"Object Trigger" files

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"Object Trigger" files

Postby demigraff » March 1st, 2012, 12:42 pm

Hi folks :)
I've been working on a set of scripts, and would welcome any suggestions for other things I could add. These are all triggered by certain objects, making it harder to trigger by accident. Some of them work in combination, as listed below. All additions and sugggestions are much welcome.


  • Feel like a baby or toddler
  • Uncoordinated, and have difficulty standing or holding objects
  • Lowered attention span, fascination with bright colours and stuff
  • Ask an adult if you need the bathroom

    • Can't hold it more than half an hour
    • or if offered a sweetie after saying you need to go

Pacifier + Diaper

  • Increased trust for 'mommy'
  • See/feel whatever mommy says you do

Pacifier, without Diaper

  • Trance trigger, for strengthening suggestions
  • Look forward to being diapered, and can't resist

"Big boy pants" (adult underwear) over diaper

  • Feel like a toddler, very insistent you're not a baby
  • Can just about walk, feed yourself, colour, etc.
  • Feel very proud about all these things
  • Want to be as "grown up" as possible
  • Know you don't need the diaper any more because you're a big boy

    • Sure you don't have accidents
    • Wet without thinking at the first opportunity
    • Both surprised and ashamed at this

  • Won't do anything dangerous or break anything in the absence of an adult

"Big boy pants" without diaper

  • Regain all adult skills and control, reverting all other suggestions
  • Remember how things felt, while understanding which feelings were natural and which were triggered
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Joined: April 13th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby natchange2 » March 5th, 2012, 8:20 am

that is an awesome list.
what about some word reduction commands. like cant say big words or the like.

how would the big boy pants with out diaper work?

would love to try these files
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Joined: March 31st, 2011, 12:00 am

Postby demigraff » March 5th, 2012, 3:52 pm

I'm wondering if I should try some non-baby suggestions too, so I can mix and match different things.

If the "big boy pants" thing seems kind of ambiguous, that's just because of how it happened. At one point, me and my wife were playing with improvised regression ideas; she suggested that wearing clothes over a diaper would make me wet (the first time we'd tried that), and I figured I might as well stick to it.

natchange2 wrote:that is an awesome list.
what about some word reduction commands. like cant say big words or the like.

That sounds like fun; I'll have to think about how to write it. Can you think of some item I might add that to? Maybe combine with some similar things.

natchange2 wrote:how would the big boy pants with out diaper work?

Umm ... When you wear adult underwear but not over a diaper, all the other suggestions wear off, and you return to normal.

Isn't that clear from the description? Maybe I need to be a little clearer in my description.
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Postby HypnoDL » March 5th, 2012, 5:24 pm

I've always liked the idea that if you've got grown up clothes on over the top, you're simply unaware of the baby ones underneath.
until you try doing it like an adult and discover yourself acting like a toddler instead ..

For that matter I've also liked the idea that once the diaper is on you cant figure out how to change it.
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Postby demigraff » March 31st, 2012, 1:54 pm

A few modifications, since my wife started adding dangerous suggestions to my script and then kicked me out. I'm recording my own voice now; after a year or so practise with her reading the files, my trance trigger is now deep enough to get over my dislike of my own voice. If anyone else would like to try out my recordings, just say and I can try (again) to convert them to a usable format.
Unfortunately, the complete set for all these suggestions is like 12 files now; so if you want them, let me know which parts appeal most and I can remix it with just those ones.

Basic suggestions

  • Regardless of how little I am, I can read and type well enough to chat online
  • This seems quite normal
  • My "little" age varies based on how people talk to me, and what toys are available.
  • Diapers/pants with girly designs make me a little girl
  • I won't leave the room without permission, make a mess or do anything dangerous
  • It is natural to obey any instruction to wear/use a trigger item

    • This includes removing clothes, too
    • I can't remove my diaper or put on big boy pants without permission
    • I can remove the diaper before it leaks

  • If I ask permission to go to the bathroom (needed to remove diaper and open door), then my bladder control starts getting steadily weaker (in response to the first person I tried playing with online, who kept telling me to wet my diaper, but wasn't willing to trigger me. Desperation can be painful)

Clothes (over diaper)

  • Every item of clothing lets me recover more grown-up abilities
  • When fully dressed, I can do everything I normally can
  • I still feel little, though
  • I can talk/act normally if there's people around who don't know about this stuff
  • If I do something a 3yo can't do, like cooking breakfast:

    • It feels like the first time, even if I know it isn't
    • I'm a little nervous about getting it wrong
    • I'm excited at being allowed to try
    • I'm really proud of every success
    • This applies to using the bathroom

  • If I need to pee, I feel really proud about not having an accident

    • I imagine not needing to wear a diaper any more
    • I fantasise/imagine about going to the toilet by myself for the first time
    • I might pee while imagining I'm in the bathroom
    • If I get to the bathroom, I might forget I'm wearing a diaper and forget to remove it

Any more suggestions to add would be much welcome :) As would anyone willing to play with me in chat while I haven't got anyone in RL. Let me know when you're available, and I'll see if I can get some privacy.
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Postby HypnoDL » April 1st, 2012, 6:52 pm

Oh. PM being sent :)
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