Act Now! Last day to save 52% on incontinence with free ship

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Act Now! Last day to save 52% on incontinence with free ship

Postby wohermiston » March 2nd, 2016, 11:53 am

Act Now! Last day to save 52% on incontinence with free shipping!
got this email today from Unique Wellness .
thought the title was kinda funny. How many here wish they could buy incontinence!
With free shipping to boot.
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Re: Act Now! Last day to save 52% on incontinence with free

Postby ddrkidmix » March 3rd, 2016, 9:01 pm

Yeah I just received my case shipment today of the Superio briefs with the 52% discount. Good stuff. Too bad they're biased with elderly people on almost all sides of the diapers' packaging (NO offense to anyone!). They're excellent and a good alternative to the old style all-plastic Tena Slip Maxi briefs. I'm in diaper dependency training (urinary only) and using your files WOH. I'm trying to become more committed but also end up in the binge/purge (longest 24/7 wear was 6 months back in college...i'm 32 now).

WOH - You might also make a file tailored to a non-little/AB etc to persuade one to try a diaper at work (or pull up and work your way up after a given time) because that's what's holding me back is the confidence wearing at WORK and whatnot. I know you can change bladder behavior..yadda yadda but wearing to work can be a BIG DEAL in this day and age and a huge barrier to overcome. I'm a vet tech and wear yeah. I'm a hot-natured person and sweat a LOT so you can imagine what diapers add to that, but it's worth it. I'm rambling now. :)

I'm using your 'Baby Bladder Therapy' along with 'EveryDayNow' (dunno if I should also use 'You Love Diapers' on certain days...I can't remember the differences right off hand). PM me sometime. I've followed your work for a long time and you seem to be very active and have a true interest in the incontinence/DL lifestyle.
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Re: Act Now! Last day to save 52% on incontinence with free

Postby wohermiston » March 6th, 2016, 9:11 am

Thanks for the comments, I appreciate them. After many attempts, I came around to the idea that the simpler the file the better. EveryDayNow should encourage full time wearing. It is also designed to encourage you to search for a reason to keep going;
And to overcome any self consciousness about it. The reason I have done so many different files, is a combination of my own learning and how effective I find the files on myself. The more you read about Milton Erickson, The more you realize that there are no secret tricks. You are not going to do something that you do not want to do. Learning through hypnosis, is just like learning anything difficult. In our case there are the emotional aspects, mostly of embarrassment, that need to be overcome. And each person is going to evaluate that differently. I don't think it can be changed overnight. Your binge / purge cycles are quite normal in this endeavor. It's OK to take breaks. What you should do in those times, is find some crossover item to hold things together. I could suggest cloth training pants with plastic pants built in or separate. There are lots of suppliers of these. They almost feel like adult underwear, but they can help you hold onto your feelings. Good Luck
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Re: Act Now! Last day to save 52% on incontinence with free

Postby ddrkidmix » March 8th, 2016, 4:03 pm


Thanks for the reply! *huggs*

Everything you said, I expected you to say and I was hasty in my last post because I was going through a bit of a rough patch (binge) and I apologize. I was tired and for some reason, WMM won't let me change the time zone to EST (Georgia) when I attempt to do so - but that's irrelevant.

I was browsing around and saw THIS forum post by MindMaster giving your files praise and I agree with him in all respects. He gives a recommended listening order (which is nice of him!) in an attempt to accept diapers and work towards undoing urinary continence.

I've played around with his Bladder_Retraining File & the accompanying reinforcement file and can vouch that his work is excellent and helps me relax, if anything. The only issue(s) that he points out that could potentially turn a lot of people off to the file(s) are the length of it (~1hr long) and the AB undertones. I agree with you, the simpler the better. A file THAT long can get old fast, even if the quality is excellent. I'm more of the DL aspect and the only AB-related activity that I do routinely is I sleep with my teddy bear "Mikey" every night and occasionally sleep with my pacifier (Nuk Medic Pro L). Besides the pacifier, I really don't count the sleeping with a teddy bear as an AB related activity because studies show that it's not as uncommon in adults as we think. My best friend sleeps with a Gremlin plushie everynight (ever since he could remember). He's a solid brick wall of muscle and the straightest guy you'd ever meet. Case in point, looks can be deceiving and a psychological comfort of a stuffed animal is valid no matter your age or size. You probably already knew that so I'm just rambling. Now, onto more praise for you! ^_^

I've renewed my premium subscription when EveryDayNow was newly released and I think it's great. Yes, it does encourage you (hence...EveryDay) that wearing diapers is a valid, good thing and a good pick-me-up overall with motivation. In my previous reply, I didn't think about the contents of this file because most of them seem to have an "amnesiac" effect on me and the details are fuzzy after I come out of trance. All I can say is that it's all positive post-trance stuff like a refreshed feeling and that something has "changed" (no pun intended...although I sometimes will wait to change my diaper after my hypnosis session). I also think the file will help with B/P cycles and eliminate negative feelings...just like You Love Diapers does. Again - nice job and I hope to see more of your work/ideas.

