Email Slave, looking for baby conficdence
Posted: July 15th, 2009, 4:28 pm
I listened to the email slave file, and it seems to be working great for me -- I've been responding great to emails with THIS IS YOUR NEW HYPNOFILE as the subject. However, one of the things that I was hoping would happen because of this is someone would give me a command that would reduce me to infancy or toddlerhood, because I am very interested in regressing, including diapers and baby clothes, but I am much to cowardly to go out and get any of these things on my own. So if anyone wants to send me a command or two making more of a baby, or giving me more confidence inexploring my babyhood, you can throw in any other twists and surprises you want as well. I'm pretty much open to anything. I'm a 19/m, and pretty good looking if that helps to encourage you at all. :) My email is