Describe your urge to pee

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Describe your urge to pee

Postby wohermiston » July 8th, 2013, 8:43 pm

Trying to find the best words, how would you describe the urge to pee?
How does it feel to you. how would you like it to feel? How might it feel if it were out of your control?
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Postby wohermiston » July 14th, 2013, 9:34 am

I had a hunch this might be a hard question. I guess most of us don't really think about this avtivity. It just seems natural. However for some, it can be a challenge. I contend that it is one of the most mysterious activities of the human body/mind interface. Most will probably say, i just relax and go. and that sounds so simple, but I suspect alot more is happening but we just don't think or know how to put it into words. That , i think, is the path i am on. To try an figure this all out. I suppose it is alot of thinking for something most take for granted. Even scientific artricles are somewhat vague on the whole process. All I know for certain is that there is a spinal path to the brain and back that blocks you from wetting yourself. This develops as you get older. it happens without any training. it is part of the brain deveopment. Sever that path and you bladder goes back to its infant like behaiour. We see this in people who become paralyzed with spinal damage in this area. so the question is can hypnosis block that nerual path? or, can it only instill a willful desire to wet one's pants? Same end result. To this end, I stumbled upon Ladon's script from 2009 called Ericksonian bladder retraining. I have recorded it and when I am done with mastering I will upload it. This is an attempt to help you to forget potty training and to block the feedabck to the brain. I modified it a little to suit my own taste. I give full credit to Ladon for the script. i have contacted him to let him know. I have not heard from him, but if in the end he objects to the file, I will delete it. I wil say it was the hardest damn thing I have ever read aloud.!
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Postby umami » September 5th, 2013, 1:02 am

Relating to the physiology of "peeing". Yes, you have a spinal - pontine reflex that lets you control actively the peeing reflex.
When your bladder gets full you have receptors which send information to the autonomic nervous system. This nervous system controls the unconscious muscles like the one in your organs. So when your bladder gets full the muscle around the bladder would contract without the spinal - pontine reflex. That reflex is a connection between the Brain and nerve endings which start the contraction of this muscle. The connection inhibits therefore the release of the bladder and this inhibiting path from the brain down can CONSCIOUSLY be blocked and the whole bladder emptying process is set free. That is also why you cant really stop peeing when started.

I know that is very technical, but incontinence is common here (the files ha) so it might be interesting. Sorry for explaining so complicated I hope it is readable, but my brain was starting to turn to pink cotton candy when I started to concentrate thank you Goddess Gracie :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
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Postby PeeMind » October 13th, 2013, 6:00 am

I’m not surprised at the few responses to your question: Just as there is the conception that every man lusts after only 18 year-old girls, so there is on this site and within the files an assumption about pissing:

Bedwetting files are aimed to get the subject to pee only when they are asleep and so obviously unaware of the act and especially unaware of the beginning.
There are no bedwetting files that dwell on the pleasure of wetting and have say a theme of: ‘When you get into bed, the moment you lay down you will wet yourself.’ How exciting would that make bedtime!

Then there are the plain bladder un-training files. These invariably demand the subject be nappied and then sets out to have the subject peeing so easily and frequently that they are no longer aware of when they are wetting and that it should be so discreet that they have no sensation of the act of release. The goal (from the file writers) being for these things to pass unnoticed. Why?

While we all may dream, very few people can enjoy the luxury of being able to indulge whole bladders full to pee-pleasure 24/7. For most it’s just the odd day or half day here and there bridged by days or weeks of conservative wetting of just spurts and dribbles.

Because of the practicalities of full wetting the conservative wetter must make the most of the few drops of pee they can safely spill. For these the act of peeing itself (the relaxing of the bladder, the opening of the sphincter, the first hot drips of pee etc.) are relished as is caviar fed to a connoisseur!

However: Do you need hypnosis to indulge in it? I would suggest that hypnosis can help only in persuading the subject to relax, to overcome the taught resistance to wetting other than in the recognised place.

Your question is a good one, but perhaps asked of the wrong audience.
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Postby wohermiston » October 13th, 2013, 9:24 am

thanks for posting. All good points as well. I figured this was the one place where there would be people preoccupied with this subject! I was curious to find if anyone had given any thought to it in general. Irregardless of your secret desires, everyone pees!
When you search medical sites and forums, most agree, that the act of urination is not fully understood. But I had hoped that if enough people gave some thought to it, they might be able to provide some interesting comments. but i think the absence of responses confirms the mystery theory. I like your point on natural relaxation and my last file "the hot water bottle game" tries to explore this a little bit more. If there are any magic words out there, they must be at the end of the rainbow, because they are proving to be very hard to find.
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