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PostPosted: June 1st, 2005, 4:53 pm
by whitelyco
Hi everyone!
I was curious about something. I've used some of the files and had different results, some effective some not so effective. I think my number one block is fear of being caught while entranced, and that keeps me from trying too often. I've found that online roleplay with the same kind of scenarios (hypnotised to suck a thumb, etc.) can be very reliving. Does anyone else here enjoy roleplay as well, or am I just a poor depreaved individual 8O
Thanks for your time!

PostPosted: June 2nd, 2005, 9:03 am
by aj
Not sure, never tried any type of role play.

PostPosted: June 2nd, 2005, 10:59 am
by TabbyCat
I used to, then got bored of it.

PostPosted: June 9th, 2005, 5:26 am
by Linja
Pardon my ignorance, but how does roleplay work exactly?
I've seen a few sites featuring this, and I've tried a couple of times to get it right but I found it kinda confusing.

I'd really appreciate it if somebody shed some light on what it is for me.


PostPosted: June 9th, 2005, 10:30 am
by aj
Sorry. I don't really know how it works really. Think it's just two people talking and imagining. Might want to ask someone else though.

PostPosted: December 15th, 2006, 8:22 pm
by whitelyco
More or less, its basically like two people feeding off the prior message of the other...creating a story around each other.