothing that is meant to make one feel little. I'll record it soon, if it is well received.

Now, you might already find yourself beginning to relax, or maybe you are just now settling down to listen to this recording, and it may take a few moments to relax fully. Either way, if you've chosen to listen to this file, you've decided what you want, and you want to relax, and listen to my voice. If you find that some part of you is hesitant to let go, you might just concentrate on your breathing. Breathing in... and breathing out. In... and out... Maybe you have noticed it before, or maybe you're only noticing it now for the first time, but if you pay attention very carefully, you'll notice the very subtle difference between the temperature of the air you're breathing in, and the temperature of the air you're breathing out. The air you're breathing in might be a bit... cooler, and when you breathe out... it's a bit...warmer. If you'd like, maybe you can just keep that relaxation growing, and keep listening.

Now, maybe your eyes are closed, or maybe they're open. If you'd like to close them, it helps the relaxation, but you don't have to close them, unless you want to. But whether your eyes are closed, or just closing, or something else, maybe you can begin to remember your favorite fruit. I don't know if it's an orange, or a strawberry, or maybe a tomato, or some other fruit, but we each have a favorite, don't you? And if you wanted to, you could probably remember a few things about that favorite fruit. Maybe you know how wonderful they smell, when they're nice and fresh. You could begin to imagine you have one in your hands. You can stay in whatever position you're in though, or you might feel like moving a little, I don't know, but I think you do.

Now, if you are imagining your favorite fruit, maybe you can still recall that delicious aroma. Maybe you'll even want to hold it up and really get a deep breath of that wonderful fruity scent. Can you begin feel the skin of the fruit in your hands? Maybe it has a smooth, even skin, or a rough, dimpled one. Maybe there are seeds on the outside, like a strawberry, or maybe it keeps its seeds on the inside. Maybe your fruit has a thin skin, like an apple, or maybe it has a thick skin, like a banana or a lemon. Whatever your favorite fruit is like, by now you're probably pretty hungry for one. Now, if your fruit is one with a thick skin, you might just want to begin peeling it, because you can't eat that fruit unless you peel it first. I wonder if your mouth is watering, just thinking about it. If your favorite fruit has a thin skin, or if you've peeled your fruit already, maybe you're really starting to get tired of waiting. All this talk about fruit...well, if you want to, go ahead and, in your mind, take a bite of that delicious fruit. Let yourself experience the taste, the scent, the texture and feel of the fruit as you sink your teeth into it, and thoroughly enjoy it.

And as you enjoy your fruit for a few moments, I'd like to share a story with you, about a man who also had a favorite fruit. He particularly enjoyed oranges, the little ones sometimes called “mandarines.” He loved the delicate citrus scent, the thin skin, so easy to peel, and how they divided into little slices so easily. Now, he didn't particularly like Navel oranges, or any of the larger orange varieties, he very much preferred just the mandarins. And when he'd take a mandarin, sitting in a comfortable chair on his patio by the ocean, the waves lapping at the beach a few yards away, gulls calling in their noisy way, the breeze cool and the dappled sun warming him, he could begin to peel back the delicate skin of the mandarin orange, he'd feel the tiny sprinkles of citrus oil as the rind tore, leaving the soft, cool, orange fruit inside. As he relaxed there, in the dappled sun and breeze, he began to remember when he was young, and he sat on the patio at his childhood home, in the gentle sun, enjoying one of the tiny oranges way back then. His grandmother sent them, since they were plentiful where she lived, and she liked to share them with her family. And even then, popping open one of the little fruits reminded him of spending summers at Grandma's house, of the swimming hole, of relaxing on the porch, sitting in the dappled sun. And almost invariably, when he'd finish his orange, he'd leave the peel on the table by his chair, and relax, and sometimes he'd even fall deeply asleep, other times he'd just recall fond memories of summers and mandarins and happy times.

Now, when you're remembering, or relaxing, or concentrating on something, it can sometimes be very easy to become so focused, that everything else just fades away, just fades away. Sometimes, it might be a happy memory, or a television show, or a project, but something that occupies your attention, and other things might tend to slip your mind. I'm sure we've all had a time when we were preoccupied with something, and later noticed a foot had fallen asleep. Or maybe you've been concentrating so hard on finding something, you didn't even notice it was right where it belonged? Maybe you've been concentrating on your driving, and never even realized you couldn't recall the drive itself, only that you had driven.

You'd be surprised how easy it is to forget something, when you have other things on your mind. You can be working on a project, or mowing the lawn, or eating icecream, or eating a mandarin, or walking down the street, or looking at the stars, or talking with a friend, or eating dinner, or sitting at your computer, or listening to a recording, or playing a game, or sitting in traffic, or going to sleep, and you'll be so focused on what you're doing, that something suddenly slips away into the void, and you don't even realize you've forgotten something, until some time later, when you remember again, or you're reminded. It's sort of like Mississippi. There's so much going on, that with all those Is and Ss that you might forget all about needing two Ps.

