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Postby sicksecretary » February 1st, 2012, 7:20 pm

Has anyone ever heared of this myth? [url]http://voices.yahoo.com/do-dandelions-cause-bedwetting-2433170.html[/url]

Could be fun if someone created a file that would make this a real thing for the listener. And maybe, also install some special fascination for picking dandelions.


Would love it if, at some point, I'd be holding a dandelion, not knowing why exactly, and suddenly realizing "oh no, I am SO going to wet the bed tonight"...
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Joined: November 15th, 2010, 1:00 am

Postby JackTheWriter » February 3rd, 2012, 2:10 pm

That would be an interesting file. Would you want it to progress to making dandelion tea or just have the thought that it could happen?
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Postby Ladon » February 9th, 2012, 11:06 am

Actually there was a name for Dandelions in some areas - Pissthebed, or so I heard.

Anyway, dandelion root is a natural diuretic (as are watermelon seeds) available in herbal form. I don't know that any other part of the plant contains the same compound though.
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Postby bluebird67 » February 12th, 2012, 9:12 am

Ladon wrote:Actually there was a name for Dandelions in some areas - Pissthebed, or so I heard.

The ordinary French word for dandelion is indeed pissenlit, that is, 'piss in bed'.

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Postby sicksecretary » February 12th, 2012, 4:55 pm

That's so cute... i wish there really was a flower that would make me wet myself. But so far, none has. :wink:
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Postby soundexcess » February 13th, 2012, 1:10 am

diuretics while increasing the desire to urinate whill not make you wet your self, and can lead to extremely painful bladder bowell spasms, I unfortunately speak from experince on that, from no intentional abuse of caffiene a very potent diruretic esp. when consumed at 4800mg/s a day. Your best shot in the legal world is alcohol, though the hang over if alcohol is used alone to achieve this can be horendous. Caffiene has a half life of around six hours so your best option if you can have alcohol(I cannot for medical reasons) is to drink several cups coffee in a day 3-4 12ozers, and later that evening after 9pm or so have a few drinks and enjoy them you do not need to be drunk for this work, then drink plenty of water at least ninety minutes before bed. Then get your usual bed time tolietries done including releiving yourself. Then diper up and put on a suggestive tape and drift to sleep, this method is the best and safest I have seen so far. It does not always work but there is a pretty good chance it will.
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Postby wetlatex » March 18th, 2012, 6:38 am

I tried these a while back, and as stated they do "help", but my mind didn't care, it just held on harder.
Ive tried water pills too, just small dose, like very seldom, and they do work, ended up with 2 soaked diapers and a completely over soaked bed, but it wont achieve the lost of control i want. Nor would i dare do it much, as it can cause serious issues.

Think taking it step by step is the way.
Learn to pee in bed, let go, otherwise that is gonna be a problem once u get there, holding a gallon, ready to explode and u cant. Trust me, ive been there, hurts like hell, and is not good.

Once u've mastered that, id say best bet is for a few days, drink a lot of liquid, not just before bed, but during the day. Go to the bathroom as many times as u can, i mean 20+ if u can. That way ur bladder will start to shrink, and body start to get used to wetting often. Then 1 night, drink extra, dont go to bathroom for as long period as u can before bed. Dont over do it, make sure you still can fall asleep. Some cant fall asleep with full bladder.

Then its all on hoping ur bladder gets filled before morning, so sleep long on a weekend for ex. And u most likely wake up needing to pee, then its the tricky part of letting go...

...Then u wanna try to go to sleep again.

To achieve all this while asleep is A LOT trickier, and i think it involves ur mind being ok with it. To most, its a taboo and therefor they will always wake up, until that has changed. Unless u did this a lot as a child, i doubt u can do it in short time.

Once warning though.
Trying all of this, Ive noticed that some mornings i cant keep tight 100%, and i need small protection omw to work. Esp the days i went to the bathroom often, as it will affect you. If you dont over do things, and try it on weekends, that shouldn't be an issue though, and u regain the control quite quick, once u start going to the bathroom normally. Takes a day or so.
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