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What are you looking for?

PostPosted: January 13th, 2015, 9:32 pm
by ocntrl
Hi all,

It's been a while since I visited the site and these forums
and somehow the time is right to post again.

So, given the fact I have no understanding of the appeal
for Diapers and Incontinence myself
I am wondering if you could get me started
to understand what you are looking for in a file.

So, drop me any and all of your desires
regarding Diapers and Incontinence
as a starting point for some new files.


PostPosted: January 16th, 2015, 8:44 am
by wohermiston
This is so difficult because of the interplay between conscious and unconscous aspects of control. And there are certain evolutionary aspects that I beleive are very hard to overcome. Ideally, what many desire is a neurogenic bladder, one that fills and empties all on it's own with no input from the brain. that is what you are initially born with. But I am doubtful that hypnosis can restore that function. I do think, that over time, you can change the behaviour of the consicous mind to "allow" a kind of auto like behaviour. I use Erickson techniques to attempt that. What I do not like are the attempts to cut off all toilet use, I don't think that is helpful.
Remember, the bladder generates a "full" signal, the unconscious mind blocks it from letting you pee on the spot, and the conscious mind and unconsious mind need to work to gether to let you pee. Ask anyone with shy bladder about how those 2 parts of the mind struggle with each other.
So, for me it would be remove all aspects of shy bladder and to restore a neurogenic type of bladder behaviour. all done in a nice convinsing mannor without any of the evil nonsense. There's something to get you started. you can listen to my last file to get an idea of how I approach this. my bladder control lesson. WOH

PostPosted: January 21st, 2015, 5:40 am
by zzzzz
To me it is not so much about being incontinent, but more like being a baby again, the feeling of a diaper, feeling like a little one, behaving like that, being treated like one...


PostPosted: January 21st, 2015, 6:34 am
by diapered11111
The strongest incontinence file would be brilliant :P ...poops and all