Some Questions & A Poll

For discussions relating to Diapers, Incontinence, Adult Babies, etc.

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Some Questions & A Poll

Postby Undisclosed » July 17th, 2006, 7:10 pm

I've been reading this forum and it has intrigued me. Personally, I used to bedwet as a child, and as a result I have a strange unconsious attraction to diapers. At the same time, I have developed meditation techniques and the willpower to completely remove the attraction if I choose, but for now it remains. Still, I have some questions for you all.

I have analysed the situation in practical terms, and I see little benefit. It appears to me that you will only save a few minutes per day. You don't save time putting it on and off, because you would do the same for underwear anyways. The only time you would save is the 5 minutes or so per day spent in the bathroom. However, you will also have the added time cost of disposing of them. On average I'd estimate you'd save 3.5 minutes per day. Considering the cost of about $500 per year, assuming $50 for 72 and you change it before and after going to bed, you're spending $23.50 per hour you save. Not to mention the environmental damage, the added (fairly minor) health risks and the social issues. At the same time, if there is a sexual attraction, as there is in my case, it may be possible for that to compensate for the value. Then again, masturbation is free, so I don't see how you can argue this angle. All in all, this is not a good value, so there is no logical purpose for the whole diaper thing.

Another thing I've noticed is a consistent association of diapers with stress relief. Assuming there is no other medical factors at work, which often require the use of diapers regardless of personal taste, I find the validity of any such association to be highly suspect. Namely, I find it highly unlikely that the added efforts of disposal, proper skin care, concern about leakage, concern about social problems and the significant cost of diapers would ever help to relieve stress. If anything, the stress relief is a misinterpretation of something else. This could be the pleasure, and hence relaxation, gained from satisfying a compulsion or obsession. OCD people are clear indication of how powerful this can be. Again, it could be the pleasure from satisfying a fetish, the mindless submission to the body or "living on the edge" of normalicy. Overall, There are many emotional and irrational effects that can explain the apparent stress relief, but on a purely logical basis I see no way for there to be any real stress reduction.

Rather, I believe the diaper issue to be simply one of indulgence of an irrational desire, and I cannot deny the potency of my desires, be they rational or not. This, of course, raises the question of how such desires were established. In my case, I know for a fact it was due to my experances wearing diapers in my early teens, on account of bedwetting. I have to wonder if this is the same for other people with this strange attraction, and hence this poll.

I also strongly believe that this desire ties into my problem of a shy bladder. If one were able to relieve one's self at any time, instead of only under certain particular circumstances, the shy bladder would be eliminated. I can see some merit of using diapers if its able to solve this issue. Any feedback in the regard would help.

In closing, if you would please take the time to answer this poll, and perhaps supply some of your own opinions and thought, it would be greatly appreciated.

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Joined: July 17th, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby Jacara » July 17th, 2006, 9:07 pm

I doubt anyone who's into diapers is really thinking of the time saved (if any), it's just that it's exciting for them in some way.
I never understood the whole incontinence thing myself. I have a "shy bladder" too, but to me that's also a subconscious issue that hypnosis should be able to deal with. I'd rather make it so that I can use the restroom easier, than have to compensate for that problem with a diaper :P
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Postby Undisclosed » July 17th, 2006, 10:59 pm

What I meant by the shy bladder thing was that if you were comfortable wetting yourself at any time (diaper or not), which many of the MP3s here promote, then using a urinal with other people should be a non-issue. Not that you would wear diapers to avoid the situation, just use them to get comfortable with urinating around other people (in your diaper that is). I figure if you can do that, then a urinal will be a piece of cake!

Gosh, all this diaper talk is getting me seriously hard. This is so ridiculous. :lol:
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Re: Some Questions & A Poll

Postby Luperci » August 2nd, 2006, 3:07 pm

[quite]"Rather, I believe the diaper issue to be simply one of indulgence of an irrational desire" [/quote]

For some, diapers are not an indulgence of an irrational desire, more they are an expression of something inside of us, perhaps from childhood, perhaps not. To categorise everyone into one box may be a way of simplifying a situation for brevities sake, however it is usually not the best alternative.

For me diapers are a means to an end that my GF and I have worked out and will be working on in the near future.
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Postby Undisclosed » August 3rd, 2006, 2:42 am

Well, knowing my father and his phobias, irrationality is usually something from deep inside us being expressed, lol.
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Postby Luperci » August 3rd, 2006, 8:54 am

I agree that irrationality is usually steming from something deep inside of us and has found a less than ideal way of being expressed, the fact of the matter reamins. When we generalise and try and force everything in a given situation to fit into a given box, we invariably end up not taking something into account. It is far better IMHO to state something along the lines of mostpeople in a given situation.....
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Postby Undisclosed » August 4th, 2006, 4:42 am

I don't see this fact that remains. I just re-express that thing. Works well enough.
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Postby winstin » August 7th, 2006, 6:01 pm

I was a wetter as a child and then fine after the age of 7 or 8...But the last few years I found them to be incredibly erotic, and nothing beats the feeling fo a large fluffy diaper. I wear them more for the erotic feeling than anything, and being able to walk around with wet huggies is an added plus. The files here have been a tremendous blessing as now I need them everyday and night.

Just my opinion, but I wish I never outgrew the bedwetting now - I look back at it as 15 lost years that I am trying to make up for now.
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Postby Undisclosed » August 7th, 2006, 8:27 pm

To comment on the poll results so far:

I've looked at various statistics, and the general agreement is that for childrem 5 and up 15% wet the bed, declining by 15% per year thereafter. Noting that most of the respondants here, and people I've read in other threads, state that they wet the bed until 9 years or later on average, we see this group represents about 8% of the population. Looking at the poll, we see that about 4 times that number.

Now you can draw two conclusions from this. First, the bedwetting and associated diaper wearing, stress and anxiety at such a yound age makes a strong impact on the individual's mind, which is later expressed as a desire to continue to wear diapers. This may be true, but it doesn't mitigate the fact that it seems the majority of diaper wearers were never betwetters. Thus, you have the second conclusion that diapers simply are very comfortable, exciting and fun to wear, such that most people with an open mind would enjoy them. Of course, this is do doubt compounded with other psycological factors too, such as submissiveness, anxiety, etc... I have illustrated in detail these relationships in other posts.

All in all, I think it's safe to say that diapers are genuinely comfortable and interesting regardless of external psycological factors. I myself sometimes think of them as comfortable seating that goes with you everywhere. However, it's seems fairly certain to me that these external factors are required for diaper wearing to change from something nice to something needed and craved.
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Postby phins » September 13th, 2006, 11:58 pm

That is a very comprehensive analysis of dl/ab fetishism, albeit a flawed one. I considered fleshing out all the inaccurate generalizations of your argument (for example the fact that most diaper lovers I'm familiar with didn't have a bedwetting problem, and I myself was potty trained early), and even pointing out the inane unfairness in assuming that the enjoyment of voluntarily wearing diapers is any more irrational than any other sexual desire (I mean, what's rational about anal sex? I hope I don't have to discuss its utter lack of value to procreation). However, I have decided instead to lend you one of my favorite movie dialogues from Star Trek IV:

Spock: "To hunt a species to extinction is...illogical."

Dr. Gillian Taylor: "Who ever said the human race was logical?"
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Postby Alikava » October 1st, 2006, 2:20 pm

I wasnever diapered for my bedwetting, I had to deal with wet sheets and so I learned to stop. I have recently found that my affinty to diapers is due to some problems I had when I was in foster care. The meories are so bad my mind blocked them out so total I had to be told I was adopted by my parents. Needless to say I found that I regress to try and recapture a childhood I lost.
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