MM_Bladder Retraining

For discussions relating to Diapers, Incontinence, Adult Babies, etc.

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Postby bittergrey » August 13th, 2010, 10:37 am

Since this thread has been resurrected, I thought I'd toss a question in too.

Of those who have seen it start to take effect, was it gradual or sudden? Did wetting become progressively less conscious and the file more addictive, or did it toggle from nothing to full effect? Or does it vary with the individual, with some being able to get a taste of incontinence while able to change their mind, and others getting hooked suddenly?

tristy wrote:I've been listening to this file at least three times a week for the last year or so, and I've still got way too much control for my liking.

Two thoughts that might be helpful:

First, are you listening to other incontinence files? BladderRetraining conflicts with many of them. For example, it conflicts with traindiapers2 in that one disconnects the ability to sense a full bladder, while one emphasizes a feeling of fullness.

Second, are you leaking often? Leaks would provide negative reinforcement, hindering the behavioral side of retraining. (Hypnosis alone might work for some, and behavioral retraining might work for some. The best bet is to use both in tandem.)

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Postby tristy » August 16th, 2010, 1:22 pm

@BitterGrey Thanks for the suggestions! While leaks do happen on a fairly regular basis, I tend to look at them as a reinforcement of my incontinence. But perhaps some anxiety on my part causes me to be unable to relax enough to achieve my results. I think it might be the root to this, and other issues. Hm. :/

I also theorize that, just like when potty training toddlers, the situation requires that you be held accountable by another person. My gf is working on being a better Mommy, and we've been talking about what that means. I've made it very clear to her that I REEEAAAALLLLLYY wanna be un-potty trained, and that I need her help. Plus, there's some nice benefits for her along the way.
. . . Speaking of -- is sexual activity a bad idea when trying to untrain? All the flexing is in the muscles I'm trying to untrain, right?
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Postby bittergrey » August 16th, 2010, 2:32 pm

tristy wrote: . . . Speaking of -- is sexual activity a bad idea when trying to untrain? All the flexing is in the muscles I'm trying to untrain, right?

I can't say, but think you are trying to untrain those muscles, not cripple them.

Another question that might be worth asking is how incontinence will affect sexual activity. Maybe subconscious inhibitions, such as the ones that prevent most from peeing while walking, will come in to play. Or maybe "all the time" will be "all the time." Or maybe you will get an itch to finish MindMaster's series. Something to think about.
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Postby jobabe » October 21st, 2010, 3:44 am

well, I have been trying so so hard to become incontinent, and wet without knowing and I am finding it impossible. I know that hypnosis works for some and not for others. Like most, well some of you our diaper fetish is our own little secret and no-one knows about it other than ourselves. This being the case I am now after reading these posts thinking that I would love to try this file, but here is the problem. As you will see by my profile I am not a kid, and this being the case bank accounts are joint and every penny is counted for. I am not skint, and not begging, what I need is for someone to tell me how I can get this file by paying for it without doing it the usual way, so that it does not show up as a purchase from a website called....blah blah blah......Then I can try this and see if it works on someone who has been trying files for years with no results.

Thanks, and if someone can help me here, then great
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Postby sarnoga » October 21st, 2010, 8:25 am

Set up a paypal account and put some cash in it. Then pay for it with paypal. Or, EMG might be willing to make arrangements with you for you to mail him a money order and then download the file. I can't say if he would or not but you can always ask him.

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Postby jobabe » October 22nd, 2010, 1:59 am

Thanks Sarnoga, EMG if you read this, is it possible to do it that way,
PM me if so, and we will sort it out

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Postby Exrandu » March 1st, 2012, 1:39 pm

Arise thread, arise!

Sorry for the necromancy but after years of wanting to try this series out I started it earlier this week. I didn't actually begin with the intention of going 24/7 at all, I just wanted to see if the file was really as effective as so many seemed to think. After listening to it for four days now, today I had my first not-on-purpose accident ever.

Well, to be fair I started, but then when I reflexively tried to stop it I found that I couldn't. I just kept peeing with absolutely no control, and it was possibly one of the most divine experiences of my life. I had imagined it for so many years, but the reality was so much greater than the imagining of it.

On the second day, by the way, is when wetting my diapers first became an entirely new pleasure for me. There are suggestions in the file that suggest that wetting feels as pleasurable as an orgasm to you. No suggestion like that has ever worked for me before, but on the second day when I wet before going to take a shower the feeling of pleasure was so intense my knees trembled. Every wetting since has been like that, and simply being in a wet diaper is heavenly. I wouldn't describe the pleasure as sexual exactly... its more like a much more intense version of the feeling you get when you pee after holding it for a while.

