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Curse Night Diapers attempt

PostPosted: May 20th, 2010, 6:18 am
by zion_r_liengod
Hello! I've started listening to Curse Night Diapers 3 nights ago. I've had a few results already. First off, I listen once a night right before bedtime. I don't wear a diaper at all during the day. And when it comes to bedtime, it's like I get this overwhelming urge for a diaper. It's an anxious exciting feeling. The need to diaper myself. I hardly get an erections while diapered. I do get them still.

The first night, I didn't wet at all. Second night, nothing. But the third night... When I woke up, I felt myself not holding back like I usually do. I didn't wet, but I wasn't trying not to either. I have a good feeling that'll I'll be wetting the bed within the next week.

What I'm going to do with this file, I'm going to continue listening to this file throughout these 6 months. Once a night. If I begin to wet the bed, I'm going to continue listening for the whole year, and allow it to become permanent. I want to be a bed wetter, and I want to be FORCED into diapers.

However, if my body resists it, and I don't wet the bed at all for the 6 months, I'll drop the file and head in a new direction. I'll update soon!

PostPosted: May 20th, 2010, 7:44 pm
by sheetsoaker
Thanks for telling us about your plans. Let us know how it goes!

Curse nightime diapers

PostPosted: June 3rd, 2011, 12:51 pm
by hndywttr
I just started using this file. I let it play over and over all night. The second morning I noticed I could not get aroused or hard with my diaper on and the fourth morning I was standing in my kitchen with my diaper on and felt the urge to pee and it was too late I was wetting myself and this happened several more times. It's working for me and I intend to make it permenant also.