Adult Baby Treatment ?

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Adult Baby Treatment ?

Postby aspie » February 12th, 2014, 4:34 am

So I am an Adult Baby but I am seeking some kind of treatment, I am looking for some kind of free hypnosis file that I can use to get my self out over being an adult baby, and using diapers.

This is not so much a Purge as for the past 7 months I have been in a situation wear every time I feel I need to put a nappy on I been going down to the chemist buying a pack of Molicare super plus large taking one out, and throwing the rest away. This has been happening around three times a month. I have already thrown out all my other baby stuff, pacifier, blanki, bottle, formula, plastic pants, bed pads, toys, AB cloths, everything except for the actual teddy that I had when I was 1 year old that in my youth I called poop.

Now I am bordering on bankrupt because of this and I need help with this to stop thinking about being a baby and wearing nappies again.

Can some one help me Please.
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Joined: February 12th, 2014, 1:00 am

Postby juanf » February 12th, 2014, 8:21 am

Aspie, first of all, i apologize for my bad english.
I dont think you should be looking for a file to get rid of it, if you want to get rid of your infantilism, you should probably go to a psychologist.
Hipnosis isnt the best or a necessary treatment in all situation, and even if it were, it shouldnt be done by unexperienced people (im talking about therapetic hipnosis).
As with every fetish or paraphilia, it isnt bad by itself, but if its really affecting you, you should really loook for help (professional help). Probably it wont be easy talking to a professional about this, but its the best option you have...
im not expert, im just giving my opinion, tho...
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Postby wohermiston » February 12th, 2014, 9:11 am

Purging is pretty common with this fetish. deep down we feel it is unatural and want to be rid of it. These feelings will come and go many times throughout your life. As noted, if it is interfering with your life, seek professional help. If you think you can muster up the free will on your own, you can look at the self help section. one file called Tranquility is a good place to start
You did not say your age, but this fetish usually starts very young and there are key times in your life when the urges to quit will build. purging helps but it is usually only temporary. I would also say stop wasting those Molicares. If you need transition time, get a cloth diaper to satisfy the urges and keep it. That should ease the money problem. Lastly, know that this need not control your life. You can easily set aside one day a week, or even an hour each day for yourself and then get on with your life. You know that you cannot be a baby all the time. And while it is a time in our life that most of us have no memory of, I tend to think we are fortunate to know something most others will never know. Good luck and let us know of your progress. WOH
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