Now, I'm going to count from one to five. And while I'm counting, I might just tell you a story as well. Once, there was a little child, it might have been a boy or it might have been a girl, I don't really recall, but maybe you do. And the child knew that ONE day, he (or she) would grow up and be a big boy (or big girl) and that's what mommy and daddy wanted him (or her) TWO do. Now, theoretically, growing older doesn't mean one grows up, but that is what usually happens, doesn't it? Now, that child, whether a she, or a he, was only THREE. She had been TWO just a few days before, and she knew that she would be THREE for a while yet, but that even though he would be THREE for a whole year (which he didn't quite understand how long that would be) he could still be grow up, every day. He was looking forward to turning FOUR, because he got THREE trucks for his birthday just TWO days before, when he turned THREE. She didn't quite know what the celebration was FOUR, it seemed like just another day to her, she didn't feel older, or taller, or bigger, or anything like that. But he knew he was THREE, and his big sister was FOUR, and mommy said in THREE weeks she would turn FIVE, and they would have another party.

Now, certain things we learn, become so mundane for us, that they become almost automatic. Some of these things, like breathing, are naturally automatic, but if you want to, you can adjust your breathing on purpose. You might be doing that right now, just because I mentioned it. Blinking is like this too, when you're not paying attention, you blink automatically, but if you choose to, you can blink anytime you want. If you're like most people, you learned when you were very young how to hold your pee in much the same way. Most of the time, it doesn't even come into your mind, until you find your bladder is full. But, if you want to, you can relax and empty your bladder anytime you decide to.

Before you learned how to do that, you might be busy, or get distracted by something, or just forget, and you'd soon find that you had wet your pants. Maybe, when you were younger, your parents kept you in diapers, just in case. Perhaps you don't even consciously remember that time, but maybe you do. Not all people remember their very young childhood. Whether you do, or do not remember, I don't know, but I think you do. What I mean to say is that when your bladder filled, and you weren't paying attention, it would simply drain its contents, and you could go about what you had been busy with. It wasn't until later that you began to learn how to 'hold it' in order not to wet your clothes.

Sometimes, holding it can be uncomfortable, can't it? Maybe you've had the experience of having to hold your bladder for a long period of time, maybe on a long trip, or a long meeting, or maybe you were just busy, or maybe you just didn't want to wet yourself, I don't know. It would have been very easy, you know, to get distracted by what you were doing, and for a moment, just forget you had a full bladder. It happens all the time, we forget things all the time. Maybe you would be watering the garden, or washing the car, and you might have been very busy, and focused on your task, and maybe too busy to notice that your bladder was beginning to fill. And of course, there was plenty of water around already, and it wouldn't really matter if you just let go. You were already wet, and it was a warm day, so it would be much more comfortable if you could just pay attention to what you were doing, and not to your bladder. Maybe, just then, you could find yourself able to focus on your task much more fully if your bladder were empty, since you had already wet yourself, couldn't you?

And you might even find yourself feeling thirsty, since your body needs water to replace what is lost when you empty your bladder, so you'll need to drink more water. Maybe just a little more, or maybe a lot more, I don't know, but I think you do. Maybe you like iced tea instead, or herbal tea? Maybe you like to mix a little of your favorite fruit juice in, for flavor. In any case, it's important to keep hydrated, because your body needs lots of water, so you have to drink lots of fluids to stay healthy. And if your bladder starts to get full, it's really very easy to get distracted, or busy, and just forget about it. Maybe you forget and you wet just a little bit, just so your bladder isn't quite so full. Maybe you forget and you're busy and suddenly you realize you've waited too long, or can't get to a toilet, and your bladder might just be too full to wait any longer. Maybe you'll have to wet a little, just so you can get to a bathroom, or maybe you'd rather not go find a bathroom, and you'll just finish emptying your bladder, so you can pay attention to something else. Maybe you do not want to wet yourself, but it's easier than waiting. Many people have trouble making it to a bathroom in time, and sometimes they wet themselves, so they can concentrate on something else. Some people just like to forget about their bladder until they really need to pee, and then let it all out at once and soak their clothes. Maybe you'd prefer to leak just a little, or maybe you'd rather just empty your bladder all at once, so you can think about other things, I don't know, but I think you do.

People who have what some people call 'bladder problems', which I tend to think of as bladder solutions, since emptying your bladder is the best solution to it being full, and our bladders are always filling, these people will begin wearing clothes that more easily conceal when their clothes might become wet. Dark pants, or skirts for women, make it less likely that anyone will notice their condition. If someone does, it's a simple matter of expressing your concern about discretion, because it's a common situation. Some people might eventually decide that some sort of absorbent underwear is a good choice, since they're likely to forget when your bladder is full. Whether you will wear something like that, or something else, I don't know, but I'm sure you'll figure it out.
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Postby soundexcess » September 13th, 2011, 12:01 am

it definitely looks worth a go.
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Re: grown up wetting file

Postby davelowe1977 » September 21st, 2011, 2:58 pm

sicksecretary wrote:I sometimes wonder why almost all the files that aim to cause wetting accidents are connected with regression, or being made to wear diapers. While I have nothing against people enjoying those things of course, I'd personally love to see more wetting files that are targeted to grown ups in a grown-up state of mind.

