What should I write/record?

For discussions relating to Diapers, Incontinence, Adult Babies, etc.

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What should I write/record?

Postby demigraff » August 27th, 2012, 5:43 am

I've just been looking over the ideas on the voting page to see how popular the ones I submitted are, and whether there's anything on there to spark my imagination.

I'm always trying to find different variations, but at this point I'm intrigued to know what other people think about my ideas. So, I'd like to ask a couple of questions.

  • Which of these would you try if they were available?
  • Which is your favourite?
  • If there's a particular idea you love/hate, why?

Actually, what I'd like to see most is a list of which files someone likes, in order. To make it easy, I've copypasted some ideas from the voting list.

Spend a Penny wrote:You must pay a fine every time you use the toilet. You put some money in a different pocket or something, and put it in a jar when you get home. If you don't have enough money, your only option is to go in your pants. Every time you see how much money is in the jar, it reminds you of your hypnosis training goals (whatever they are), and reinforces all of your training. When the jar is full, you feel an urge to send the money to the hypnotist(s) whose files have been most helpful to you, and doing so makes you even more susceptible to their voice(s).

Pee standing wrote:One for women. When triggered, you will believe that you normally pee standing up, and it will seem perfectly natural to you. Its natural for most men, and it will be the normal thing for you too. You will stand in front of the toilet, unzip, and then pee in your pants.

^^ I'm actually quite surprised how many "against" votes this one's gathered.

Peeing chastity belt wrote:A file that can be fun if your partner is into watersports, and discouraging cheating too. Whenever you feel someone else's tongue or fingers on your balls or clit, you immediately empty your bladder. This helplessness arouses you so much, that even if you just imagine it happening, it'll be even harder to resist next time.

Bathroom Denial wrote:Sets a trigger that you have to use in order to pee. You find that you can't make your bladder empty unless you say the trigger words first. (This file would probably work by getting you to imagine the desperation of some time when you really needed to go but there's a queue or something) Then after a while, you will find that your bladder releases automatically on hearing or saying the trigger. If you want, you can choose to just think the trigger instead of saying it, but if you do that then even thinking it will make you pee.

Guessing Game wrote:When you play guessing games like I Spy or Hangman, every wrong guess you make will make you feel more and more childlike, becoming younger and simpler, making it even harder to guess right next time. If the game has a losing condition - like games where you only get 10 guesses - then losing will make you feel so much like a small child that you might wet yourself.

Childhood Games wrote:Everyone remembers playing in the woods as a child. Plank bridges and rope swings; building a treehouse from salvaged branches. Even the little bit of woods behind your house can be a whole forest full of adventure for an imaginative child. So leading on from the common 'walking in the woods' relaxing induction, this file taps into those memories, and makes you feel and act more childlike whenever you're walking in the woods

Resist Me wrote:Every time you see a diaper (or package of them, or commercial, or hear someone talk about them), it will remind you that you have listened to a hypnosis file. You will be determined to resist the humiliating effects of the file. Maybe you want to test how easily suggestible you are, or how good the file is, so you try to resist even though you know you cant. Or maybe you just want to avoid being humiliated, or you treat the files like a game. In any case, you will clearly remember (and will be reminded every time you see or hear a diaper) that you have listened to a file which will humiliate you by making you unable to wet yourself for a whole day. If your bladder is empty when you are reminded, you will want to drink something to fill it up. If your bladder is full when you see a reminder, it will seem like a perfect test (of the file or of your strength of will) to try and pee right then and there. If you manage it, you will immediately remember the real effect of this file.
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Postby outkast1728 » August 27th, 2012, 7:03 am

Which of these would you try if they were available?
None, the files you've suggested dont hold any appeal to me, maybe if you listed a few other ones?

Which is your favourite?

If there's a particular idea you love/hate, why?
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Postby brownbobby » August 29th, 2012, 6:10 pm

I would give the following a try:
-Spend a Penny
-Bathroom Denial
-Guessing Game
-Childhood Games
-Resist Me

However, the following two seem REALLY interesting:
-Bathroom Denial: Forcing yourself to adopt a trigger like Instant Wetting seems really, really awesome. Unlike Instant Wetting, you'll have Pavlovian conditioning helping you out along the way, eventually leading to (what I assume will be) a trigger-happy bladder.

-Resist Me: Oh, boy. This would be an amazing file. It'd be especially awesome to wear while wearing a diaper, with every time you consciously think about the padding between your legs leading you to prove that you can wet yourself like an infant. Simply wonderful.

Of course, I'd be happy to see anything made, personally, so do what you want!
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Postby pp_max » September 25th, 2012, 9:38 am

It would be fun to see something like Drink Incontinence

Whenever you exceed you allowed amount of drink (which could be 0), you'll have an accident in your pants. You know this and concentrate on not letting it happen. But once you get distracted by anything it will inevitable happen.

I this is most applicable to alcohol consumption, since it on it own is good stimulus for both: relaxation and wetting.
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Postby Tangy » September 25th, 2012, 10:09 am

Believe in yourself it will come. :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :wink:
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Postby pp_max » September 25th, 2012, 11:58 am

Tangy wrote:Believe in yourself it will come. :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :wink:

It is so much nicer when it is actually written or said! :)
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