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illogical file?

PostPosted: January 16th, 2009, 11:19 pm
by joshytn
I always wanted to try what on another site called an "illogical" hypnosis file.

Kind of like a combination of boyhood /prepuberty and bedwetting curse rolled into one.

So you would be regressed to a 10-year-old, who has a bedwetting problem, and it makes him feel like he is a baby.

kind of like a 2-step file instead of just a one.

PostPosted: January 16th, 2009, 11:22 pm
by babyranger
what site is that

PostPosted: January 19th, 2009, 12:11 pm
by ARWolf
An illogical file is one that involves situations or behaviors outside what could really happen. In other words, a file that mentally regresses you to a baby and causes you to think and act like one would be logical because babies really do act that way. A file that gives you the body functioning of a baby but the mind of a 10 year old would be illogical because, outside certain medical conditions, it just doesn't happen.

The advantage is that it can allow certain fantasies to be played out. The disadvantage is that people with more logical minds will automatically reject it. Because of this, illogical files only work for a limited subset of people who otherwise can enjoy hypnosis.