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Is DPF still selling there hypnotic magis tape?

PostPosted: May 6th, 2006, 1:54 pm
by rustyrivers

I wanted to order something on the DPF site but I don't get any reply.
Does someone have experience with that site?



Re: Is DPF still selling there hypnotic magis tape?

PostPosted: May 7th, 2006, 10:40 am
by mp
rustyrivers wrote:Hi,

I wanted to order something on the DPF site but I don't get any reply.
Does someone have experience with that site?



i ordered some tapes from there site a some tome ago, but no problems, the are slow in responding, just give it a try

PostPosted: May 7th, 2006, 3:06 pm
by rustyrivers
Thank for your reply MP,

Are the tapes worth it? And are they cassette tapes oe cd's?

Maybe my problem lies in the fact I live in europ???
I'll try again I think.


Last night I peed in my bed for the first time. It gives me mixed feelings and certainly brings me back to long childhood memories.

Hope to hear from you,



PostPosted: May 20th, 2006, 12:06 am
by ARWolf
I acquired an MP3 of the DPF magic tape a while back, and ultimately wound up deleting it. I consider this tape to be dangerous because it has no well-defined trigger for its results. Basically, it just says "Whenever you are in a safe place. . ."

Well, the problem there is that a vague trigger like this can result in the effects activating at an inopportune time. Since we do not control what our unconcious mind thinks, the effects could easily activate in your sleep, even if you are staying in a hotel room or other inappropriate location. For many of us, our greatest fear is being found out. It is far safer to go with the "Listen to the file each session" method or some other self-trigger. Basically, if you want the effects to be your escape and not your curse, stick to the one listen per session method.