I probably have way to many questions here, but no place else to go and ask.
Last night I listened to the anti-Potty training file. It began very well, and I went in to a nice trance. I slowly knew I was falling asleep. I never heard the wake up ending, and have had a strange feeling since then. Is it possible to still be in a trance. Also, how long does it take for a file like this to embed itslef?
Next question is; I am interested in sucking my thumb, but do not want to use a curse file. Are there any other files I can use either to trigger myself, or make this just a part of life without knowing it and not a curse?
I am an Ab and do enjoy suckign my thumb. I would love to be able to suck my thumb al night long, or any other times I want to.
I am also interested in male breast growth. Here again, I would rather not do a curse file and wondering if there are any files in existence to help me here?
Can Multiple files be listened to inthe same night, or do I need to spread them ot over several days?
Thank you,