I just checked this board for when I joined it, and it was in 2005(!) Sadly, in all that time I have not had success in achieving uncontrolled wetting.
A few days ago I had an idea inspired by this topic: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=14986
I was reading and thinking about Pavlov and his dog experiments where by timing the sounding of a bell with the provision of food, he created an association between the bell and the food in the dog's mind. Shortly thereafter, by only sounding the bell and not providing food, the dog could be made to salivate in anticipation of being fed. This really intrigued me because of its simplicity. Encouraged, my next question was how long did this take?
I did some more reading and in the studies I found, which were mostly involving rats associating being fed along with some stimulus occurring, the minimum time before the rat associated the two events was around 8 days where each 'day' of training was 12 hours.
At this point, I devised my experiment. I would wear a diaper for 12 hours per day, for at least 8 days and while doing so would create a timed stimulus and each time this timer sounded, I would wet and say to myself "Sphincter muscle wasting away" - despite my total lack of success with hypnosis, it probably doesn't hurt to add a verbal affirmation! The obvious intention is to create an association between the timer sounding and releasing urine. The end goal is to urinate irrespective of circumstances on hearing the timer. The timer itself is an circuit training interval timer that can be installed on to a phone (many free ones on Play store). The one I am using is set according to how hydrated I am, and to other necessary lifestyle circumstances. Usually, if I'm reasonably hydrated it is set to 15 minutes. If I have a pint of fizzy water at my elbow, 5 minutes. These timings may seem very frequent, but there are two good reasons for this. One is that the timing interval does not have to be consistent, but more frequent conditioning events means more rapid learning. Second, I prefer lightweight diapers and these do not stand the kind of flooding that would result from (say) hourly urination.
One method I'm thinking of using to test whether this is seeping (no pun) into my unconscious is to try playing the alarm tone once in the middle of the night while asleep to see if I wake up wet. We will see. This is day 3 of the conditioning. I will update this thread if there is any interest in it.