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These files... they just don't work! Please give me your opi

PostPosted: June 30th, 2007, 12:13 pm
by wetmick
I dont know what all the fuss is about, or why people are scared of these files, they just dont work. Ive dabbled with most of the (incontnence) files on this site and had no effect. For the last 18 months (or there abouts) ive been listening to CurseDiaperHumilliation and CurseBedwetting EVERY night before bed, ive even tried listening to them after drinking 4 pints of beer and I've not had so much as a single drip or dribble of pee leave my body. I have a true desire to wake up wet but that makes no difference what so ever. In my opinion all this hypnosis business is a load of nonsense and I belive that all you "wanna be" hypnotists out there should get a new hobby as in my opinion, hypnosis is for Hollywood. However; should anyone ever actualy be able to prize my "super-human" bladder muscles open then they would deserve to be called a hypnotist, unfortunatly unless someone invents a pill that sends you to sleep and "numbs" the bladder muscles so they just open, most of us (im guessing im not the only one) will still wake up dry, with a bladder the size of a football.

If you have an opinion on this matter I would appreciate reading it so please do not hesitate to reply.

All I want to do is wake up in a puddle of my own pee, is that too much to ask?

PostPosted: June 30th, 2007, 12:26 pm
by Diapered_Cherub
I've not had any success with any files either. Neither has Maineboy, who took a 1 month dare to listen to diaper files everyday for a month. However, although I've not had any success I do find the files very entertaining to listen to,,, sorta like a favorite music track on a CD.

PostPosted: June 30th, 2007, 1:21 pm
by trancemedeep11
I'm guessing the issue with the wetting files is that we did gain control of our bladder even while hunter gatherer's. Peeing at night would be a evolutionary disadvantage because enemies would be able to find you while sleeping. This may very well be something hard-coded in some people's DNA.

Maybe you should try itchy foot and such to see if anything would work for you.

PostPosted: June 30th, 2007, 4:04 pm
by liljonny
I have found I can wet at night when diapered, but not when not diapered. It may have something to do with training not to wet the bed by my parents.

PostPosted: June 30th, 2007, 9:47 pm
by babyjoe40
I have been wearing diapers 24/7 for a little over four years. I started using curse penis shrink, curse thumb sucker, train bladder incontinent and a couple of others every night. I wanted to become totally incontinent in my bladder and my bowels. It took me a long time, but I became bladder incontinent after about 16 to 18 months. I then started using diapers only to get over the embaressment of wearing diapers and diapers control you to make myself bowel incontinent also. It has finally happened. I now wake up every morning with a dirty as well as a soaking wet diaper almost every morning. My penis has shunk down to almost nothing and I suck my thumb or a pacifier every night when I go to bed,so don't tell me the files don't work. If you use them long enough they will. It took me a long time, but I finally got what I wanted, to be completely incontinent and in diapers for the rest of my life.

PostPosted: June 30th, 2007, 10:39 pm
by trancemedeep11
well also think about how long it took to be toilet trained.... your parents did not do that in a matter of weeks, although that does not explain why some people had very quick results, I guess some are just more suseptable to it than you, unluckily for you. :(

PostPosted: July 1st, 2007, 4:48 am
by mp
do you know how hypnosis work, Every file you use will have some impact to your behavior, I use hypnosis for more than 4 years, without any difference.(i thought) but finally i found out that they did to. My first file i used i had some visions, that now works. It will happened in a way you want to, Not the things your mind would like you to do. I be 24/7 incontinent now

Have patience, make a plan what you would like to change, and write it down, until its stuck in your mind, than use files you would like to use

PostPosted: July 6th, 2007, 9:27 am
by Gaara
another take on this Wet is that you just arent that subseptabel to hypnosis. Some people it takes only a few times otheres more and some never.

It also helps if you really want the file to work or not. If your listening to it with doubts i can guarentee nothing will probably happen. But if you keep a more open mind. A TRUELY OPEN MIND then i bet to some degree something will happen.

PostPosted: September 22nd, 2007, 3:15 am
by wetmick
Just a thought realy about the terminology used in the current hypnosis files. So far the hypnosis has had no effect on me, I'm starting to think this is because of how the file is presented to me, currently when you listen to a file the hypnotist is telling the "subject" to do something, which just simply isn't going to work... people don't like being told what to do... however instead of the hypnotist saying "You will not wake up, you will just simply wet the bed..." a {theoreticaly} better approach would be for the hypnotist to say "I will not wake up, I will just simply wet the bed..." Surely having the word "I" lodged in the brain is better than "You"... I'm no expert... but I think this technique would work far more effectivly... also a soft yet strong female voice (like in the "ToiletSlave" file) would also make the "subject" feel more relaxed.

