True Control

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True Control

Postby nappywetter » February 26th, 2013, 8:47 am

I'd love to hear from anybody who has listened to this file or who has recorded the text for themselves. How did it work for you? Are ther any improvements you think could be made to it?

Happy wetting to one and all
Posts: 9
Joined: January 3rd, 2011, 1:00 am

Re: True Control

Postby Tangy » February 26th, 2013, 10:04 am

nappywetter wrote:I'd love to hear from anybody who has listened to this file or who has recorded the text for themselves. How did it work for you? Are ther any improvements you think could be made to it?

Happy wetting to one and all

I just found out that i must be diapered all the time

I am now leaking all the time and the leakage is increasing i wet myself while at work and did not have on a diaper and had to throw away my underwear i also poop them while working did not even get a chance to stand up to make it to the bathroom the files on this site Work.
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Re: True Control

Postby wetlatex » March 5th, 2013, 2:35 pm

Tangy wrote:[
I just found out that i must be diapered all the time

I am now leaking all the time and the leakage is increasing i wet myself while at work and did not have on a diaper and had to throw away my underwear i also poop them while working did not even get a chance to stand up to make it to the bathroom the files on this site Work.

So... we can safely assume uve had at least some success. :D
(Here is hoping u wanted that mess...)

As Tangy here noticed... files here seem to work good. But not for every one. Not all ppl can learn to drive a car (about no one else around me if u ask me :P), but incontinence is prob the easier part. Total lack of control is harder to turn of and on though, but be ready for the consequence.

Id say, start with the trance part. If u get that sorted so u can get deep in, i think the rest u can find a file or 2 that will work good.
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Joined: July 17th, 2010, 12:00 am

True Control File

Postby brianwt » April 5th, 2013, 12:45 pm

hi nappywetter,

just wanted to tell you i really am enjoying your file True Control. It is perfect.

i was a former Bedwetter as a boy and teen, Bedwetting wants me returned to wet beds once again, so these hypnosis files are helping with the retraining.

i ended up playing your file all night long as i slept with earphone in one ear. i woke up in soaking wet nappies and a wet bed. the wet nappies are fine but the wet bed was not comfortable so will need to work on that. keep up the good work.

bedwetter brian
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Joined: May 10th, 2010, 12:00 am

Re: True Control

Postby pp_max » June 17th, 2013, 1:11 pm

I think it is a great set of files! :) I'd like more like these to appear. Also I am really looking for files that do not relate to being a baby - I like to have pee accidents as an adult :)
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Postby nappywetter » July 1st, 2013, 3:46 am

I would like to thank those who have sent feedback for it and would very much welcome more from others who have downloaded this file. I am wondering about making another file, going further back to the roots of our difficulty in wetting as we now want, to try to emphasize that as children we surrendered control of our bladders to the demands of society, to our mothers and nannies and others who required or induced us to be potty trained and that we are now free to regain that control for ourselves, to take it back and use it or not as we want, not as we have been taught. Does anybody think such an approach would be helpful?
Posts: 9
Joined: January 3rd, 2011, 1:00 am

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