MM's Bladder Retraining - Surprised at how easy this was

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MM's Bladder Retraining - Surprised at how easy this was

Postby katsumiblisk » March 14th, 2015, 9:01 pm

I downloaded a couple of the files to try, thinking they were never going to work. I was unaffected the first day or two but I kept listening to them whenever I got the chance. I thought it would be good if this worked as this is something with an actual physical effect. Unlike the files that decrease my attraction to women or shrink my dick. I went to bed one night about five nights in to listening to them in the car and at home pretty much whenever. I was dreaming I needed to pee and all of a sudden I woke and I was wet. I had wet the bed. I was totally unprepared for this, like anyone else I wake up when I need to pee.
This must have kind of flicked a switch in my head that told me 'ok, this works' because I changed the sheets and went back to sleep and when my alarm went off I did the same thing again - involuntarily. At this point I wondered what I had unleashed!
Showered, dressed and went to work. Around 930 I felt that lack of control again, I didn't make it past my office door. I snuck out to the car to change my pants - I have a spare set of clothes for when I need to meet clients - and drove down to CVS to buy diapers. I got thru the rest of the day with my new-found security. I had several more happenings in the confines of the diaper. I was thinking though how would I ever lose control of pooping - that's a whole different set of muscles.
I didn't watch any TV that night but I listened to the files, I couldn't help myself. Came time to go to bed and as I got up off the couch it happened - the poops! Rather than be annoyed or worried I was actually excited. It really was working. Could I look forward to this being permanent? One of the little things I do in my trances is tell myself how logical or sensible one of these courses of actions is. So that night in bed, in my diaper, I tranced out to one of the induction files and reinforced this behavior by telling myself it was absolutely logical to wear a diaper because it gave me the ability to just pee without thinking, wherever I was or whatever I was doing. It was the most sensible way to cope with eliminating wastes with a minimum of effort. And look how it prevented me having to come into contact with everyone else's germs in public restrooms. Yes, definitely a good policy, why didn't I think of this before?
It's been permanent to date - 3-4 weeks and I still reinforce it every night. I don't think I'd want to go back to the before days of getting up to go. The cleaning has got to be routine now - just a task and not an annoyance, I'm in the process of having my diapers delivered by mail now I know it's a thing and they won't be wasted.
Losing control of my bowel and bladder functions has definitely been a life-enhancing event for me and I would recommend it to everyone. I think it is definite going to be a criteria in dating guys in future that they either share this advantage or are positively inclined to it.
Edit: Just an additional observation. When I put on a fresh diaper it feels so comforting to the point that I'm a little worried whenever I don't have one on... even in the shower it feels odd. I've now been through every domestic, work, and social occasion I'm likely to encounter and the diaper has been nothing but a minor inconvenience at worst so I'm fully confident I'm going to be a lifelong wearer.
Edit #2: It will help in the initial stages whenever you're not wearing a diaper for whatever reason if you make yourself to go to the bathroom for a pee frequently, even if you don't feel the urge.
Sit down and let the small amount of pee dribble out. When you're done, instead of doing that 'scutching' motion just leave the sphincter open and let more pee dribble out. This has two major benefits. It gets your sphincter used to not being closed tight, something you need to attain to lose control and secondly your bladder never gets full so it doesn't stretch, it shrinks! This make you prone to peeing little and often. When you do achieve full diaper mode and complete loss of control your pee will just dribble out almost constantly without you ever being aware of it. Cool.
Last edited by katsumiblisk on March 16th, 2015, 5:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby diode168 » March 14th, 2015, 10:40 pm

Well done on your success. Glad everything is going the way you want it.
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Postby HFBIO » March 14th, 2015, 10:49 pm

Which files did you listen to and how did you listen to them? :D Glad you got what you wanted!
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Postby ProfessorPig » March 15th, 2015, 12:18 am

Congratulations on your success!

you mentioned you were listening to the files in the car, its important to note that it is really dangerous to drive while listening to hypnosis.
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Postby katsumiblisk » March 15th, 2015, 5:37 pm

HFBIO wrote:Which files did you listen to and how did you listen to them? :D Glad you got what you wanted!

