Baby time for me

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Baby time for me

Postby obedientbabyslave » October 1st, 2011, 8:37 am

Hey everyone I know my account is new but I forgot about my old one and made another.

Anyway! I'll start from the top 8O Over the past couple of months or so I've collected loads of files that are made to turn you into a baby or make you lose control of bladder and bowels, I have quite a few files and after editing them all so they all slot into one another I've decided tonight I will put on a diaper and I would listen to them all and post the results back on here, all the files put together are about 1 to 2 hours in length maybe 3

If it works I will list all the files on here that I used

NOTE: I don't know whether the forum was supposed to be used this way but I've listened to quite a few files without any or very little success, So I thought I will use loads of files and compile them into one and share it with people who are also struggling to achieve the same goal as me.

I just hope they don't permanently make me a baby :oops:

Choww people <33
Posts: 2
Joined: October 1st, 2011, 12:00 am

Postby Ladon » October 1st, 2011, 4:18 pm

My feeling is that 'potty training' is a habit, but it is so deeply ingrained, through childhood peer pressure, punishment and reward reinforcement from parents, and years upon years of practice, it has become as natural as breathing.

Hypnosis, in my opinion, is very capable of helping us change such habits, but the subconscious has had a lot of time and a lot of reasons to maintain this one. Even if your conscious mind wants to be an involuntary diaper user, that doesn't mean your subconscious agrees. It needs to be convinced, at least in my understanding of things.

No offense to the many who submit files, and many of them very good files, but there is a lot of stuff that's not hypnosis on here, affirmation at best and nonsense at worst. Some of the best authors have clearly studied the techniques that work, while many others have simply followed the hollywood idea of hypnosis. You are getting, cluck like a chicken. I've read of dentists who have successfully used hypnosis for anesthesia, and some who have used it for childbirth, so it is capable of big things, in the right hands.

What I'm saying is that I don't think you'll get much result from simply cutting and pasting stuff together. I think, at least for audio recordings, the best bet is more of a training program. Unless you're willing and eager to become a full-time diaper trainee, I don't know that any of these files will really work for you. I haven't had much success in the past either, but I'm looking forward to hearing about your results.
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Postby obedientbabyslave » October 1st, 2011, 5:51 pm

thanks for your comment Ladon, I understand that taping a bunch of files together isn't really the most logical option however I thought that the problems with files was that You would listen to them once then come out of trance then you would have to start the whole process of going back under and this would be time consuming and eventually would get boring, So by using a bunch of different files that were made by different hypnotists, It would keep my mind in check constantly keeping me thinking and obeying

Anyway despite this my results were interesting to be honest (I could make up a bunch of stuff about how this worked amazing but that would defeat the point of this post) I didn't bother using the loo for at least 5 hours before I started, after getting diapered and getting in a comfy position I made sure i was ready and I would not be disturbed.
I played the first file which was a simple induction that lasted for 15 minutes
Then came the proper files, I arranged them so the first files would be files that were made to confuse and regress your age to an infant, after that there were files used to make you wet yourself, then the last files were made to cause you to mess yourself while reinforcing your wetting training, and then finally the awakener.
On the regression files the hypnotist was telling me how I loved to be a little baby and not be able to talk or walk, or when I needed something I would have to cry etc, I noticed that half way through this file my lip was quivering quite violently and I had tears forming in my eyes (My only thought on why this happened was that I was hungry?), I shed two tears before calming down a little and moving on with the file (I didn't break out of trance I simply felt two tears from each eye), the next result happened when I was on the second wetting file, I noticed that I was dribbling pee into my diaper, at least that's what it felt like (after finishing the files I noticed I had peed a little in my diaper), those were the only results I noticed during the files.

After finishing the files the hypnotist told me that I would wake up on 5, 1... 2... 3... 4... and 5, I slowly opened my eyes my vision was slightly blurry (however I put this down to the fact that I'd had my eyes closed for a long time, it could have something to do with it however) I noticed when I woke up I had an urge to suck my thumb, I also noticed that it was very hard to move properly, eventually however I managed to get my thumb in my mouth and as I sucked on it I felt very happy and relaxed.

And to be honest that's that, No major results to be honest, My speech was slightly hard to pronounce at first and my walking was a bit uneasy, and a little wet diaper. I'm sure if I repeated these files again and again, I would eventually start noticing some more "interesting" results ;) Still just to be safe I'm leaving my diaper on tonight just incase have an accident :3

And ladon thanks again for your post, I think I understand where your coming from, I wasn't expecting to become a diaper dependant thumb sucking baby on my first try tonight obviously that isn't possible through taping a bunch of files together and praying for the best, but like I said I have noticed some minor results tonight there not permanent however although I still feel slightly weird right now, I've noticed I find it hard to move my arms still and I'm having problems with spelling :3 hope it wears off by tomorrow D:

Choww <33

Choww <33
Posts: 2
Joined: October 1st, 2011, 12:00 am

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