Problem peeing

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Problem peeing

Postby davelowe1977 » April 1st, 2014, 10:37 am

Howdy folks. While I'd like to be incontinent and so on - through hypnosis, there is a basic problem that needs to be tackled first. Here's the thing: a couple of days ago I decided to see how long I could hold it. I put on a diaper, drank approximately 2L of water (~64oz) and some tea for good measure, then went for a drive... About 2 hours later I got back - in need of a pee (no surprises!). What I thought would happen would be that eventually I would be unable to hold it and would wet my diaper (as a child would). What actually happened was that I could hold it (in terms of pure sphincter muscle strength) easily - and probably indefinitely. The side effect of this willpower was bladder pain to the point where I began to think it dangerous. I couldn't stand up straight, or bend over and my lower abdomen was visibly enlarged. When I'd had enough of that experiment, I peed into a measuring jug and easily topped 1L of urine in one go (it was a 1L flask and overflowed). So, this represents a problem: I had previously imagined that eventually the hydraulic pressure from the bladder would overpower the sphincter, but it appears no to be so. Your thoughts ladies and gents..!
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Postby wohermiston » April 1st, 2014, 7:22 pm

It is said that your body will protect the bladder and initiate urination but I suspect you have to pass out before that happens. This experience we are all working torward is so difficult in reality. there are so many peices that have to cliok together. Will I trust the diaper? Will I trust myself to let go? Will I trust others to understand if I leak or smell?. lots of things.
And it really has to go that way, you cannot be made to be incontinent. To become incontinent is too easy, it takes away your responsibility. "I can't help it, I'm incontinent. Yeah, too easy. Brain's not gonna let you get off that easy. you'll get that when your old and senile. For now you have to approach it from a different direction. At least, that is the way I see it. Goodluck in all your endeavors.
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Postby diode168 » April 2nd, 2014, 8:18 pm

With no physical obstruction to the urethra or damage to the bladder itself you would have wet yourself before any real damage would occur. But this is not recommended because you can hurt the muscles and risk kidney infections or loss in kidney function. It can also irritate the anus, intestines and prostate.

Keep going with the files and let it happen instead of forcing.
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Postby PeeMind » April 27th, 2014, 7:46 am

Think of it this way: try opening a canal lock when the lock is full, then try it when the lock is empty.

I'm not a doctor, but suspect our sphincters work in a similar way in as much that the more pressing the need to pee the stronger the comand from the potty-trained brain to hold fast.

If you empty your bladder the need to hold the sphincters tight slips from the top of the brains to-do list and, just like in ther canal, your sphincter can relax and open.

Some pee runs out, but not much, so the mind makes no programme changes, but accepts the little accident.

Over time you'll find the sphincter can stay relaxed longer and longer, letting out more and more pee.

It's great when it happens, there's no need for panic (there's not too much pee in the tank, and that knowledge keeps the sphicter perfectly relaxed till well after you are empty.
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