
For discussions relating to Diapers, Incontinence, Adult Babies, etc.

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Postby davelowe1977 » January 6th, 2019, 5:45 am

I just checked this board for when I joined it, and it was in 2005(!) Sadly, in all that time I have not had success in achieving uncontrolled wetting.
A few days ago I had an idea inspired by this topic: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=14986
I was reading and thinking about Pavlov and his dog experiments where by timing the sounding of a bell with the provision of food, he created an association between the bell and the food in the dog's mind. Shortly thereafter, by only sounding the bell and not providing food, the dog could be made to salivate in anticipation of being fed. This really intrigued me because of its simplicity. Encouraged, my next question was how long did this take?
I did some more reading and in the studies I found, which were mostly involving rats associating being fed along with some stimulus occurring, the minimum time before the rat associated the two events was around 8 days where each 'day' of training was 12 hours.
At this point, I devised my experiment. I would wear a diaper for 12 hours per day, for at least 8 days and while doing so would create a timed stimulus and each time this timer sounded, I would wet and say to myself "Sphincter muscle wasting away" - despite my total lack of success with hypnosis, it probably doesn't hurt to add a verbal affirmation! The obvious intention is to create an association between the timer sounding and releasing urine. The end goal is to urinate irrespective of circumstances on hearing the timer. The timer itself is an circuit training interval timer that can be installed on to a phone (many free ones on Play store). The one I am using is set according to how hydrated I am, and to other necessary lifestyle circumstances. Usually, if I'm reasonably hydrated it is set to 15 minutes. If I have a pint of fizzy water at my elbow, 5 minutes. These timings may seem very frequent, but there are two good reasons for this. One is that the timing interval does not have to be consistent, but more frequent conditioning events means more rapid learning. Second, I prefer lightweight diapers and these do not stand the kind of flooding that would result from (say) hourly urination.
One method I'm thinking of using to test whether this is seeping (no pun) into my unconscious is to try playing the alarm tone once in the middle of the night while asleep to see if I wake up wet. We will see. This is day 3 of the conditioning. I will update this thread if there is any interest in it.
A scientist who weighed people immediately before and after death concluded that the human soul weighs 21 gms
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Re: Conditioning

Postby wohermiston » January 6th, 2019, 8:41 am

Changing the behavior of a perfectly healthy urinary system will be quite a challenge. Especially those short intervals. We had a discussion on using timers quite a few months ago. I have a file that uses timers. I know that it is possible to get the bladder into a mode where it empties every few minutes, but this does not last very long for some reason. The bladder will always reverts back to it's primitive programming. There are lots of examples of words and salivation. It is an easy response to trigger. Please keep us updated on your progress. WOH
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Re: Conditioning

Postby childlike » January 7th, 2019, 5:14 pm


I get that the rat experiment was 12 hours per day. They had to have time to sleep. Likewise, using the timer 24 hours a day is not a good idea for humans. But why only wear diapers 12 hours per day. If you're serious about uncontrolled wetting, and when you succeed with your goal, you won't have a choice. It will be 24/7 except when you want to go for intense embarrassment and make a mess. (I must admit that sounds like fun).
I gently suggest you get used to wearing them everywhere all the time.

I wish you success!
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Joined: December 23rd, 2009, 1:00 am

Re: Conditioning

Postby sezsimon » January 27th, 2019, 2:03 am

You probably would like this story: ... e-trainer/

very hot, very much like what you are thinking about
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Re: Conditioning

Postby msjody0572 » January 30th, 2019, 9:16 am

That is a good idea. I recently purchased "Diaper Wetting Baby Forever - Baby Brain Takeover" and am using it on my male slave. I have a 24/7 diaper requirement for him anyway, and that has weakened his bladder significantly. However I don't want him to return to normal continence if he tries to in the future, so I am looking for ways to make him diaper dependent permanently.

I don't get into the AB aspects here, just enforced male chastity and diapers 24/7, I also like keeping him hairless and as emasculated as I can make him. I would call him a little boy right now, maybe taking him down the road to sissification, but jury still out on that.

Has anyone tried Mistress Surrenders material. I really like her methods and style. But the testimonials are from babys already wearing diapers 24/7. So I am skeptical it really works as they say, like turning a switch off. I want to know if Surrenders material really takes away all bladder control permanently.
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Re: Conditioning

Postby childlike » February 4th, 2019, 9:13 pm

The Trainer. Great story. One of my favorites.

I'm not familiar with "Diaper Wetting Baby Forever - Baby Brain Takeover"

As far as Mistress Surrender's material is concerned, Since you said you like her methods and style, you must be more familiar with her stuff than I. I looked at her website and only found 3 diaper related files, (am I missing some)? In addition to needing to purchase the induction, and "deepening" separately, these seem to not be of interest to me. I don't want to do the "I got caught by my girlfriend" type of thing - my wife already knows about me. I also don't need to be enticed into being addicted to diapers, as I have worn them 24/7 for years now. And I already wet pretty freely in my diapers, so I don't need the one that gets me into wearing diapers and wetting.

Maybe you're already acquainted with Mistress Surrender. If so, please suggest a file for those of us who already use diapers all the time and want to truly lose control over our wetting. If you have read any of my posts you know that I have always wet the bed whether I wanted to or not. What I would like to hear is a way to get me to go out of the house without a diaper on, but forget that I don't have a diaper on. I'm sure my bladder will do the rest. A couple of times doing that and there will no longer be any doubt that I need to ALWAYS BE IN DIAPERS. I currently wet without much thought most of the time, but if for some reason I want to delay a diaper change, I can hold it and get to a bathroom to pee. I want to lose that ability. I want to lose all control - diapered or not.

Conditioning has worked best for me. Being told that I will wet or mess uncontrollably doesn't do much for me except make me horny.

Good luck keeping your "little boy" wetting his diapers 24/7. He's a lucky little guy to have you.
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Re: Conditioning

Postby msjody0572 » February 8th, 2019, 8:54 am

Mistress Surrender has a diaper series.

She stresses you also need her other deepening hypno file(s) as inductions. The idea is to first surrender to her using this and then to pick from her other hypno files to make the necessary changes.

"Remember there is no induction for these files and you will need to also buy the “Deepening Hypnosis” mp3.
Lady Surrender."

I'm going to be putting my slave through this training and will reach out to her here if I'm having trouble getting the results I want in him. I may have to do a live skype session between her and my slave in order to punch through any resistance he tries to put up. Ultimately the boi doesn't have a choice, he will surrender all control to me, I will take over his bodily functions and life functions. I have total financial control over everything and I own his house now as well. I made him sign a POA too. Contracts for slavery are just play toys, if you are using diaper domination on a sub, you need a full POA signed and take away his access to his money.

I'm always amazed at how the beta male's mind crumbles when you deny it's orgasm. It wasn't hard once I had him in SECURE chastity to put him in diapers and take over his bank accounts. The trick is no mercy, no orgasm ever. Diapers are just the finishing touch.
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Joined: September 23rd, 2008, 12:00 am

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