Working on a New Bladder Incontinence Program

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Working on a New Bladder Incontinence Program

Postby tfunker » October 10th, 2021, 1:24 pm

So i have decided to take the time to learn as much as i can about subliminals after trying a bunch of different methods i have made two different files using the Baby Bladder Therapy File and Baby Steps file and have converted one to a range of 15,000hz using a plugin designed for audacity for specifically this that copies a patent for deep Silent subliminals basically this file sounds like a constant ringing. The second file i have taken the first file in FlStudios this time tweaked up the audio sped up the audio for both Baby Bladder Therapy and Baby Steps layered them over the other file and changed the pitch. I have tried this method in the past to attack my Bladder and it was doing so good it scared me off now I'm going back to try again to see if i can fully loose my bladder control because i know if i stuck too it the first time it would of had permanent Results. I'm now three days in on my second attempt and can feel the effects on my bladder. I will keep working with this method and document it here and post my results bellow i think i can cut down the time for the 12 month Incontinence program and beable to get it down too 2months with enough study and research.
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Re: Working on a New Bladder Incontinence Program

Postby warpmymknd » October 10th, 2021, 2:38 pm

Would you mind sharing or selling it?
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Re: Working on a New Bladder Incontinence Program

Postby 5HA99Y » October 11th, 2021, 12:51 am

I would love to try it out myself and if you need a tester you can use me @tfunker
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Re: Working on a New Bladder Incontinence Program

Postby stan » October 11th, 2021, 6:28 am

As I said in an earlier thread by tfunker I suspect the secret of the subliminal technique he is using is that .. he believes and expects it to work.

If you are a good hypnotic subject I don't believe that you need subliminals.
if you are a good hypnotic subject I think subliminals work in two ways:

1) you find them used in hypnosis audio. you associate that with being hypnotised and it self-reinforces
2) you know what the subliminal is intended to do. you believe it works. you spend time thinking about it working. you let it work.

Having done a quick google on "silent subliminal" and audacity I suggest that you get the subliminal plugin for audacity and give it a try yourself.

Audacity can be downloaded at

This page explains how to install a Nyquist plugin. ... aller.html

The subliminal plug-in is below. Save the text as "subliminal.ny" then install and enable it. If the OP is using something else maybe he can post it here for us.

Code: Select all
;nyquist plug-in
;version 1
;type process
;name "Subliminal..."
;action "Subliminal..."
;control carrier "Carrier" real "Hz" 17500 14000 20000

(setf *nyquist-srate* (/ *sound-srate* 2.0))

(setf carrier (max 14000 (min carrier (- *nyquist-srate* 3000))))

;; We have two Nyquist frequencies, carrier/2 and *sound-srate*/2.
;; The CUTOFF is the maximum allowed frequency in the modulator.
;; It must not be greater than carrier/2, but also not greater than
;; the difference between the carrier and *sound-srate*/2, because
;; otherwise the modulated carrier aliases.

(setf cutoff (min (/ carrier 2.0) (- *nyquist-srate* carrier)))

(defun cut (function sound frequency)
(dotimes (ignore 10 sound)
(setf sound (funcall function sound frequency))))

(defun subliminal (sound)
(let ((result (mult 2 (cut #'lowpass8 (hp sound 80) cutoff)
(hzosc carrier))))
(cut #'highpass8 result carrier)))

(if (< *sound-srate* 44100)
;; (princ "The track sample frequency must be minimum 44100Hz.")
(princ "Die Samplefrequenz der Tonspur muss mindestens 44100Hz sein.")
(multichan-expand #'subliminal s))[/m]

(if (arrayp s)
(vector (modulator (aref s 0) f) (modulator (aref s 1) f))
(modulator s f))
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Re: Working on a New Bladder Incontinence Program

Postby tfunker » October 11th, 2021, 10:17 pm

I have been working with the plugin above it does wonders also my mind has been fighting it but i have been listening on and off religiously and am layering silent subliminals in a new technique that i don't think has been done or hasn't on this site so i will post one of the files soon.
Basically layering the Subliminal files made with the plugin about with a regular file thats sped up then lowered but want to do some more work in fl studios first with balancing the speakers to help induce trnace easier.
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Re: Working on a New Bladder Incontinence Program

Postby 5HA99Y » November 1st, 2021, 10:43 am

Any progress tfunker would seriously love to try this file out that you are working on
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Re: Working on a New Bladder Incontinence Program

Postby tfunker » February 11th, 2022, 12:05 am

I'm still working on studying a new method, trying to focus more on frequencies and Brain Waves. Just taking abit of time because it is a steep learning Curb and allot to learn and figure out.
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Re: Working on a New Bladder Incontinence Program

Postby 5HA99Y » March 12th, 2022, 5:40 pm

Re: Working on a New Bladder Incontinence Program
Post by tfunker » 11 Feb 2022 06:05

I'm still working on studying a new method, trying to focus more on frequencies and Brain Waves. Just taking abit of time because it is a steep learning Curb and allot to learn and figure out.

any update on it and do you need a tester for it? willing to be a tester
Posts: 218
Joined: January 16th, 2009, 1:00 am

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