i have tried many files off here but i have got into a bit of a rutine with 3 of them in particular.
1. babytime once a week for the hell of it, great success even incont when babied.
2. instantly wet almost every night b4 sleep. wet every time i listen to the file it's even helping me overcome previously "un-pee-able" positions such as lying on stomache.
file suggests rinating will fell soo good the more you listen. peeing when triggerd actually starting to feel VERY close to coming.
3. imaccept. i started this one because notmany people i see in person know about my diapers. need to listen to it more, BUT it does work, if triggerd when i don't need to go at all i feel a build up.
if triggered with urge i realese and it feels like a triggered pee (with out trigger just feels like peeing)
just thought i would let every1 know that the files do actually work and they may want to try this combonation if in a simalr situation