Today when I was listening to the file I could feel my bladder... twitching? As if it really wanted to totally let go but it wasn't quite ready yet. Twinging would actually be a better word, actually. Has anyone else ever experienced this feeling?

Now I'm slightly scared because I don't care how impractical it is... I want to wear and wet my diapers all the time like a little baby. Part of me wants to stop listening and part of me feels like I can't and I shouldn't. This file works, and it works like no other I've ever experienced.
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Postby Duckypin » March 1st, 2012, 2:24 pm

Hey Xrandu,

I am happy to read your post. I too have had great experiences and am now one happy diaper boy!

Good for you.
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Postby krisndiapers » March 1st, 2012, 11:16 pm

I am on my second week, I dont have such an imediate, or extreme success. But I still have experienced some changes. These files are done extremely well, I am glad I am not the only one trying this right now!
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Postby Exrandu » March 1st, 2012, 11:37 pm

I just got the reinforcer file and will be starting that tonight. I anticipate that my results will skyrocket. Lets find out!
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Postby krisndiapers » March 2nd, 2012, 12:34 am

Me too. I got the reinforcer today too!
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is it working?

Postby alexis1313 » July 18th, 2014, 1:39 am

any updates? We wanna know how its working? Is it worth the money? I always get scared just as its starting to work, then i stop and lose what i gained. will this file help me get through the scared phase? I put in a lot of work to just get scared and stop.
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Postby waffliesinyoface » July 25th, 2014, 10:20 pm

Quick Question: Will this file ever be free, like the "Poopy Diapers" one is? Because I'd really like to try it out, but don't want to spend $10 on something I'm not even sure will work. (Most incontinence-type hypnosis files haven't really done much for me, but I still like to listen to them.)
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Postby krisndiapers » July 26th, 2014, 1:41 am

The "Poopy Diapers" file is free because that is the sample. If you like it, and it slightly works, chances are all of the files will work. Also EMG runs sales on the files all the time, I got many of this series for $7 each. they are worth it. Have fun!!!
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Postby wetlatex » August 25th, 2014, 7:16 am

waffliesinyoface wrote:Because I'd really like to try it out, but don't want to spend $10 on something I'm not even sure will work.

So u eat cheaper lunch or dinner few days during a week, and u can buy em. Its not like a fortune, so why cant u pay for his hard work.
How many times have you bought things in stores or other places that atm is just sitting in your closet or attic atm, never being used? Sell some of it, and its "free"...

Often its the cheap or free items that dont work, both because u wont commit, and because the person might not be as good.
Oh and i can say, i dont dare to listen to his poopy pampers any more, as it left me with a brown pair of jeans.
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Postby diaperbrian » August 31st, 2014, 9:29 pm

I have one question. Based on the description of Bladder retrainer reinforcer file, (due to the length of this file you can't burn on cd and shipping isn't recommended) how do you go about getting it. I am not planning on getting but I just want to know. I am planning on getting the other parts of the series but I don't know when.
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Postby krisndiapers » September 3rd, 2014, 5:33 pm

the reinforcer file, you can just download and copy to media folder or mp3 playing device.
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Postby IWANTHOTDOG » September 10th, 2014, 3:48 pm

I'm playing a dangerous game. So all I have on me are baby diapers so I can't really wear them during the day, but they work for the file's induction.

So my plan is to wear them while listening to the file while going undiapered otherwise. I plan on keep listening until the file gets strong enough to cause me to have an accident. At that point the file must be working so I'd have to decide to back off then or continue.

If I continue I am going to buy a pack of 40 diapers and keep listening once a day until the pack is done. At that point I will stop listening and stop wearing diapers. Hopefully I will be able to keep my pants dry. So my question is, how quickly does this file take you to the point where you could stop listening but still have accidents without diapers? I guess it would depend on the person.
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Postby kgb33 » September 12th, 2014, 8:18 am

Well the file is designed to make you want to wear at all times so until you find yourself always wearing diapers the file is not working.

Stage one is wanting to wear at all times

Stage two is actually wearing at all times and loving

after you start wearing you will notice your bladder control slowly slipping away

It took me almost 2 months before I noticed much
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Postby IWANTHOTDOG » September 13th, 2014, 4:42 pm

kgb33 wrote:Well the file is designed to make you want to wear at all times so until you find yourself always wearing diapers the file is not working.

