by wohermiston » October 23rd, 2014, 1:39 pm
I am not a licenced hypnotist. but from what I read, to truly experience trance with sucess, it is best for the hypnotist to get to know you and be with you during sessions. The files we put up here are so varied, because people are so varied. I have no feedback beyond what comments you might read as to how effective the file is. I try to craft my inductions so that if you listen enough times, perhaps you will come to accept the style and contents. But the subconscious is a very stubborn entity and trying to persuade it one way or the other is not a simple matter. So, read the descriptions, and listen once wide awake and decide if the contents are something you are after. and if so, then give them several serious listening sessions and see how things go. Good luck WOH