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PostPosted: November 9th, 2013, 6:17 am
by nappywetter
This is a good site but I do wonder if we're all too lazy, and I do not except myself, about providing feedback and keeping authors informed of how their files are working or offering a score for them. I wonder if we could have a better community if we all made a resolution to try to offer feedback for each file we download in future? What do other people think?

Happy wetting to all.

PostPosted: November 9th, 2013, 10:32 am
by wohermiston
as an author, yes, comments and ratings are welcome. I like to think each file I do is better than the last. Download history doesn't show that to be true.
My first file has the highest rating and I also find, for me at least, that the rating and number of votes drives the downloads. could be a coincidence. Also, you don't have a feel for success until a file goes free. And that takes 6 months.
so yes comments are welcome. I have noticed our section is a bit underactive lately. Not sure why that is.

PostPosted: November 9th, 2013, 4:37 pm
by Tangy
wohermiston wrote:as an author, yes, comments and ratings are welcome. I like to think each file I do is better than the last. Download history doesn't show that to be true.
My first file has the highest rating and I also find, for me at least, that the rating and number of votes drives the downloads. could be a coincidence. Also, you don't have a feel for success until a file goes free. And that takes 6 months.
so yes comments are welcome. I have noticed our section is a bit underactive lately. Not sure why that is.

If we made it mandatory it would make people just ignore or request people are shy on this site :oops: real shy about feedback :oops:

PostPosted: November 10th, 2013, 12:16 pm
by nappywetter

If we made it mandatory it would make people just ignore or request people are shy on this site :oops: real shy about feedback :oops:

I wasn't suggesting it should be mandatory but that we should all try to do it - after all there is no reason to be shy; we are all anonymous on here.

PostPosted: November 17th, 2013, 11:29 am
by Tangy
nappywetter wrote:

If we made it mandatory it would make people just ignore or request people are shy on this site :oops: real shy about feedback :oops:

I wasn't suggesting it should be mandatory but that we should all try to do it - after all there is no reason to be shy; we are all anonymous on here.

people are just that way subcongous shyness. streams back to childhood do not talk to strangers tat sort of thing,

PostPosted: November 25th, 2013, 12:59 pm
by davelowe1977
Can it not be beyond the wit of man to put subliminal suggestions in hypnosis files?! 'Must give feedback'...

PostPosted: November 25th, 2013, 2:17 pm
by Siren
Putting the suggestion in there is all well and good, but as tangy said... There is a strong societal conditioning to never tell a stranger certain things. So the mind may listen to the suggestion, but the conditioning will override it.

Not just that.. Honestly.. People here are really shy and they either don't have anything to say on the file or they say it in pm rather than on the forums or in comments.

Guilty as charged

PostPosted: December 3rd, 2013, 2:30 pm
by PeeMind
I had a great afternoon in the garden listening to files off my MP3. Some of them very good and me very wet! But I know that for only one of those files have I come back here and added a comment.

It's not a question of shyness; of all lifes sins the worst is not peeing oneself: It's just a question of time.