Thanks for your oppinions

PostPosted: April 21st, 2008, 2:36 pm
by wetmick
Thanks for your oppinions

Different approach

PostPosted: May 17th, 2008, 9:10 pm
by cute_n_cuddly
You are right about a lot of the hypnotists here using a dominating hypnosis technique. Some people especially in the DSM community like this and respond to it well but I only seem to moderately respond to it but after listening to LadyRio's Female Orgasm I was impressed. I did a little more research and it seems as though most critical and non-submissive people will respond best to imagery and gentle guidance. I tried this by making my own file (now posted) and it seemed to help a lot. It may also help that by making the file myself there is no trust issues and an already clear idea of my goals. I am hoping for some feedback on my file so I will know how well it works for others. It may also be helpful to aim a little lower like training yourself to lose bladder control when awake and wearing and then when your mind is used to that, moving on to wetting at night. Like all things hypnosis is about learning. You have to learn and practice a bit before it is automatic unless you are one of the rare hyper-suggestible people

PostPosted: March 27th, 2011, 4:19 pm
by bebenina
I tried a couple of files off and on and had a little success with one but my body immediatly went to repairing the damage done. For one I can not get myself deep enough to let my sub concience to work. I get to the point of deep relaxation and have to take a fast deep breath and let it out which takes me out of the trance every time. Also with me on a heart medication to decrease my testostorone, my heart will race faster when the suggestions start and take me out of the trance. It takes a lot to take me under to the point that my subconcience comes out. It is even hard to sleep a full night as my will is so strong that I wake up through the night. I wish that I can find a file that can realy take me under because none of these work.

PostPosted: March 27th, 2011, 8:58 pm
by radar
These files will have varying effects on people. The conscious mind will say "I want to do this or I want to be that." but unfortunately the subconcious mind is the gatekeeper. In a lot of cases it will laugh at you and say "You've got to be kidding - I'm not doing that..". The key thing with these files is to find a hypnotist or script that can apply a technique that can get past your internal gatekeeper. Sometimes it will be through repetition, sometimes through logic and sometimes through a decoy or other method. In the end you can't always get what you want - Your subconscious will decide what you need.

PostPosted: March 28th, 2011, 6:16 pm
by bebenina
As I said in a chat session. I am also bilingual with Spanish as my second language. My subconcience will automatically shift over to the Spanish side as soon as it senses that it is going under a trance. It is just like I am listening to a foriegn language at that point. The only way to take me under would be to do the session both in English and Spanish at the same time to trick my mind to accept the trance. Otherwise, it is virtually impossible to take me under.

PostPosted: April 5th, 2011, 10:02 am
by LilJennie
There are, from what I can tell, very few people who actually can't be hypnotized. It depends on the hypnotist and the technique he/she uses. In person, a hypnotist can gauge your reactions and adjust what they're doing so that it works best for you.

Here on WMM, though, we're mostly dealing with audio files, so the voice, technique, wording, background music if any, etc. are all exactly the same from one session to another. It's all about the techniques the hypnotist decided that most listeners would respond to, and whether those techniques work for you. There's no adjusting of technique to fit you; if a file starts to work better for you, it's because you're adjusting to the file, not vice versa.

It's like buying shoes online vs. going to a shoe store -- at the store they can measure your feet and try different shoes on, but online you just order by size and hope for the best. Online is cheaper, but in person you're never going to walk out of the store with shoes that don't fit you.

PostPosted: April 6th, 2011, 8:12 pm
by krisndiapers
I did a search on resistance to hypnotism, and one article I came apon said everyone can be hypnotized. It then went on to list things that would hinder people from being in trance. My biggest issue is my mind wanders wile im trying to relax and trance. I have since started clearing my mind and focused on the session more, and I feel more progress. I agree that some of the files on here could benefit from higher quality, but then I have only listened to the free files. One file I listened to I heard a train in the background while the person talking was farting every 2 minutes. Aside from the quality, its the patience and dedication of the listener that makes it happen.

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2012, 6:21 pm
by Tangy
bebenina wrote:As I said in a chat session. I am also bilingual with Spanish as my second language. My subconcience will automatically shift over to the Spanish side as soon as it senses that it is going under a trance. It is just like I am listening to a foriegn language at that point. The only way to take me under would be to do the session both in English and Spanish at the same time to trick my mind to accept the trance. Otherwise, it is virtually impossible to take me under.

What Volume are you listing to your files/ And are you listing with head phones/ try setting on the toilet wearing your diapers while peeing every-time you have to pee Do not take off your diapers and wet in the diaper while setting on the toilet, Potty training in Reverse.

Love Tangy

Moving Forward fresh ideals :?: :idea: :arrow:

Re: These files... they just don't work! Please give me your

PostPosted: February 22nd, 2012, 3:22 pm
by Tangy
wetmick wrote:I dont know what all the fuss is about, or why people are scared of these files, they just dont work. Ive dabbled with most of the (incontnence) files on this site and had no effect. For the last 18 months (or there abouts) ive been listening to CurseDiaperHumilliation and CurseBedwetting EVERY night before bed, ive even tried listening to them after drinking 4 pints of beer and I've not had so much as a single drip or dribble of pee leave my body. I have a true desire to wake up wet but that makes no difference what so ever. In my opinion all this hypnosis business is a load of nonsense and I belive that all you "wanna be" hypnotists out there should get a new hobby as in my opinion, hypnosis is for Hollywood. However; should anyone ever actualy be able to prize my "super-human" bladder muscles open then they would deserve to be called a hypnotist, unfortunatly unless someone invents a pill that sends you to sleep and "numbs" the bladder muscles so they just open, most of us (im guessing im not the only one) will still wake up dry, with a bladder the size of a football.