Stage one is wanting to wear at all times

Stage two is actually wearing at all times and loving

after you start wearing you will notice your bladder control slowly slipping away

It took me almost 2 months before I noticed much

Hmm I'm not sure how much it was due to your post or due to the file, but I really feel like I should get some diapers and start wearing throughout the majority of the day. I think it was a combination of the file's suggestions and your post. I'll get some diapers real soon.
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Postby tk11 » October 2nd, 2014, 6:09 pm

Mindmaster's files are really great and probably the real deal if you really want to become a big baby who wets and messes in their diapers. If I didn't have any responsibilities and had a week or so to my self I'm not sure what would happen. Unfortunately with work and a social life I'm not able to commit completely but I still enjoy his work.

I've tried EMG (24 Hour baby and Age Confusion) and Sarnoga (Diaper Dependence) and have had some success but there is something humiliating about Mindmaster that does the trick. Sarnoga's files would actually work if I put in the time.

Anyway I've been downloading and listening to WMM files for years and I finally took the plunge and actually purchased a file. I've learned how to hypnotize myself with the files. I think that takes some training.

I loved Poopy Pampers and wanted to see what else Mindmaster had to offer especially in the way of baby behaviors. So I downloaded MM BabyTrain 2 full after reading how successful it was.

Just wow. The first time I listened to it I almost came in my pants. It was so humiliating. I didn't have a diaper on at the time which subconsciously kept me from wetting myself. I also couldn't help but stick my thumb in my mouth.

The second time was even better. I actually had a new pack of Abena M4s and was spurting piss into my pants. I also loved sucking on my pacifier. I wet my diaper with ease the rest of the day.

The third time was mind blowing. I felt like such a big baby. I couldn't stop smiling during the session and had little control over my arms and legs (a side effect from 24Hour Baby). I was also nodding like crazy at a lot of the suggestions.

I not only wet during the session but couldn't really stop myself from trickling out piss the rest of the day. It felt absolutely amazing wetting my pants. It's hard to explain. It wasn't quite like an orgasm...but in a sense was kind of like a full body orgasm. Right after the session I found myself on my knees slowly rubbing my thick diaper. I loved the warm welt bulk between my legs. It felt so good squeezing it, rubbing it, and continuing to wet it. I was obsessed. Whenever I looked at myself in the mirror I thought about what a big baby I was. The feelings dissipated after awhile but popped up a few more times over the next few hours.

I couldn't stop sucking my pacifier while listening to the file. I also kept sucking it for probably the next five to ten minutes after the file ended. I tested the nipple part of the file. While I didn't heavily salivate (I did salivate a little) I did feel really compelled to suck my pacifier.

My dick hasn't shrunk, I think part of me is reluctant for that effect to take place. However that section of the file will cause me to lose my boner. That part is probably the most humiliating part of the file and can get me off by just thinking about it. I've also started to read small penis humiliation stories. I'm not super big to begin with and find it almost comical how small the files says your penis will get. But no changes. To each their own, I like the idea of it but don't really want it to happen. I also don't feel compelled to shave my diaper area, yet, and I'm already using baby powder. Part of me wants to by a bottle or a sippy cup to see how that section works.

If you've listened to Poopy Pampers I'd suggest downloading MM Baby Train2 Full. Mindermaster's voice is a little different and the lullaby has some subtle changes. It isn't exactly the same. In fact I think listening to it might make Poopy Pampers even stronger. Also download if you like the humiliation aspect of acting or being treated like a baby. Realizing I was such a big baby after listening to the file did a number on me and was really erotic. The plan is to download the first three parts of the series.

Again there is a part of me that can't completely indulge because I do have work and I do visit with friends who don't know this side about me. I'd love to get a week's vacation and see where these files take me. If only MindMaster had a file about crawling or bad hand eye coordination while eating.
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MM_Bladder Retraining

Postby diaperbrian » October 5th, 2014, 1:01 am

I just got MM_ Bladder Retraining and I am getting ready to get MM_Baby Acceptance, MM_ BabyBehavior(Revised), and Baby Life Retraining. I have listened to MM_ Poopy Diapers. The MM_Bladder Retraining file has been listened to a number of times and I am starting to frequently wet my diaper in my sleep and wet without control during the day. The MM_Poopy diapers has also some affect but I don't listen to it often because of it's length.
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Postby krisndiapers » October 6th, 2014, 2:07 am

Awesome Brian! Keep us posted, you are further than me, I have night wetting, controlled day. I cant wear 24/7, between job, and living situation. But I am regularly listening to MM_BladderRetraining, and the MM_BladderRetraining(Reinforcer).
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MM_Bladder Retraining

