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Anyone else using iOS app “crinkles”?

PostPosted: March 29th, 2021, 9:04 am
by canada
Tracks your diaper supply and when you change.
I do wish it would track whether you changed a wet or messy diaper.
It also provides graphs on how long each diaper was worn and changes/length by day.
Pretty good overall.
And it keeps track of your cabinet.

Re: Anyone else using iOS app “crinkles”?

PostPosted: July 30th, 2021, 2:33 am
by TokioTom
Sure I do! This is the app I've always waited for... it is so lovely to track all your changes and keep an eye on your stock of diapers... especially as I am wearing 24/7 this helps a lot!

Re: Anyone else using iOS app “crinkles”?

PostPosted: October 31st, 2021, 9:59 pm
by little-bri
have they expanded this to Android yet?