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Safe bedwetting

PostPosted: June 19th, 2015, 11:42 pm
by rajajaja87
love the idea of bedwetting. Just wish their was a way to only wet when safe, like sleeping at home alone. im too afraid to wet all the time

PostPosted: June 20th, 2015, 3:53 pm
by wohermiston
While I know some folks have reported results in restoring bed wetting. I am one that doubts that this is possible. Maybe if you were a bedwetter, thus making it a genetic issue, hypnosis may help to bring it back, but for most folks, your genetic make-up will keep you dry. I have said many times, if you take a child to a doctor for bedwetting, and nothing medical is wrong, the doctor will amost always, say, give him time and he will have dry nites. It is the development of the Pontine region of the brain mostly. And nothing can control that. Not sure if that gives you any comfort to try some files or not, but don't be dissapointed when it does not happen for you. My advice, instead, simply wear a quality diaper to bed and when you awake to pee, as most of us do, get into a good position and pee. then go back to bed and awake in a wet diaper. That alone is a wonderful experience that almost never gets old. We all want what you want, but I don't see anyone shouting that a file has been made that can do it.

PostPosted: June 26th, 2015, 4:07 am
by rajajaja87
thamks for the advice :D