Diaper File Feedback

For discussions relating to Diapers, Incontinence, Adult Babies, etc.

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Diaper File Feedback

Postby ocntrl » May 9th, 2015, 1:18 pm

Well, it has been a while since I posted in the forum or uploaded a new file and it was curiousgeorge74 that triggered me to do so.

He requested me to create a file for him based on the request below:

“I would like to increase my desire to wear diapers at any time, not just at night (not a curse, but more of a growing desire so the choice is still mine but helping me to choose to wear during the day too.)

I would like to freely urinate without thinking/knowing when wearing a diaper.

I would like to wet whenever I sleep (nap during the day, at night, etc.) as long as I'm wearing a diaper.

I would like to accept diapers as normal as underwear, recognizing they offer protection and comfort.”

So I did and got some feedback (separate emails):

“I listened last night, on a loop, first the hypnosis file then the blitz and repeat...all night. I had decided to wear a diaper to bed and had taken a small amount of some sleeping meds since I was needing to go to sleep much earlier than normal. When I woke up this morning I had a completely soaked diaper. I've only had that one other time that I can remember”

“Well I have listened three nights so far on repeat loop. After listening two nights, I felt like I wanted to wear when I went out to a bar, I did and when I was returning to my hotel and was going down a staircase on the street, I noticed I was wetting the diaper. I would not have noticed at all except going down a stair creates unique motion so I could fell the pee coming out. Otherwise I do not believe I would have noticed at all. That's kind of exciting. So, perhaps I'm more confident to wear and apparently I don't know I'm wetting.”

“…Then this morning I woke up and prepared for the day. After getting dressed, I felt compelled to wear a diaper for the day. I've worn one all day, well actually on the third the two previous ones were wet and damp respectively. I don't remember consciously wetting. I'm surprised that this could work so quickly if indeed this is it. Anyway, I'm pleased.”

So, in case you find yourself interested in this kind of result, you may want to check out the files I recently posted.

One file is an induction with suggestions based on the above request.

The other file is a Hypnotic Blitz you can listen to on a loop in the background and does not require trance and will not hinder you in any way doing what you are doing.
Trance... everyone can do it.
List of my files: http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=FilesNewsys#eyJoT2Zmc2V0IjoiMCIsInR4dFNlYXJjaCI6IiIsInNlbEF1dGhvcnMiOlsiNDM2NzUiXX0=
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Postby kiram » May 11th, 2015, 7:35 pm

wow love the premise, and it is nice to hear it worked as intended! Congrats, and thanks for sharing with us
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Postby ocntrl » May 12th, 2015, 2:28 pm

Some additional feedback.

Step by step...

"I had not had much time over the weekend to listen to the files. That said, I was strongly compelled to wear a diaper this morning and put one one early this morning when I first woke up. I took it off before showering and heading to work. I wanted to wear but feared someone seeing. Also, the one I had out on was wet and I had not consciously wet it. It was actually about 1/2 capacity which is quite a bit. So, that part is working though my brain is still struggling with wearing all the time apparently."

And some surprises...

"Just more feedback, I have noticed that I'm looking at people, kids, adults, and wondering if they are diapered like I could be. Also noticed when shopping twice this week and weekend that I found myself in the diaper aisle with no apparent reason to be there...that's not normal behavior for me :) not sure exactly why that would be the effect of the hypnosis but it is interesting."
Trance... everyone can do it.
List of my files: http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=FilesNewsys#eyJoT2Zmc2V0IjoiMCIsInR4dFNlYXJjaCI6IiIsInNlbEF1dGhvcnMiOlsiNDM2NzUiXX0=
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additional feedback

Postby ocntrl » May 14th, 2015, 2:00 pm

" Ok, I've listened to the blitz a few more times while awake, on my daily walk.  This morning I put on a diaper and the coolest thing happened.  I wet automatically, yeah...not really a surprise at this point but it was repeated enough and I didn't even notice until the diaper was quite full.  I was just occupied with other morning duties around the house and suddenly realized how heavy and wet the diaper was.  Again, not sure if that is supposed to be the exact effect but that's how it's working at this point.  I was amazed.  I usually notice that I'm wet long before the diaper is soaked.  This is a good sign to me.  The part I'm still hoping/waiting to happen is that I accept wearing them as underwear all the time.  Perhaps that will be a slower process but I'm definitely finding I'm wearing more often and even now with just wearing in the morning for this past week, my focus at work is intense. Something about wearing the diaper is motivating me or something about knowing I will wear again soon is making me energized.  I can't really describe that either but again, just simply have to say thank you. "
Trance... everyone can do it.
List of my files: http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=FilesNewsys#eyJoT2Zmc2V0IjoiMCIsInR4dFNlYXJjaCI6IiIsInNlbEF1dGhvcnMiOlsiNDM2NzUiXX0=
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I want it to work

Postby Duckypin » May 15th, 2015, 12:49 pm

I so want that experience.