With that in mind, your suggestion to wear cotton training pants is something that has crossed my mind long before this forum post. As for work, I wear scrubs all day and my biggest (mental) hurdle is the diaper/pull-up riding up when I'm bending over to pick up a cat/dog or cleaning in general. I've worn to work before and tried the onesie approach but I'm VERY hot natured and sweat a lot even during winter time (maybe it's the Irish blood...we're fair skinned and don't tolerate any sort of heat...hence getting burnt easily in UV light). I think that I'll start wearing a pull up to work under some mesh pants and buy larger scrubs. I'm only 5'9" 170# so with larger scrubs = more length - but that's something that's my problem and will work out on it's own. On another note, as you say; the pull up will keep the "feelings" close by which brings me to another point.

The issue I'll have when "purging" (taking a break, per se) is when pursuing a loss of control (urinary incontinence), it's either all or nothing. Reverting back to "holding it/clench mode" can backfire and all those diapers and hypnotic training can go down the drain quickly undoing almost all progress. My train of thought is that if you don't live the lifestyle, then you're lying to yourself which will make you miserable inside (the feeling of NOT wearing a diaper is a terrible and guilty feeling to me) and more difficult to transition in the long run. Especially when people see you wear one day (accidentally have diaper riding up which is to be expected at times) and not another. It's a 24/7 commitment and incontinence doesn't come and go - this won't bode well with some. This desire for urinary incontinence and wearing/using a diaper all the time hasn't gone away for over 15+ years, so it's probably not going to go away by now, so I might as well "JUST DO IT" like the Nike slogan goes.

Speaking of MindMaster, the BoyBabyTrain file is very unique and I've listened to it (not under...just hearing his voice and contents). It holds a special place in my heart because I've been wanting to get rid of erections while wearing (which i KNOW is a natural, biological response) and potentially make things "smaller" which I don't mind in the least. I consider myself "asexual", although I dated a woman (10 years older than me) 4 years ago for 3.5 years so I'm technically straight. Now that I'm single again - I can pursue what I want and after I completely achieve urinary incontinence to a degree that I don't feel safe undiapered and/or having accidents at night; then I'll probably start using the file to seal the deal. I don't see myself being sexually active and TBH have no sexual attraction to anyone...but I get "urges" sometimes when falling asleep and don't want to masturbate in my diapers anymore. Anywho, that's a ways away :).

I know this was a long reply, but I thought I'd get it in while I could. I'm a big fan of yours and if you have a new file or whatnot that you need a "guinea pig" so to speak, please PM me and I would love to help. Like you always say, it's the right words that make all the difference and might be those words you need to hear to finally make it happen, right? Thanks again, WOH.

PS - I'll PM you to say hello. I also have an idea that I'd like your input. Is that ok?

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Re: Act Now! Last day to save 52% on incontinence with free

Postby wohermiston » March 9th, 2016, 8:45 am

all very good points. I suspect anyone reading that can relate to it. As you may already know, i don't think incontinence is a realistic goal only because i believe that continence is a built in brain function programmed over many 1000's of years. I have pointed out many times that with bedwetting children, doctors always advise waiting because continence eventually comes to us all without any help. So the solution to what we are looking for is always going to be a modified behavior. It may be possible to modify memory. that is, wet and forget. I had my first experience like that last week for the first time in my life. I honestly did not remember wetting. The only other experience I have that is consistent with that is related to my home alarm system which has a keypad and a green and red lamp. green for off, red for on. I can come in, key in the code, see the lamp go green, get halfway up the steps and have no memory of doing it. I have to come back and confirm that the green lamp is on. I think it has to do with our conditioning for red and green, but I am not really sure why this happens.

I tried PM'ing you, but the message seems to be stuck in the outbox. let me know if you got it. Otherwise, feel free to send one to me.
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