My thoughts on ABDL files

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My thoughts on ABDL files

Postby espfrench » April 17th, 2021, 4:44 pm

Based on what I've found in most of the "files"

A. TO MUCH NEGATIVITY! To many "No"s, "Can't"s "Won't"s, Its my understanding of the subconscious mind, that it doesn't take well to negative statements?
Try using POSITIVE affirmations and statements. More "WILL", "IS going to", and "can" statements. - The only one I've found that seems to do oi this is the set,
Diaper Training ! and 2 .

B. They are designed for the "newby" that's still trying to come to terms with there ABDL desires. Not all of us are new to our diapered selves. There are a few of us that have already been 24/7 for years. Some of us already have a wardrobe of slacks and skirts that fit over a diaper and plastic panties. And have decided we're ready to be TOTALLY DIAPER DEPENDANT

C. Not all of us need 2/3 of the file to get to the trance state.

D. There doesn't seem to be a lot of files set up to be looped all night long. Most files seem to spend 2/3 of the file getting over the disclaimers and teaching us to relax and find that "trance" head-space, and then the last five minutes "waking" us up.
We have alarm clocks for waking up.

Having given this a bit of thought... I'm thinking.

4 sets of 7 files each.
- MALE speaker talking to Male listener.
- MALE speaker speaking to female listener.
- Female speaking to male set.
- Female to female set.
As I understand it, the US government spent a LOT of money back during the Vietnam war to prove that people (Fighter pilots) pay closer attention to famine voices. But I suspect GAY males may pay more attention to a fellow male.

- The FIRST files are the setups. The disclaimers, How to find that "trance" state of mind... How to come back out of it.
- File TWO is a LOOP, that can play all night long, Designed to help the listener find there LITTLE head-space.
- File THREE is a LOOP to play all night, for coming to grips with the ABDL need to wear diapers (See Diaper Training Prt ONE)
- File FORE is a LOOP, To become TEMPERARALY bladder incontinent
- File FIVE is a LOOP to become PERMINITLY balder incontinent,
- File SIX is the LOOP to become TEMPARARALY bowl incontinent
- File SEVEN is a loop to become PERMINITLY bowl incontinent
- ALL files should have music behind the narrator as well as a "subliminal" track to reinforce the narrator.
- ALL files should include a VIDIO track of either men or women "enforcing" the topic by demonstrating.
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Re: My thoughts on ABDL files

Postby gmelk » April 20th, 2021, 4:46 pm

ALL files should have music behind the narrator as well as a "subliminal" track to reinforce the narrator.

I think not having music or sound behind the hypnotist allows the user to setup their own sound profile and customize the experience. Further with encoding, having sounds on top of sounds degrades the quality of the speaker and any background voices.

ALL files should include a VIDIO track of either men or women "enforcing" the topic by demonstrating.

Doing this legally is hard, and even if you use found footage it can be a lot of work to find specific videos of something.
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Re: My thoughts on ABDL files

Postby espfrench » April 21st, 2021, 8:11 pm

gmelk wrote:
ALL files should have music behind the narrator as well as a "subliminal" track to reinforce the narrator.

I think not having music or sound behind the hypnotist allows the user to setup their own sound profile and customize the experience. Further with encoding, having sounds on top of sounds degrades the quality of the speaker and any background voices.

ALL files should include a VIDIO track of either men or women "enforcing" the topic by demonstrating.

Doing this legally is hard, and even if you use found footage it can be a lot of work to find specific videos of something.

Dear Gmelk,
Hmmm... Good points... I Hadn't thought of. Thank you. I appreciate constructive criticism.

Maybe users could run two Audio players "Windows Media player" and "Groove Music" simultaneously? one with the hypnotic file and one with a song they really like? that would probably be something to discus/suggest in the first files of each set?

Even if it's nothing but a "slide show"? There's nothing out there in the public domain?