I am going to try coupling the two files and see if I can achieve the wonder of a wet diaper without realizing that it happened.

Thanks so much
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Postby Duckypin » May 18th, 2015, 12:32 pm

This file is great and I keep listening. I also hope that in combination with the blitz file I will get the hoped for results of nearly 24/7 diaper wearing and regular wetting without conscious thought.

I like the idea of this being a better way of control enabling more resourceful use of time.


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Postby ocntrl » May 18th, 2015, 4:58 pm

Excellent. Keep us posted on the progress.
Trance... everyone can do it.
List of my files: http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=FilesNewsys#eyJoT2Zmc2V0IjoiMCIsInR4dFNlYXJjaCI6IiIsInNlbEF1dGhvcnMiOlsiNDM2NzUiXX0=
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Postby ocntrl » May 20th, 2015, 12:54 pm

"So I've managed to wear a diaper for at least some point of every day or night since last week. Last night I wore again and woke up soaked. I remember waking slightly at one point and feeling that I was releasing...but the diaper was far too wet for it to only be that single time so I would say that part is working. The part of me wearing to work, etc. Is not yet occurring but I haven't been able to listen as much as I want either. Still, pretty dramatic effects!"
Trance... everyone can do it.
List of my files: http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=FilesNewsys#eyJoT2Zmc2V0IjoiMCIsInR4dFNlYXJjaCI6IiIsInNlbEF1dGhvcnMiOlsiNDM2NzUiXX0=
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Postby curiousgeorge74 » May 20th, 2015, 9:01 pm

So I haven't been on here for a while. I started a long time ago with EMGs files and had some success but when I listened to ocntrl's file for 1 hour of control I realized it was the hypnosis file that took me the deepest. That is what set off my request for a file as noted.
I'll confirm that his recent postings here are my words exactly and that it is working. I still haven't gotten to the point of wearing diapers to work but I'm wearing everyday now at some point. I'm almost always wet and very rarely notice it at the time it happens. It's been a fun journey so far. I'm looking forward to the next step which is a post hypnotic trigger file but need to give my brain more time to absorb these files that I use together.
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Postby Duckypin » May 21st, 2015, 7:34 am

Thanks CuriousGeorge for posting your success story and the ongoing quest. I hope to be in the same situation soon!
i do agree that the trance is deep and quite good. It is just what i need.
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Postby kiram » May 21st, 2015, 6:59 pm

thanks for sharing your experiences with this file, it is outstanding to read and share with you.
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still going

Postby curiousgeorge74 » May 30th, 2015, 3:27 pm

I've listened a bit more since my last post and today when I woke up I put diapers on without even thinking about it. It wasn't until they were soaked that I noticed I had wet. So the wetting part is working and the part of seeing them as underwear is too now. After I had noticed I changed back to regular underwear and about two hours later had a "craving" if you can call it that, to wear diapers so went and got one on. Currently, I've been in this one for about 3 hours or so and it's wet. I consciously wet it once for sure but it wasn't like I had any care about doing it at all, I'm guessing I wet another two small times as it is about ready to be changed too. So, things are taking affect slowly. The interesting thing is that I was around people all day today so my concern is fading.
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Postby ocntrl » May 30th, 2015, 11:35 pm

Thank you for sharing your experiences here with all because this does a couple of things.

First of all it provides hope to all with the same desire, knowing change is possible. And that in itself is something you can be proud of, sharing this.

Second it makes me very happy knowing that your commitment, a commitment I took a small part in by creating the file, is moving you towards your goal. Committed people make things happen. That too is good to share because it shows all with the same desire that commitment is key.

And last but not least, it is an excellent way sharing the steps forward because the sharing actually solidifies the change even more. Sharing facts will make the undeniable and I am sure reading over your post and any of the answers will feel good because inside you it feel even better when the pieces fall in place through this confirmation.

So thank you in all accounts. You can be very proud of yourself.
Trance... everyone can do it.
List of my files: http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=FilesNewsys#eyJoT2Zmc2V0IjoiMCIsInR4dFNlYXJjaCI6IiIsInNlbEF1dGhvcnMiOlsiNDM2NzUiXX0=
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Postby MikeHaSmaller » May 31st, 2015, 4:12 am

Congrats all!

I have some progress too. It's more mental than anything but it's still something!

Anyway, I now feel awkward not being in diapers. Then I put some on and I feel so comfortable.