I listened to a pay file ($10) called MM_BladderRetraining - it's part of a baby set but I just wanted the diaper bit - that had been my ambition for a long long time. I diapered up, relaxed on the bed and listened over headphones. I had to go jack off first because the thought of actually achieving this state was extremely arousing and of course one can't let go if one is hard! Initially the first few days it was a case of feeling/thinking/doing. You feel the urge, you think about it, and you do it. I expected the next stage, after listening to the file as much as possible, to be feeling/doing as the process became automatic but I/seem to have skipped that step and gone directly to just doing. I'm using on average two diapers a day at work, my pee seems to come little and often rather than a lot at once, and then I wear a third for bed. You have to be prepared for a lot of cleanup. I carry around everywhere - that's everywhere! a diaper bag with diapers, talc, baby oil, plastic pants, a flannel cloth and soap. I don't mind any of this - the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. Having to get up to use the bathroom is a thing of the past. I never get that "bursting to go" feeling, sometimes I'm not even aware I'm going, especially if the diaper is wet from a previous pee. The only time I have to change right away is after a number two.
The diaper is comforting - I don't imagine life without wearing one now, I love my new life. Getting the acceptance of my wife was the main problem. I spent a day at the weekend without wearing a diaper, something which the file allows but you have to suffer the consequences. I peed myself a couple of times then wet the bed that night. My wife, as I expected, said I should go see a doctor, especially after the previous episode earlier (where I first peed the bed). The doctor couldn't find anything wrong and I went home and told my wife that... it was the truth. I said until it stops I'd better wear protection and she agreed. She actually was slightly empathic as when she coughs or sneezes she leaks. I'm going to try to get her to wear the same kind of thing after I point out the benefits. The routine imposed on me by always having to carry my supplies everywhere has been good for me - a little organization in a chaotic life. One thing I've noticed is that whenever I have a drink it seems to trigger a pee - automatically. I can't recommend this highly enough to everyone... the freedom from the toilet is incalculable. I don't plan on posting much else about this but if anyone has questions then ask away!!
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Surprised how easy this was

Postby diaperbrian » March 15th, 2015, 9:13 pm

I have also have been listening to the Mindmaster Baby life series as well. The first one I listened to was Poopy diapers file. I got the others, other than the Retraining reinforcer file and the original MM_Baby behaivors file. I even got MM_ BabyLife-EMG remix- file. I have been listening to most recently to MM_Baby Life Training file and listen to it most nights. I didn't listen to it last night but I still wetted my diaper in my sleep.
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Re: Surprised how easy this was

Postby katsumiblisk » March 15th, 2015, 9:17 pm

diaperbrian wrote:I have also have been listening to the Mindmaster Baby life series as well. The first one I listened to was Poopy diapers file. I got the others, other than the Retraining reinforcer file and the original MM_Baby behaivors file. I even got MM_ BabyLife-EMG remix- file. I have been listening to most recently to MM_Baby Life Training file and listen to it most nights. I didn't listen to it last night but I still wetted my diaper in my sleep.

The bladder retraining was my first file from the site. I'd listened to some of the free ones but you get what you pay for. I was expecting this to take weeks or months, not a couple of days. I think it's because I had a strong desire to attain this ability and this just pointed me in the right direction.
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MM bladder retraining- Surprised how easy it was

Postby diaperbrian » March 16th, 2015, 9:55 pm

I used free files as well. Also, I have used Accelerator file. This file does what it says. It speeds up how quickly you accept the suggestions of any files, including itself. It increases the speed by two times, every time. The suggestions includes, but not limited to, triggers, inductions, and curses. I am now completely incontient and just changed a wet and dirty diaper a few moments ago.
Listening to a file 16 is like listening to it 32 times.
Last edited by diaperbrian on April 9th, 2015, 12:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby LittleBen » March 22nd, 2015, 4:40 pm

I am inspired by your success and have worn all weekend as a result. I agree wearing diapers is better than not. Thanks for sharing your experience! :D
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How much is bowel afffected?

Postby nikole » July 11th, 2015, 11:36 pm

Hello katsumiblisk!

I really enjoyed reading each of your entry so much.
Maybe the hardest point is to finally accept the situation. Afterwards life gets new routines.

The file's name is bladder retraining and it should just lead to urin flow, shouldn't it? Can you still control your bowel? If no, do you think it's because of that or another file?