If you have an opinion on this matter I would appreciate reading it so please do not hesitate to reply.

Here try this file and please give me feedback good r bad please do.

• Name: I Need to Pee Now!
Description: I need to pee now you will pee you Pants, Diapers, Your bed, You will pee Head phones Are Recommended Please Give me Feedback in the Comment Column And Vote, Love to hear Success Story's Any Permanent Straight Men, Straight Women, Gay Men, Gay Women, Transgender TG Men, Transgender TG Women,
Author: Tangy ? Added On: 2012-01-04 Downloaded: 97 Length: 11:11
Effect: Permanent
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 1.4286 Total Votes: 7
Permanent Link: I Need to Pee Now! Favorite: Mark Favorite

All I want to do is wake up in a puddle of my own pee, is that too much to ask?

PostPosted: February 26th, 2012, 3:10 pm
by sarnoga
bebenina wrote:I tried a couple of files off and on and had a little success with one but my body immediatly went to repairing the damage done. For one I can not get myself deep enough to let my sub concience to work. I get to the point of deep relaxation and have to take a fast deep breath and let it out which takes me out of the trance every time. Also with me on a heart medication to decrease my testostorone, my heart will race faster when the suggestions start and take me out of the trance. It takes a lot to take me under to the point that my subconcience comes out. It is even hard to sleep a full night as my will is so strong that I wake up through the night. I wish that I can find a file that can realy take me under because none of these work.

Hello bebenina,

Just curious what the heart medication is that is designed to decrease your testosterone and why a heart medication would be designed to do that. If you do not feel like answering this that is fine. I hate to be nosey but cant help being curious. If you like you can always send me a pm.



PostPosted: March 18th, 2012, 6:18 am
by wetlatex
Think my biggest mistake was expecting 2 things at once.

First, i expected to get into trance, not even knowing how, instantly.
Second i expected the hypnosis to instantly make me want to do things, some of witch i wasnt even sure i wanted.

Im not a 100% success yet, but i know im getting there.

Few days ago, i listen to a hypnosis file, and last i remembered was a count down of about 4... next thing i remember i was awake a while later, with a wet diaper. All this sitting in my chair in front of the computer, in the evening when i wasn't tired.

I have noticed that i get into trance a lot deeper and a lot quicker now days, and it might have to do with that i started to use deepners and other hypnosis files that was JUST focused on getting me into trance. Also trying different files to see witch intro affected me the most.

I feel now that i can get into trance easy, to a point were i either dont remember anything, OR im so deep that i cant feel my body, and just hear a voice. And now its time to really let the real hypnosis files kick in, and let my fantasies come true.

I say this, sitting in a very wet diaper, with some bw-clothing, with a binky in my mouth, peeing with no intent on stopping until maybe when the diapers (plural) are about to leak. This is something i know i wouldn't have done 6 months ago, but now i love it. These files have opened my mind, that much i know. Now i just want to secure my bed stays wet, every day, and some days my diaper during the day as well.

PostPosted: April 18th, 2012, 3:27 pm
by rustyrivers
Verry interesting topic. In reply to the innitiative taker i want to say the following. I believe wanting to wake up in a puddle of urine is easely achieved without hypnosis. Just do is in bed when awake and continue until your body gets the messege. That is called conditioning and its kind of self hypnosis or self training.

My Yoga teacher said " Wanting and not wanting are both wrong" " seeing through emptying the mind is the way to make your own universe"
I think he meant that desire gets in the way of our life's path. Letting go is the hardest thing. We were so proud that we stopt wetting the bed. that was a nice feeling. Now we can let that feeling go and discover new feelings in its place. Like peeing the bed in our sleep.

The most time is best invested in finding out what blocks us from getting to what we see ourself doing. when our vision is clear the goal is near.

About me?
I had one partial wetting in over five years of regular listening. Who knows maybe tonight ill get lucky. But how to explane to my wife? Will my bedroom start smelling bad? Will I find out my desire is not so great so that I desire it no more? Ahch what a loss that would be.
I am verry analityc too and still I find Hypnosis works to an extent. I can go into a pharmacy and buy diapers for my self. No shame to talk about that, thanks to hypnosis. I can wear diaper out in public and use them too with no fear or shame. The desire to do those things comes and goes. mostly it is provoked by my curiossity to listen to some recordings. I have a lot and sometimes just put het ipod on shuffle and go with the random flow.

I enjoy the exitement and doing things that are out of the ordanairy. I dont like the ordanairy that much so even I dont wet my bed, I am having my share of fun.

I gather this mindset will apeal to you as wel.

(pardon for typo's as Dutch is my native language)

have fun :)