I'm listening to "Mind Master" right now... His use off the word "urinal" is distracting and totally breaks up the "flow" :lol: There really needs to be a version of this file set up for female users.
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Re: My thoughts on ABDL files

Postby MindMaster » April 25th, 2021, 2:46 pm

Espfrench, I've seen this post in a couple of other threads in this forum. I notice you joined WMM on April 17th. Have you been a member under a different name for longer. I also note it appears English is not your mother tongue so I'll pass on grammar/spelling issues.

I've been involved with the kind community for a LONG time, and particularly with babies and sissies, developing training programs to help them accept who and what they are and learn to adopt appropriate behaviours using NLP, hypnosis and conditioning methods. Using the Mindmaster files and especially the new Hypnotic Mist files will help you become as much of a baby as you are willing to become. You learn to love your diapers, to love using your diapers and other baby related things and to behave as a baby as much as possible.

Negative words can easily be used with NLP and hypnosis provided they are used appropriately. As for the long inductions they are necessary to ensure the subjects mind is receptive to the "training suggestions". These types of files are produced for a wider audience. Some trance easily, others not so easily.

Your suggestion for multiple files is cute but not practical. Firstly the bulk of buyers are male babies. They may want to be baby girls but they have male genitalia so that can and is used in the hypnosis training. There is NO need for video, in fact I believe it to be distracting. A proper audio file will put you in trance, open your suggestive mind to training and behaviour modification and result in you enjoying becoming a baby again.

We do try to remain gender neutral where possible, but for some behaviour modification we need to be gender/genital specific.

A sound retraining program will:
1. train you to enter trance, open your mind to suggestion and implant desire to continue training
2. introduce a new behaviour (diaper wearing/wetting) which reinforces the desire to continue training. (Pleasure/acceptance conditioning)
3. remove inhibitions to acceptance of new desires, behaviours and need to progress (maybe regress is more appropriate).

You have virtually NO profile data so we don't know if you're a baby an AB parent, a hypnotist or just a troll making uninformed comments. Please tell us a bit more about yourself before you continue telling us who've been doing this for quite some time how we should produce files and train babies, or sissies or submissives.

Sorry, to sound harsh little ones, but many of you have become happy sweet submissive babies for Mommy Emma or Mindmaster and this type of negativity just hurts.

Terry Masters
Terry Masters

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Control and train it to be what you need to be.
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Re: My thoughts on ABDL files

Postby brownbobby » April 26th, 2021, 10:45 pm

I hope it's known that there are lots of people who appreciate the work that hypnotists put in--I know I do. I was going to ignore this thread entirely, since the original post was more of a list of poorly-developed thoughts than actual idea for a program...but seeing one of my most admired hypnotists respond led me to at least give a small answer.

I greatly enjoy and appreciate the skilled hypnotists who have put significant time and effort into a sub-community that is often ignored by the kink world. It's not a given that a hypnotist will be willing to work on eroding conscious control of one's toilet training, or increasing dependency on diapers. We're lucky to have each take a different approach to this training. Funnily enough, most of them have something that the original author is looking for:

- Sarnoga's masterful inductions lead into files meant to change grown men into pants-wetters (or more!)
- Wohermiston's scripts are almost exclusively positive suggestions, with a whole range of phrasings and effects
- MajorPixel's loops are explicitly designed to be listened to on repeat, constantly, as the words become ingrained into your mind
- Last, but CERTAINLY not least, MindMaster and Mommy Emma both have developed subtlety in their suggestions that has had profound effects in the people I've watch training to their files. Heck, MindMaster was one of the first to create a structured, phased approach to increasing an ABDL subject's baby characteristics.

There are many more great hypnotists out there with files--Hellion0, ProfessorPig, ChampTehOtter, and our admin EMG, just to name a few of many. I'd highly recommend looking through their work before firing from the hip and suggesting a framework.

That said, there ARE areas of valid critiques--as a DL, one of mine is the large focus on regression/babyhood alongside incontinence suggestions. I understand why--there's a large overlap between incontinence and regression, so pairing the two is natural. However, there's a much more constructive way to do it than this original post. Please, if you wish to continue this discussion, look through what already exists, and think through your thoughts, before posting more feedback.
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