Did you aleady have to change you diaper for example in a baby change. How do mommies react?


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Postby mazza » July 16th, 2015, 2:23 pm

The bowel control is because of the bladder retraining file. It suggests that the bladder muscle and urethra muscle are one and the same, which the file aims to weaken.
No you don't change in a baby change. You use a regular stall and change standing up leaning against a wall.

Going 24/7 isn't bad :)
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MM_Bladder Retraining- Surprised how easy it was

Postby diaperbrian » July 16th, 2015, 9:33 pm

I had listened MM baby training files including the ones for bladder incontinence- except for Bladder retraining reinforce.- I had also listened to MM poopy diapers and MM_baby training -EMG remix- along with other complete incontinence files. I also trying to work courage to listen to Baby Transformation file, not successfully so far.
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Re: MM_Bladder Retraining- Surprised how easy it was

Postby pacifi3r » July 17th, 2015, 12:45 pm

diaperbrian wrote:I had listened MM baby training files including the ones for bladder incontinence- except for Bladder retraining reinforce.- I had also listened to MM poopy diapers and MM_baby training -EMG remix- along with other complete incontinence files. I also trying to work courage to listen to Baby Transformation file, not successfully so far.

I doubt you will become a baby completely out of the blue, just some behaviours will change, you will need more babysh things, may be even become more "raw" in the emotional aspect but becoming a complete baby, I don't believe it.
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MM's Bladder Retraining - Surprised how easy it is

Postby diaperbrian » July 17th, 2015, 10:20 pm

Effects of that file -Baby Transformation- builds each time you listen to it. However, there is forum topic about 'Baby Transformations' which has 2 pages and one author shows what can happen after an extended listening to it -person said it was listened to for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.- The author was confident of the person who listened to the file. The effects had not worn out in the six months following the listening to the file. I had listened to the file 20 minutes or so out of the 35 minutes. One of the effects in that account was the person didn't know how to use a computer.
Some of the affects in that account included difficulty speaking , walking, and feeding one self. I suggest you read that account and some other notable ones to learn more about it.
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Re: MM's Bladder Retraining - Surprised how easy it is

Postby pacifi3r » July 19th, 2015, 6:54 pm

diaperbrian wrote:Effects of that file -Baby Transformation- builds each time you listen to it. However, there is forum topic about 'Baby Transformations' which has 2 pages and one author shows what can happen after an extended listening to it -person said it was listened to for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.- The author was confident of the person who listened to the file. The effects had not worn out in the six months following the listening to the file. I had listened to the file 20 minutes or so out of the 35 minutes. One of the effects in that account was the person didn't know how to use a computer.
Some of the affects in that account included difficulty speaking , walking, and feeding one self. I suggest you read that account and some other notable ones to learn more about it.

I'm pretty sure that was a fappy/RP thread made by a random dude, I honestly doubt it was an "honest" concern involved in helping their roomate that had actually turned into a baby. :?
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Postby pacifi3r » July 19th, 2015, 6:58 pm
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MM's bladder retraining- surprised how easy it was

Postby diaperbrian » July 19th, 2015, 10:22 pm

You could be right. However, one thing increases my uncertainty is the fact that I have listened to the accelerator file a number of times. That file increases the speed you accept suggestions in any file, including itself by two times each time you listen. That is any suggestion from any file.
I listened to the file a number of times and in the download version of the file, I even skipped to the end part of the file to find out what it says and some of those times I listen to the file while not under the trance.
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Postby pacifi3r » July 21st, 2015, 1:33 pm

so... you listened to the accelerator and? its supposed to help you embrace the changes? I don't get where you're going with this sorry... :?
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MM's bladder retraining- surprised how easy it is

Postby diaperbrian » July 21st, 2015, 9:14 pm

It speeds up how quickly you accept any suggestions -curses ,triggers, or any other suggestions.- The affects are permanent and even speeds up how quickly you accept the suggestions of the accelerator file itself. That file has made a lot of my files more effective. I read all of the replies in Baby Transformation topic and listened to the script of the file, one of suggestions was "every time you listen to the file it reinforces the affect." When I listened to the file I did not go in the trance.

MM's bladder retraining file has done wonders in mine goal of becoming incontinent, but didn't do it by itself because I have listened to a lot of files.
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