Interesting effect with TrigPottyAmnesia.

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Interesting effect with TrigPottyAmnesia.

Postby littlefoxy » October 22nd, 2019, 10:26 pm

So I've been using TrigPottyAmnesia for a bit and it works exactly as described for me. While I'm under the effects of the file the potty scares me with the loud sounds and how weird it is. When I'm not triggered i still feel creeped out a bit by the potty and I'm developing a phobia of toilets. Not a bad thing, it's just interesting.
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Joined: October 22nd, 2019, 10:21 pm

Re: Interesting effect with TrigPottyAmnesia.

Postby DrStevens » November 9th, 2019, 11:41 am

Sounds like you're experiencing a neat and sensible side-effect.

I played around with this file a while back, but stopped because of an unforeseen effect: Using the trigger did cause small accidents, but it also killed arousal. Figured the line about "that part of you will be just like a baby" was partly to blame.
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Re: Interesting effect with TrigPottyAmnesia.

Postby littlefoxy » November 14th, 2019, 8:49 pm

Haven't had an issue with arousal but I everyone has something different in mind with the effects.
Posts: 2
Joined: October 22nd, 2019, 10:21 pm

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