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split 50 50

PostPosted: January 3rd, 2009, 1:22 pm
by toriiscrazy
I like the idea of trying this. But when ever I put a diaper on the next day I feel alot of regret what should I do?


PostPosted: January 3rd, 2009, 8:55 pm
by toriiscrazy
Its split 50 50 does anybody have like things to type about why I should or shouldent?

PostPosted: January 4th, 2009, 12:30 am
by toriiscrazy
will anyone reply lol

PostPosted: January 4th, 2009, 2:06 am
by catgirlatheart
do what feels right

PostPosted: January 4th, 2009, 5:26 am
by liljonny
I think you should listen to TrainDiapers2. That should get rid of the regret.

PostPosted: January 4th, 2009, 4:45 pm
by toriiscrazy
What are the best files to just feel like needing to wear then and not feel like crap the next morning other then that.

PostPosted: January 7th, 2009, 12:33 am
by toriiscrazy
First one to 50 ill continue then lol

PostPosted: January 8th, 2009, 10:57 am
by LilJennie
It sounds as if you have some negative feelings about wanting to wear diapers, perhaps guilt feelings or some other kind. You might want to think about your feelings regarding wanting to wear diapers: do you really want to? Keep in mind that it's a harmless activity -- you're not going to give yourself cancer or get arrested for it, for example. You probably get some kind of positive feelings from diapers or you wouldn't want to use them at all -- what kind of feelings are they? Comfort? Security? Pleasure?

And ... if you get positive feelings from them, and they're harmless, and you still feel some kind of negative feelings, where are those coming from? Yourself or someone else? If it's yourself, you can work on those feelings, maybe alone or maybe with a therapist. If they're coming from someone else, maybe it might help to explain to them what you feel, and explain that their negativity is causing you anxiety.

Anyway, I am not a therapist and I'm going on very little information -- just trying to help.

PostPosted: January 8th, 2009, 3:06 pm
by MindMaster
I have to definitely agree with Little Jennie. She's is giving you good advice.

I admit I may be prejudiced since I do files that help people use their diapers and get pleasure from wearing and wetting diapers.

BUT.. I'm also a psychotherapist. First you need to decide why your wand to "try this". If it's just curiousity and you maybe want to know what it's like to wet your self in a diaper. then just do it. If it feels good and you like it and want to continue then do so.

As Jennie says you're not harming yourself or anyone. The guilt feelings probably stem from 'potty training' time. Good boy you used the potty, then baby boy you wet your pants. These childhood memories bring LOTS of guilt and baggage with them.

I assume you're over 21 and considered an adult. As such you're entitled to make your own decisions and find your own pleasures. As long as you aren't harming yourself or others then do what feels good and enjoy it.

There are files, including mine, that will help you wet like a real baby, and overcome the shame and guilt from wearing diapers and wetting your diapers, but first decide why you want to 'try this' and if you like it, whether you can afford to be in diapers financially, physically and socially.

It's not something 'most' people enjoy, and probably not something that you'd discuss having a beer with the guys, but there are tens of thousands of adults like yourself, who wear diapers and enjoy wetting them and many who are big babies and wear them because that's what babies do.

You're beating yourself up with guilt and you just need to STOP. There's enough people in life who will try to beat you up over many things, so you don't need to help.

Try it, see if it's your thing and if so then enjoy the new little pleasure you've found in your short life. Life is short and fleeting and many sorrows and few pleasures come our way through our short time, so take what you can from living and enjoy as much as you can.



in the same boat

PostPosted: March 7th, 2009, 6:53 pm
by wetmick
im in the same boat, i end up in a binge purge cycle, today i got diapers, tomorrow I probaly wont want diapers, If I force myself to wear them all, at least 1 per day, i know that when the pack is over I dont have to get another pack and that the paranoia will be over but in 8 months 12 months 2 years i might want to do it again, last time i got diapers was 14 months or so ago. ive found its much easier to go with it than against it.

PostPosted: March 8th, 2009, 5:48 am
by liljonny
LilJennie wrote:It sounds as if you have some negative feelings about wanting to wear diapers, perhaps guilt feelings or some other kind. You might want to think about your feelings regarding wanting to wear diapers: do you really want to? Keep in mind that it's a harmless activity -- you're not going to give yourself cancer or get arrested for it, for example.

Anyway, I am not a therapist and I'm going on very little information -- just trying to help.

Not arrested for it? Have you done a search for diaperman?

PostPosted: March 8th, 2009, 10:15 pm
by boomsmee
except he wasn't arrested for wearing diapers, he was arrested for taking his pants off in front of children. He would have been arrested for the exact same thing had he not been wearing a diaper.

PostPosted: March 23rd, 2009, 4:39 pm
by wetmick
quite a good article - basically a good moral -- anything is good in MODERATION