Moderator: EMG
;nyquist plug-in
;version 1
;type process
;name "Subliminal..."
;action "Subliminal..."
;control carrier "Carrier" real "Hz" 17500 14000 20000
(setf *nyquist-srate* (/ *sound-srate* 2.0))
(setf carrier (max 14000 (min carrier (- *nyquist-srate* 3000))))
;; We have two Nyquist frequencies, carrier/2 and *sound-srate*/2.
;; The CUTOFF is the maximum allowed frequency in the modulator.
;; It must not be greater than carrier/2, but also not greater than
;; the difference between the carrier and *sound-srate*/2, because
;; otherwise the modulated carrier aliases.
(setf cutoff (min (/ carrier 2.0) (- *nyquist-srate* carrier)))
(defun cut (function sound frequency)
(dotimes (ignore 10 sound)
(setf sound (funcall function sound frequency))))
(defun subliminal (sound)
(let ((result (mult 2 (cut #'lowpass8 (hp sound 80) cutoff)
(hzosc carrier))))
(cut #'highpass8 result carrier)))
(if (< *sound-srate* 44100)
;; (princ "The track sample frequency must be minimum 44100Hz.")
(princ "Die Samplefrequenz der Tonspur muss mindestens 44100Hz sein.")
(multichan-expand #'subliminal s))[/m]
(if (arrayp s)
(vector (modulator (aref s 0) f) (modulator (aref s 1) f))
(modulator s f))
Re: Working on a New Bladder Incontinence Program
Post by tfunker » 11 Feb 2022 06:05
I'm still working on studying a new method, trying to focus more on frequencies and Brain Waves. Just taking abit of time because it is a steep learning Curb and allot to learn and figure out.
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