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Bedwettingsession is a free file, please comment

PostPosted: February 3rd, 2009, 1:07 pm
by nancypansy
Please comment on the bedwetting file. It is in the free section now and to improve future files feedback is essential. :P

PostPosted: February 23rd, 2009, 8:25 pm
by RedBeard
I actually enjoyed your induction, but the body of the file didn't really seem to have much to it. I really didn't expect much to begin with, as no file has ever worked for me, but I still try them out.

Other than that, my main complaint is the robotic sounding voice (It sounded like someone talking through a fan). It was rather unusual, and at times disturbing.

bedwetting session

PostPosted: April 4th, 2009, 10:17 am
by pauliepp
I think you did an excellent job! I really enjoyed it. :D I encourage you to do more.

Thank you all for the feedback

PostPosted: April 29th, 2009, 4:58 am
by nancypansy
It makes me really happy to hear that the bedwetting session works.

The voice makeover is nessesary to make my base voice sound more female however I think I can do a better job on it next time.

A plan for a new file is budding in my head and with this positive feedbach I just got the push to make it blossum.

Thank again,


PostPosted: May 5th, 2009, 8:22 am
by abchipster_13
Hi nancypansy, I have listened to your file and found it very nice and comforting.

A few questions now please. what is the best way to listen. Do I need to have this on aloop? I have it taped to a hand held recorder, and play it that way. Will the effect last through the night? I am unable to put this on an MP3 player, and do not have the ability to make it on a CD yet.

Any assistance you cab offer would be great. I do so want to wet my bed in my diapers while i sleep, as well as get to the point where I can mess my diapers in my sleep as well.

I am a life long AB, and enjoy this part of my life so much. anything that will help me bring this out to be more of a baby would be nice.




PostPosted: May 10th, 2009, 9:35 am
by nancypansy
Dear Abchipster,

Loop should not be nessesery.
Be advised that i have had some comments that the file has an aftereffect. it might be a problem when you don't wear your diapers foe several nights after listening.

Messing is not an effect that you may expect from this file.

MP3 players are dead cheap now a days but a tape should give the same effect.

Being verry happy to wet or unhappy when you do not wet make it that the file takes longer to work. What you can do is picture your self in the wet bed in the morning and that you just see it as a matter of fact. Not bad not good just the fact.

Good luck,

Love Nancy

PostPosted: July 11th, 2009, 10:42 am
by aussiedl
Love the file.

Very new to this hypnotherapy concept, really want it to work but scepticism has caused hassles.
Until I tried your file.
First time very soothing, comforting, LUUV the voice!
Second time felt a bit of liquid leak out, but I was still in too much control so subconciously stopped it.
Third time dozed off at some stage, can't remember where, could only remember hearing bits 'n pieces of it. On waking in the morning, unplugged, got up, noticed a huge wet patch on the bed! Whoops!
Thanks for that, it's taken me back to when I wet the bed in my teens.
The looking for the toilet concept, toilet sounds & shore breaks really did it for me.

Look forward to trying more incontinent files from you.


Good file

PostPosted: August 13th, 2009, 9:04 am
by bedwetter74
Hi Nancypansy,

Your explanation about your bass voice explains the mechanical sound of the recording.

I like the script, however, if I might suggest, you may want to remove some extraneous noises (e.g. the toilet flushing) so I can get into YOUR hypnosis rather than being distracted by some other sounds. The wave sound is a bit loud, too, at times, so it's hard to hear what you have to say. Maybe that was intentional!

I like it, though. Keep up the good work!

New to this whole Hypo

PostPosted: February 1st, 2010, 12:29 am
by Baby_Sean
So I've just found your file and I've downloaded to itunes and plan on listening to it tonight on my ipod shuffle in which I'll have loop. Im very excited about this hypno thing. I've listen to file on here before but never yours. Im read the feedback and excited to see the results. I already have dreams about going to the bathroom and Im a pretty deep sleeper, I've even kicked my GF off the bed at night and didn't even realize it. Ooops. Anyway Im going to let you know how it works and I'll check back in and repost.

PostPosted: February 2nd, 2010, 12:47 am
by soundexcess
it seems good. as with everyone the voice is a bit off putting for me but I like the content

PostPosted: February 2nd, 2010, 4:27 pm
by synthk
I plan on trying this file but i have a question before i do, is this file intended to make you wet the bed the night you listen to the file or train you to wet the bed like eveynight or now and then ect? i cant really wet the bed eveynight for a few reason so this is something id like to know before getting into it

PostPosted: February 5th, 2010, 12:27 am
by soundexcess
It is suppost to be one time per listen from what I understand

Re: Bedwettingsession is a free file, please comment

PostPosted: January 27th, 2023, 7:31 am
by dale9994
Dear Nancy Pansy, Your recording seems to be split into two parts, and I really like the 2nd part with the younger, higher pitch femail voice with the British accent. I am interested in hearing more of this particular voice.

Re: Bedwettingsession is a free file, please comment

PostPosted: January 27th, 2023, 11:41 am
by dale9994
Nancy Pansy, please email me back for private discussion. I would like to have a custom recording made using the 2nd, younger female voice. She is soft spoken, but still firm in her direction giving. I like the sound of her voice and her accent.

Re: Bedwettingsession is a free file, please comment

PostPosted: January 27th, 2023, 11:25 pm
by davebw
Dale... You do realize that Nancy Pansy last posted here over 12 years ago, right?