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What is effective for you?

PostPosted: February 21st, 2014, 11:36 pm
by Hyp-know-fetish
Good day/night/whatever, long time no see. I've been off for a while now, doing my own thing, etc... haven't been back to this site in a while! Anyway, I'm back because I'm a bit out of my league and had a few questions for people into this sort of thing.

You see, I'm writing up some scripts for a customization of a hypnosis program I've had for a while, uploaded by someone at the Collective. Anyway, a friend of mine was interested in this program and my writing; he thinks I write very well, and would like me to do a custom job. However, the job in question relates to regression, incont, etc. and while I'm into a lot of various hypno fetishes, this isn't one of them. I went ahead and got a temp premium here so I could download scripts and read them so I could get a feel for what kind of techniques are used for this kind of thing, and... well, the styles are very varied. So, I thought I'd post and ask you guys, people who've been successfully regressed or made in need of your diapers, what worked best for you while (un)training, which files where the most effective and why. It'd be rather helpful in writing this script - I'm very good at writing what I know, and I don't know this well. Since this person is such a good friend of mine, I want to make sure to get it done right.



PostPosted: February 22nd, 2014, 9:32 am
by kgb33
The files that have worked best for me are the mind master series. Misty because of two things. First they make sure to mention over and over how pleasurable the effects of the file will be. Second they have sugjestions that make the file addicting and plesureable to listen to.

PostPosted: February 22nd, 2014, 9:38 am
by wohermiston
Do you plan to upload a copy of your work here?
I would say that production is very important. don't cut and paste things together because you can always hear the "seams"/ alot of tists here do that and the quality of voicing changes each time. so be sure that once you have a complete script, you read it all the way through in one session.
use auto level controls on your recorder and in post production compress the voice track and roll the highs off. This helps to smooth the voice out nicely.
You need yourclient to tell you what "tone" of direction he wants. I like passive comforting approaches, others, apparently like a more forceful or demanding tone. I like stories and imaging. Hope that helps. WOH

PostPosted: February 22nd, 2014, 10:05 pm
by Hyp-know-fetish
wohermiston wrote:Do you plan to upload a copy of your work here?
I would say that production is very important. don't cut and paste things together because you can always hear the "seams"/ alot of tists here do that and the quality of voicing changes each time. so be sure that once you have a complete script, you read it all the way through in one session.
use auto level controls on your recorder and in post production compress the voice track and roll the highs off. This helps to smooth the voice out nicely.
You need yourclient to tell you what "tone" of direction he wants. I like passive comforting approaches, others, apparently like a more forceful or demanding tone. I like stories and imaging. Hope that helps. WOH

Hello! Well, the script certainly could be translated into an audio file, but that's actually not what I'm making. This program displays a spiral, plays a background audio file like a binaural or whatever, and displays text in the screen one block at a time from a script that you specify. It's a bare-bones, simple program which was written by somebody else in Python, which I'm not crazy about, but it certainly gets the job done. However, the comment about cut-n-pasting still applies, naturally, because even with a text script, a radically shifting tone can be jarring. I prefer not to do that. While I take inspiration from pre-existing scripts, I do write them myself.

So far, it seems the opinion is in favor of calm, reassuring tones instead of a more dominant one, which makes sense given the context of the effect. As for whether I'll upload a copy of the finished result; well, I'm not sure. It would be rather derivative of other works, and I'd need to post the entire program up basically since I've gone in and modified the (somewhat poorly written) code to the version I downloaded, so it'd be a major pain. On top of that, the fact that there's no audio may turn off a lot of people. Dunno. If there's actual demand for it, I guess I can, when I get it done (I'm down with the flu, not a lot of writing going on this moment.)


PostPosted: February 23rd, 2014, 5:53 am
by Exrandu
Would definitely be interested in seeing your results when you finish, I am very interested in experiencing more hypnosis of the type you're describing (spiral and text) but the ageplay/regression choices in that field are limited to say the very least.

As for what works best? I'm not sure if I can pick out a common thread among the files that have worked best for me. Perhaps that is partially because I do not remember the files that have worked very very well! I think a key element is making the subject want whatever you're trying to induce them, and enhancing that desire.