For example, something that would make me unwittingly drink a lot of liquid before I have to attend situations where I can not easily go to the bathroom, and which also weakens my bladder control a little, or maybe causes it to be easily "startled" or something like that. With or without additional word triggers, I am not likely to tell them to anyone in real life anyway... although I guess it would be wicked to have a "punishment trigger" for Mistress or Master control...

But something that puts me in a generally accident prone state, without telling me that I am a little girl again, would be very exciting. It could ideally leave me with enough conscious control so that it would not mess up my life in situations where it's absolutely unacceptable, if that is possible. Just let the subconscious mind decide, I guess it knows best.

This is a most excellent idea (as others have mentioned).

I think that many persons have a problem with the whole adult baby situation as you describe it - in that it is somehow seen as perverted in a sexual way or by asking the question 'why do I have to pretend to be baby to do this?'.

My personal opinion is that, without doubt it causes a thrill of sorts, it is not always one of a sexual response, but it may be. Human psychology is an inexact science in some regards.

This opens up the debate into the regression situation - is it the way forward or a way back (no pun intended).

I sometimes wonder about the intentions of the people who make these files - though I would like to make it absolutely clear that there is no implicit inappropriate content in anything I have read or listened to. Nor will such behaviour be tolerated.

Content along the lines of the contributors above might be most welcome and be refreshing.

Let the conversation continue...

All the commentary I have written is in the guise of a plain member of this community and not of those as a moderator (which I am). If you object to the content, please PM me directly or make a note here. All final decisions are the responsibility of EMG with whom I often take guidance.

Peace - and have fun!
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Postby sicksecretary » September 26th, 2011, 8:56 am

Ladon, that actually sounds very interesting. If I understand correctly, the script is supposed to put someone into a generally "accident prone" state? That might be a very interesting approach. Would be very interested if that script was turned into a file. Thank you for taking the time to write such a nice, lengthy script!
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Re: grown up wetting file

Postby pp_max » September 25th, 2012, 12:07 pm

sicksecretary wrote:I sometimes wonder why almost all the files that aim to cause wetting accidents are connected with regression, or being made to wear diapers. While I have nothing against people enjoying those things of course, I'd personally love to see more wetting files that are targeted to grown ups in a grown-up state of mind.

For example, something that would make me unwittingly drink a lot of liquid before I have to attend situations where I can not easily go to the bathroom, and which also weakens my bladder control a little, or maybe causes it to be easily "startled" or something like that. With or without additional word triggers, I am not likely to tell them to anyone in real life anyway... although I guess it would be wicked to have a "punishment trigger" for Mistress or Master control...

But something that puts me in a generally accident prone state, without telling me that I am a little girl again, would be very exciting. It could ideally leave me with enough conscious control so that it would not mess up my life in situations where it's absolutely unacceptable, if that is possible. Just let the subconscious mind decide, I guess it knows best.


That's exactly what is needed! :)
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Postby pp_max » September 25th, 2012, 12:15 pm

Ladon wrote:Ok, try this on for size. There are a couple mentions of childhood, but nothing that is meant to make one feel little. I'll record it soon, if it is well received.


People who have what some people call 'bladder problems', which I tend to think of as bladder solutions, since emptying your bladder is the best solution to it being full, and our bladders are always filling, these people will begin wearing clothes that more easily conceal when their clothes might become wet. Dark pants, or skirts for women, make it less likely that anyone will notice their condition. If someone does, it's a simple matter of expressing your concern about discretion, because it's a common situation. Some people might eventually decide that some sort of absorbent underwear is a good choice, since they're likely to forget when your bladder is full. Whether you will wear something like that, or something else, I don't know, but I'm sure you'll figure it out.

I think this is brilliant! :!:
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Adult wetting

Postby strictausmstr » October 3rd, 2012, 10:01 pm

sicksecretary is quite right and perhaps many are missing the point. What she needs is the humiliation of the "accidents" I have often used this with subjects and to be quite honest I often find it works at a deeper level with most than the baby ethic unless of course the subject has a "baby" thing

It is a rather delightful result to see a subject encounter these "accidents" in their day regardless of the situation. I have utilised a predetermined time trigger or a predetermined action trigger in the past with great success

The results can be very rewarding
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Postby pp_max » October 4th, 2012, 4:15 pm

to strictausmstr: You've put it into the right words. Maybe you can create some files to do the job, since you know how to do it :) (just a suggestion, if you have time and inspiration :) )
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