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MindMaster Files and Scripts

PostPosted: June 3rd, 2008, 7:18 pm
by MindMaster
I noticed there are a few babies whining about the script (text) files and the audio files themselves.

Firstly, the scripts/text files are FREE and you can download them and record them yourselves if you wish. Good luck to you.

The audio hypnosis files however have a nominal fee of $10.00 per file.

When I first uploaded the script/text files they were put in the Premium area. Since these files were meant solely to give you an opportunity to read what you were getting yourselves into, I found this rather inconvenient.

EMG was kind enough to put these files in the FREE area so you all could read exactly what you'd be getting before downloading the full audio hypnosis file(s).

I felt $10.00 was a very small, nominal amount to compensate EMG for bandwidth costs, maintaining his board, and providing these files to you. I still feel this is VERY reasonable and fair to EMG.

If you can't afford the $10.00 you shouldn't be playing with something that will make you need diapers. If you're just being cranky or whiny, then get a fresh diaper on, take your soother and climb back in your crib and stay there until you can play nice.

Now, please, cut out the whining and nonsense. Read the body of the message describing the script files and how to download them. They are still free and easily downloadable. If you can't read get Mommy or Daddy to help you. :evil:


who is a bit cranky himself tonight with this $%^* mixing software

PostPosted: June 4th, 2008, 4:58 pm
by jobabe
Well Said Big Guy !!!!!!!! :D

Re: MindMaster Files and Scripts

PostPosted: June 5th, 2008, 4:05 pm
by jornada_1255
MindMaster wrote:
Firstly, the scripts/text files are FREE and you can download them and record them yourselves if you wish. Good luck to you.

EMG was kind enough to put these files in the FREE area so you all could read exactly what you'd be getting before downloading the full audio hypnosis file(s).

Well, that's the problem here. I can download the "BladderRetraining Script" just fine, but the other two always give me the same error message (ERROR: ACCESS DENIED.) and some SQL debug messages on the screen.

Maybe a glitch in the database?

PostPosted: June 5th, 2008, 5:12 pm
by MindMaster
I have no idea what's happening. I just tried all three script files and they all opened fine for me.

Perhaps you should contact EMG, since it's his WEB site and database.

I just help babies be babies. :P


PostPosted: June 5th, 2008, 6:11 pm
by Danpixare
The reason for this, is that you must be a PREMIUM member in order to download the other two scripts. I found that outlast night actually. And after reading the script, I understand what you mean now sir. The third file is for those who want the real baby experience. And I realize now that it would be best for me to wait a bit before listening to it too ^^;; Though since I did have to pay for a month premium account to view the other two files, that would constitute it to not be free, yes? :lol: Thanks again though for the latest file though sir *bows* This little one greatly appreciates it ^_^~ Danpixare

PostPosted: June 6th, 2008, 5:50 pm
by liljonny
I believe scripts have always been premium.

PostPosted: June 6th, 2008, 6:10 pm
by Darkmind
Not always, but since pre-history basically. 8)

PostPosted: January 4th, 2012, 11:31 am
by Tangy
Darkmind wrote:Not always, but since pre-history basically. 8)

i love Masterminds Files.