Postby diaperbrian » October 6th, 2014, 11:02 pm

I just sent off my order for the next 3 files(minus the MM_Bladder retraining reinforcer file-because I have no way of recording it-) and did it by mail. I actually work at a restaurant and I wear my diapers to work and change when possible. I am recieving them by download and have the CD's labeled. I wet my diaper in my sleep last night and I just changed a wet and dirty diaper only a short time ago. I wear diapers 24/7 outside of changing and when I take showers.
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MM_Bladder retraining

Postby diaperbrian » October 7th, 2014, 10:58 pm

I started off with files like Anti-potty training and the like. The accelerator file speeded up the process considerably. I have no bladder control at all and approaching complete incontience. I have reusable bed protection pads and wetting in my sleep may result in my bed getting wet anyway but not always. I used to wear Depend at night but ran out and there is no place in Columbus, Indiana has that in large size.
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Postby tk11 » October 20th, 2014, 10:41 pm

Wow, I can't even believe these files. So I caved in and bought MM_Bladder Retraining and it is just fantastic with MM Baby Train2 Full. I am in a huge sopping wet Dry 24/7 and I don't even want to take it off. It feels so freaking good being in a warm wet diaper. Somebody said a lot earlier in this thread that they just want to scream that they love their wet diapers. I completely understand.

I'm scared how much I love this file and I am going to be so sad when I have to go to work on Wednesday. I'm not sure what I am going to do after wearing diapers today and tomorrow.
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MM_Bladder Retraining

Postby diaperbrian » October 21st, 2014, 12:12 am

I have started listening to -not all the way- MM_ Baby Life train file. The affects are starting and penus is starting to shrink. I have also listened to MM_Baby Acceptance and MM_ Baby Behaivors_ revised.
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Postby krisndiapers » October 21st, 2014, 1:36 am

good job guys, I listened to bladder retrain, and acceptance twice today.
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Postby IWANTHOTDOG » October 22nd, 2014, 6:57 pm

Ok this file is way too dangerous. I had to stop listening, maybe in the future I can start up again when I'm in a better environment to allow my self to lose bladder control.
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Postby Wantalildick » October 22nd, 2014, 10:58 pm

Man, i'd love to try this out~ I want to see if this really works :D
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Postby tk11 » October 23rd, 2014, 9:55 pm

I'm still shocked at how much I am enjoying this file. It is scary and dangerous but right now I don't care. I'll have to stop for a few days after today because of work but...I can't believe I'm in diapers for the third day since Monday. It feels so good wearing diapers, it feels so good peeing in them. They are also making me feel more and more like a big baby. The best part is that hours after listening to the files, I will piss my diapers and it will still feel so good. I immediately start feeling like a big baby again. Mindmaster has me down and out so quickly.
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MM_Bladder Retraining

Postby diaperbrian » October 23rd, 2014, 10:19 pm

I go to work but I still listen to the files at night, since I have a evening shift and come home at a reasonable time. I am now listening to MM_ Baby life training and I listened to it 3 or 4 times last night, since I got to bed very late. I wear diapers to work as well and change when it is possible, since I have fast paced restaurant job.
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Postby tk11 » December 28th, 2014, 7:21 pm

Anybody else listening to these files? It is nice even after a break seeing just how deep these can go. Tried fighting MM Baby Life file and it brought me down very quickly.

Would love to know others details here. I'm not completely incontinent or anything but am hopelessly devoted to my diapers.
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MM_Bladder retraining

Postby diaperbrian » January 3rd, 2015, 1:26 am

In addition to MM baby training files being listened to; I have listened to (EM remixed) files and some nights I have listened to it 3 or 4 straight hours but also falling asleep while listing to it and then waking up in the 5th hour.
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just started

Postby tunder14 » January 9th, 2016, 3:52 pm

I just started listening to MM_BladderRetraining. I wear diapers 24/7 before and love wetting my diapers but always looking for more. I also want it to get easier to wet while lying down and hopefully be able to wet while I sleep (although I did wake up completely soaked a couple months ago after having too much to drink). I even bought new plastic pants and a plastic mattress cover so that I would have no qualms about leaking.

Can't wait to wake up completely wet one morning.
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Re: MM_Bladder Retraining

Postby DarkAngel1234 » February 6th, 2016, 11:39 pm

So I just started this file today, and I was just wondering how long it generally takes for this file to begin to "work its magic". And what signs are there to show that it is beginning to work.
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