Any bedwetting successes?

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Any bedwetting successes?

Postby sheetsoaker » May 17th, 2011, 9:33 pm

I'd like to try one of the bedwetting files here, but there are so many choices, and I don't know where to start.

How many of you have had success training yourself to wet the bed with hypnosis? Which file did you use? How long did it take to get results?
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ive tried lots

Postby Ford29 » June 13th, 2011, 8:13 pm

i have tried lots of the files and found none to work for me so what i did is just wear and use it stay away from the bathroom at all costs it works till my stomach starts feeling like its going to explode the only thing i refuse to use my diaper for is Pooping so thats the only time i use the bathroom When its pee its let it flow
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Postby aj » June 23rd, 2012, 4:58 pm

Rise. RISE dead post.

Finally had success. I've tried half heartedly for the last year and a bit but decided to make a proper attempt. It's bloody freezing so I definitely gone for wearing nappies instead of just peeing in my bed. (who can sleep in ice cold pee?)

Anyway, used Ladon's bedwetting being looped while sleeping, drank a pint and a bit of water plus a glass/bottle of milk. Within a week I had my first non-alcohol fueled wet bed since I was a kid. Had my 2nd 2 days later and just had my 3rd last night. I've been going for less than 2 weeks.

Now, trying to figure out how to stay at my bros house without him discovering that I wet the bed... hmm.

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Postby ses234 » June 24th, 2012, 9:43 pm

Hi am also kind of new here i have tried Many bedwetting files but non of them work any suggestion?
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Postby boblove » June 26th, 2012, 7:15 pm

I would like suggestions. I usually use the files at night because I still live with my parents. but when I try some of the files that say loose control of your bladder or night time wetting I usually fall asleep or my mind wonders and I don't get the effect. i would like to start with bedwetting files. can someone tell me whats a great bedwetting file that works and maybe a deeper that would put be in trance? I can listen to it every night before bed.
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Postby sheetsoaker » July 11th, 2012, 10:23 am

Hi AJ! Thanks for telling us about your success. Was the file you used Ladon's Multivoice Bedwetting, the one that's ten minutes long? Did you use an induction file before starting the loop? Did you have the file on loop every night?
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Postby frosty46 » July 11th, 2012, 9:20 pm

Yo sheets soaker, this is the file for you. If you feel safe in your bedroom then you will wet.
Listen to it after you have had a few glasses of water or beer preferably and let us know how it works for you.
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Postby mondaytuesday » December 18th, 2012, 6:35 pm

They've worked for me.

That was the first thing that actually happened and I was quickly put in the position of really deciding what I was doing was what I want. It is what I want.
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Postby 5HA99Y » December 21st, 2012, 2:18 pm

im not sure if this is good news but i have been listening to multivoice bedwetting and classical bladder incontinet and is starting to feel like im going to pee myself but havent yet though i hope too soon. i have been listening to them every night while in bed so i think they work good
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I've felt another development stage, kinda

Postby mondaytuesday » December 22nd, 2012, 1:51 pm

I found myself feeling so unsettled yesterday. Irritated. I went and got some diapers and baby powder.

Powder and stuff. Baby Oil was the stuff. Johnson and Johnson Baby Powder for Baby. The white smooth clean bottle was so familiar.

I got home. Paci, at two maximum absorbency diapers. When they came on, instant calm and slower, but focused. Pleasure. Less than a minute, the warmth and the tingle.

Later outside, my happiness under jeans so I could be outside. Started releasing on my porch. It was ok and made me feel even better. Yesterday was the first time that I wasn't ultra aware and trying to force myself to fight my body clamping back. No making myself do it. But doing it as natural as ever.

Before bed, more clean thick paced diaper, long ritual of being changed.

Got a teddy bear out from childhood, paci in and slept like a baby.

And now that you've mention it, I bet I did go in my sleep some last night. Of course, I did. I had to change myself. But I just now realized that it was it out of the normal. Wow. Whoa.
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Bedwetting Success

Postby brianwt » April 5th, 2013, 12:57 pm

Suggest trying out as many files as you can to find those that suit you the best. I find using multiple files here over and over daytime can help plant messages in sub-concsious mind. The files will help to encourage bedwetting. At night, I have been putting an earphone in one ear and sleeping all night with one, two, or maybe three files playing over and over in a continuous loop. I am having success, because the wet diapers and wet beds are the proof.

In any event, to become a Bedwetter takes alot of time to achieve. Many of us here were Bedwetters as boys and on into teens. Some were able to get to "Dry" but perhaps either relapsed or now want their night wetting habits back (my case). This will take much committment in order to work. No one file is going to do the magic by itself, but the combination of files and being persistent imight be the key.

Of course being a Bedwetter is not without both consequences and will mean alot of extra time and work in order to maintain.

Bedwetter Brian
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