Oh and I find peeing in diapers easier. It's not automatic but it IS easier!
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Postby Duckypin » May 31st, 2015, 6:12 am

congratulations fellow diaper wearers! Yes, diapers are the most natural underwear for me. Yes, peeing is becoming more and more natural and less and less a conscious event.
thanks ocntrl!
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Postby ocntrl » June 5th, 2015, 1:11 pm

Thank you for the feedback curiousgeorge74, MikeHaSmaller, Duckypin.

Keep us posted on the progress, I am sure all love to hear the successes you are experiencing.
Trance... everyone can do it.
List of my files: http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=FilesNewsys#eyJoT2Zmc2V0IjoiMCIsInR4dFNlYXJjaCI6IiIsInNlbEF1dGhvcnMiOlsiNDM2NzUiXX0=
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Diaper wearing

Postby larrn » June 13th, 2015, 11:27 pm

When I get home after home, I always change into my diapers. I still have not had the courage to wear diapers at work. I've bought training pants and have worn them at work, but wearing a diaper still scares me that someone will notice. How do I cross this obstacle and wear diapers all the time?
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Postby MikeHaSmaller » June 14th, 2015, 4:19 am

As I am writing this I am sitting in a wet diaper. The problem is that I think I "jumped the gun" before when I said it was easier. :(.
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Postby wohermiston » June 14th, 2015, 8:31 am

How would someone know you were diapered? Has anyone close to you every said. "look at that dude, I bet he's wearing a diaper"? I doubt it right? Adults don't think that way. You do because you are sensitive to it.
Look at your outline when wearing training pants, now find a diaper that matches closely to that and you are on your way. Wear baggier pants if that helps. You are the only one that needs convincing. No one else around really cares. You could start with trips to the grocery store or post office, places like that. Good Luck. WOH
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Re: Diaper File Feedback

Postby ddrkidmix » February 11th, 2016, 4:08 pm

This is my first post in awhile and I've been on WMM a LONG time and a big fan of the incontinence/diapers files and forums (been a premium member on/off as well as purchasing many files - of course including ocntrl's series). ocntrl - if you're reading this then you'll be tickled and amazed at what happened so read on! :)

I've worn diapers on/off since I was old enough to get them myself and could drive (16 -> Present day 32 yrs old). I've tried many files and there are really good ones on WMM, but this series is special - so let me tell you briefly what happened.

Last night, I diapered up and relaxed on my bed and listened to the main file - very relaxing and after coming out of trance at my own pace (as the file allows), I was refreshed and didn't remember much of the trance except feeling super refreshed and full of energy. Keep in mind I'm on my feet all day at work (8-10 hr shifts) so I'm a little drained after my day at the animal clinic (I'm a vet tech).

Anywho, as I was coming out of trance - my pee flowed without delay and I didn't give it much thought; if any at all (which has happened with other files...but this episode felt "natural"). I read some articles on the internet while listening to ocntrl's hypnotic blitz. I found it wasn't distracting and adjusted the volume so I couldn't make out the words UNLESS I stopped and zoned in to hear them. Anyways, so I got off the internet to play some video games while still wetting on/off while playing (I knew it was happening but didn't pay much attention to it). So this went on for ~2 hours and by this time I needed a change - I actually had to CHECK to see how wet my diaper was. This was a little shocking and exciting at the same time because it was GENUINE and I really didn't know HOW wet I was and if I needed a change or not :shock:

Here's more shocking results that totally blew my mind. I went to bed with a clean diaper and rubbed one out grinding on the bed to help me sleep. I also managed to avoid the binge/purge cycle that comes after ejaculation, because I was probably too tired and it didn't seem right to sleep without a diaper. So, I went to bed. Here's where the good part comes in. When I woke up in the morning, my diaper was wet...like maybe about a cup's worth (not exactly sure) and the wetness indicator had changed where a boy wets (pointing down). I honestly can say I remember VERY BRIEFLY sometime...like it was a dream waking up and relaxing and felt a full sensation then relief and never realized I had drifted back off. Before you say "well it's only the start", keep in mind that I didn't remember the waking part until I checked my diaper and after the initial shock subsided from adrenaline - and even the fact I remembered anything was VERY fuzzy. This has NEVER happened before. The kicker is that I had only about 1/2 Dasani water bottle about 30 min before bed so I didn't fluid load or anything (I can't sleep if I do that or my diaper is too wet before sleeping so it'd leak). I also took NO medications and I had some catnip herbal tea while playing my video games.

I just thought I'd share my experience and that this file is legit. What's amazing is how it happened after just one listening....my mind is still blown TBH. If anyone has any questions or anything else, please don't hesitate to ask. Again, great job ocntrl!
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Re: Diaper File Feedback

Postby kiram » February 15th, 2016, 7:24 am

Way cool, ddrkidmix. Hope you continue to have success and post your progress reports, we love seeing them
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